Autumn is giving the best and the worst of himself and the list of the worst is surely the seasonal illness. To prevent this we can try to adopt some strategies from the table, choosing foods that increase the immune system. Vitamins and minerals can help a lot.
The diet should abundance of fresh vegetables, which slow the accumulation of toxins and cellular oxidation processes, the main responsible for a lowering of defenses.
E 'established the role of certain foods (ingested regularly and in large quantities) in weakening the body and prepare it the attack of diseases: grilled foods, excess fat (especially animal), fried food, sweets industry.
the contrary there are protective foods, we see in detail which foods you should include in our diet as a preventive measure, preferring those in season.
cabbage and cauliflower : put them on the table at least once or twice a week. In the green parts contain substances with powerful anti-cancer action. That is not eliminated stem and leaves, cook them longer. You can choose from many varieties of Cruciferae (this is the botanical name for cabbage & co): broccoli, green leaves of kale, Tuscan kale, collard greens, brussels sprouts.
love vegetables, chicory, radicchio, chicory and love all vegetables, raw or boiled, which strengthen the defenses. Roots (such as salsify) must enter into the daily diet. Their cleansing action prevents the accumulation of waste products and boosts the immune system. Also excellent dandelion and nettle, the more iron-rich vegetables to use for soups and salads. Equally useful are the spinach with rich amounts of iron - Against the anemia - and vitamins A and C. Also favor the digestive system and are purifying.
grains. They provide energy without clogging up the body of wastes. Best not to overdo it with wheat and dairy products, preferring to rye bread, whole wheat pasta, corn and rice, millet, bitter, kamut and barley.
fruit. Highly recommended grapes, especially red, as the fruit and juice: it is rich in substances that antiradical presale cellular oxidation. Even the orange fruit is a cancer for the presence of vitamin C, flavonoids and carotenoids. According to Ayurveda, the bananas should always be in the winter season, at least twice a week because it reinforces the bone. Citrus, mainly lemon, orange and grapefruit, with their high content of vitamin C are always at the forefront in the war on colds. Together with them lined up the Kiwis: one makes all the vitamin C you need in an entire day.
Spices . Ginger, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper reactivate the metabolism and facilitate waste disposal. Fresh ginger, in particular, can be grated in salads or made into tea.
tomatoes and peppers. Rich in beta-carotene and lycopene, powerful antioxidants, tomato protects against cancer prostate. It should be eaten ripe and fresh, in salads, dressed with a little salt and olive oil. The pepper has many polyphenols and is an excellent source of vitamin C (nearly three times of the orange). So be cut into strips and eaten raw in salad (cooked it loses its virtue). The best is the red or yellow.
legumes. should be consumed every day. They are rich in fiber and vitamins with power tonic regulator of the digestive system, diuretic very nutritious. If you are not thoroughly cooked may be indigestible, as they contain the polysaccharide that the bacteria of the colon should be used to it. You can taste the skin, where all the anti-cancer substances. You can choice of lentils, beans, chickpeas and peas. Excellent soybean, whose wealth in phytoestrogens protects against cancer of the breast, uterus and prostate.
onion and garlic. The active sulfur, typical bulb vegetables, are effective scavengers of carcinogens. Garlic is detoxifying, diuretic, with positive effects on the immune system. The garlic to get the maximum effect should be crushed. Cooking destroys the active ingredients. Onions have Alicino, a potent antibacterial and antifungal. They are also rich in vitamins A, B and C.