Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Written Laser Gun Sound


accelerate the healing process " repairing "tissues and cells: Regenerative Surgery.
Prof. Valerio Cervelli explains the benefits of minimally invasive treatment, "An approach that ensures the patient a rapid post-operative"

Prof. Brains, and specific purpose of regenerative surgery.
"The objective Main Regenerative Surgery, combined with medicine, is to restore function and integrity of damaged tissue and parenchyma. This approach is relatively non-invasive ", which provides the patient with a postoperative fast, using their own cells and tissues. All this reduces the psycho-physical stress, thus speeding up the healing process. "

What are the corollaries, which underlie this new method?
"The Regenerative Surgery is based on three elements: synthetic biomaterials, stem cells derived from adipose tissue (also from other tissues ed) and growth factors contained in platelets. Specifically, stem cells and platelets are removed from the same patient, using a 'self-giving.
In the case of bone tissue surgeries, such as disodontiasi, alveolar breccias, fractures and loss of substance, is used a concentration of platelets from levy of 18cc of blood then undergoes specific centrifugation, after which you will get PRP (plasma rich in platelets).

explains the gradual development recorded within the regenerative surgery?
"Phenomena such as the increase in accidents on the road and aging of the population, have fostered the development and adoption of methods able to regenerate organs and tissues, without having to replace them. In this sense, people with serious injuries who are struggling to heal from trauma survivors or road, resulting in a deficit load of hard tissues and soft tissues, they can rely on highly innovative methods. "

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Prof. Valerio Cervelli, is Director of the Chair and the School of Specialisation in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

She mentioned that the soft tissue. How to promote regeneration?

"In the case of bio-revitalization of the face and hands, it uses only local infiltration of autologous PRP, while further reducing the aging process and promote the regeneration process also improves the quality of fabric is used in combination with autologous PRP adipose tissue rich in mesenchymal stem cells. In this case, the patient underwent removal of adipose tissue through liposuction small. Subsequently, the tissue is centrifuged to obtain fatty tissue purified and added to PRP previously obtained. "

tissue repair also involves the application of platelet gel. What is?
"The platelet gel is una metodica basata sull’utilizzo di fattori di crescita, nella forma di Plasma Ricco in Piastrine, in modo da sollecitare i processi di guarigione (iniziali e tardivi) nell’ osso e nei tessuti molli. Tutto ciò, è reso possibile dal prelievo di 18cc di sangue direttamente dal paziente, con assistenza del Servizio Trasfusionale. L’impiego del solo gel piastrinico avviene nei casi di demolizione del distretto maxillo-facciale, gravi perdite di sostanza ossea, implantologia, edentulia, rialzo del seno mascellare e nelle brecce alveolari”.

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In quali casi è opportuno combinare gel piastrinico e tessuto adiposo centrifugato?

“In presence of pressure ulcers, chronic wounds, trophic ulcers and vascular lower limb, scars, Romberg Syndrome, results of burns, breast reconstruction, facial hemiatrophy and post-traumatic loss of substance. "

Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bumps On Soft Palate Of Mouth

Corrective action

Our team also specializes in the correction of residual defects from previous surgery.

Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery