LIPOSUCTION: RED LIGHT AND fat and excess fat
Dire addio a strati adiposi e grasso in eccesso: una silhouette migliore con la liposuzione, uno degli interventi di chirurgia plastica maggiormente richiesti. Dettami, indicazioni e metodiche d’intervento.
La liposuzione è una tecnica chirurgica basata sull’aspirazione del grasso sottocutaneo attraverso una cannula. Attualmente, la liposuzione rappresenta la metodica più indicata per eliminare il tessuto adiposo che attanaglia specifiche regioni corporee: cosce, glutei, fianchi, ginocchia, braccia ed addome.
Per sottoporsi a questo tipo di trattamento, occorre naturalmente aver raggiunto la maggiore età. Inoltre, è buona norma sostenere prima un check-up completo di esami.
Si tratta di un intervento praticato in duplice modalità: in anestesia general or local anesthesia. Obviously, the best solution should be prepared in relation to the amount of fat to be removed and the duration of the intervention.
In detail: general anesthesia requires hospitalization during the night, local anesthesia, however, allows you to go home directly in the day.
It should be remembered as the preferred technique advocated within the liposculpture both the "wet technique", treatment of the same area after irrigation with saline solution and low concentration of vasoconstrictor drugs.
In this regard, to remove the doubts as to how Intervention: first proceed to a very small incision, through which the liquid mixture is infiltrated by saline, anesthetic, sodium bicarbonate and adrenaline, which can dissolve the fat and anesthetize the region.
Then, it uses a cannula (sizes range from 2 to 5 mm in diameter ed), connected to an electric vacuum cleaner, capable of breaking the fat cells suction with the holes. When finished, you just have to close the incision with a suture, applying bandages.
After the first days of convalescence, accompanied by compressive dressings, there was a rapid recovery of mobility, even with the aid of compression sleeves and support. The treated areas of skin tends to elastically retract inside, so better to stick to the plan of sucking, ensuring harmonization of the line surface. In the most inveterate cases of cellulite, it may be necessary for the execution of superficial liposuction, a modern variant of the technique usually used: the results are significant even in the most difficult cases.
Before the operation, you should moderate your consumption of cigarettes and above all to avoid taking medicines such as aspirin.
For more information:
Liposculpture - by Dr. Paul Serafini
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