Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Jeff Hardy 2003 Haircut


From "Health Tomorrow - The Portal of Beauty" (www.salutedomani.com)
By Antonio Caperna

The new must of male beauty? Full lips, soft and sexy at any age. "The new standards of beauty - Anadela Serra says Visconti, Professor of International School of Aesthetic Medicine of FIF during the Sime XXX National Congress held in Rome - will be drawing closer between the two sexes. For the body is the woman who inspired the man with the line androgynous, slender with narrow hips, the face is actually the man to draw ever closer to the classical repertoire of feminine beauty, not only with the final cosmetic lines tailored to his skin, but also for the appearance of the lips, which wants the new trend swollen and sensual even on a pretty face with features decidedly masculine. " But in the case of man more than ever are obviously banned lips 'a boat' and the incli should be as natural as possible and 'invisible'. "More and more men claiming an increase in volume of the lips - confirmed the Secretary SIME Emanuele Bartoletti of the General - the youngest to have full lips and seductive, the most advanced in years, to regain a more youthful. Over the years, because the lips are thinning, eventually losing 25-30% in thickness from 40-50 years, and this is due to a loss of collagen from the dermis to a reduction of adipose tissue, but also a gradual loss of muscle tone all the muscles around this delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe face. These problems very pronounced in those who did the tanning lifestyle, as well as in smokers, this loss of volume, also associate the appearance of the so-called 'barcode' or of that series of vertical wrinkles around the lips. "

But there is no remedy at all. "To correct these defects is necessary to obtain an increase in volume of the lips that humans should be more gradual than in women, to have a more natural result. Therefore we recommend that treatment is divided into 2-3 sessions. The technique should be reserved to men's lips must be 'tailored'. The man has less mucosal component with his wife, so you must use the technique known as' vertical 'or' bubble lips', which consists of 'push the needle in the direction perpendicular to the lip, depositing small amounts serial product (hyaluronic acid is used for some time is also associated with a local anesthetic, which makes it virtually painless treatment), which is then gently massaged to obtain a fix uniform and natural. This prevents the lips' a raft of typical injection technique 'linear', which tends to widen the mouth, rather than make 'at heart'.

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soft, fleshy lips: the new canons of male beauty

A request these treatments at any age men naturally thin lips, which perhaps masked until some time before the defect of the upper lip under a mustache, but also a fifties who wants to look fresh and sensual face. The total cost for 2-3 sessions is around € 1,500 and the results last for 6-8 months.
But the male face care needs not only of 'incli', but also to daily maintenance. If until yesterday the man 'stole' the cream to the woman, but today there are treatments designed specifically for men's skin. That is anything but 'strong'. "Men's skin is apparently a durable leather - says Anadela Serra Visconti - it is certainly more fat than women, thanks to the presence of testosterone which stimulates the sebaceous glands, but it's definitely tricky. Just think of the daily trauma of shaving every day to remove, along with the beard, even the more mature cells of the epidermis, leaving exposed to air pollutants, sun and wind of the cells 'babies', the most delicate. "Skin traumatized by shaving therefore deserves special treatment and gentle. To this have been recently developed lines of male cosmetics hypoallergenic, fragrance free, no preservatives, nickel and even gluten-free, to avoid problems for people suffering from celiac disease, through transdermal absorption.


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