Thursday, March 11, 2010

Diy Stomach Irrigation

emergency service 24 hours a day for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive

Hai un'emergenza? Hai subìto un trauma? Un incidente ti ha causato una ferita al volto o alle mani?
Hai da poco subito un intervento di Chirurgia Plastica e non riesci a parlare con il Chirurgo?

Rivolgiti al Servizio di Urgenza h24 di Chirurgia Plastica, Estetica e Ricostruttiva.

Troverai un Medico Specialista in Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica sempre presente, 24 ore su 24.


Ferite Lacero-Contuse profonde e superficiali del volto, delle mani e di tutto il corpo provocate da traumi e incidenti household. Trauma to the nasal pyramid

Small losses of substance at
soft tissue lacerations and wounds of the eyelids, mouth and oral cavity
lacerations and wounds of the scalp burns


Benefits of Plastic Surgery shall be made only by medical staff composed of specialists in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Therefore you will experience and professionalism to the treatment you need, while respecting the principles and ethical conduct.

Our doctors are in possession of: the Order of the Medical Registration

Diploma of Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive Aesthetic

Healthcare Accreditation at University Hospital and reference.

for info and contacts: 800-118166

emergency service 24 hours a day


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