Sunday, October 24, 2010

Frequency Of Hotbird Indian

Le intolleranze alimentari

Le intolleranze alimentari, possono derivare da varie cause. Ti proponiamo una serie di chiare e semplici domande e risposte su questo tema che coinvolge migliaia di persone.

1 ) Cosa sono le intolleranze alimentari?

Le intolleranze o Ipersensibilià Alimentari sono manifestazioni dell'organismo che derivano dall'impossibilità to digest a particular food, due to metabolic defects that can be caused by lifestyle (poor chewing
wrong food combinations, etc), or an emotional upset, or they can be provoked by certain medications. The
intollerranza can cause allergy-like symptoms (including nausea, diarrhea and stomach cramps), but the reaction does not involve the same way the immune system.
These are attributable to the accumulation over time of substances responsible for hypersensitivity, up to a maximum level beyond which there is one or more symptoms.
The threshold doses are subjective and personal. For this people that Hanoi intolerance can often tolerate small quantity of the food or component in question without developing symptoms.

2) should be suspected when a food intolerance?

symptoms caused by allergies to various types of food are many. The most common are headaches, intestinal problems (bloating, constipation or diarrhea, colitis, bloating, etc..) Mood disorders (depression, irritability), joint pain, sore throat or bronchitis and many other applicants.
The suspect should be placed when a disturbance, rather than appear in person or intermittent manner, began to appear more frequently.
In case of suspected food intolerance is advisable to compare with your doctor for a possible correction of the diet and in-depth with specific tests in order to detect any intolerance.

3) The intolerance is cured?

It 'hard to recover from food intolerance, it is certain that the personal identification threshold dose may help reduce the onset of symptoms.
food programs must be agreed and monitored by their doctor to assess how best is the one that was most suited also to individual problems.

4) How can I tell if I have an intolerance?

If you plan to be intolerant of any substance si dovrebbero eliminare tutti i cibi contenenti elevate quantità di quella sostanza.
La dieta priva della sostanza sospetta deve essere protratta per almeno 3, meglio se 4 settimane, e si deve rilevare un netto miglioramento dei sintomi, o meglio la loro scomparsa.
Se successivamente all’eliminazione il miglioramento non è netto, allora è molto probabile che non sia frutto dell'intolleranza presunta.
In caso si manifesti un miglioramento, allora si può procedere a un reinserimento graduale degli alimenti eliminati, finché non si nota la ripresa del sintomo segno del superamento della “dose soglia”. Questo consente di stabilire un equilibrio che permette di gestire al meglio la propria alimentazione.

5) What are the most common allergies?

There are only two substances that cause allergies, whose effects have been well researched, and recognized by the scientific community:
lactose intolerance - intolerance to gluten
L 'intolerance to sugars (lactose, sorbitol) is due to a deficiency of the enzyme that normally enables the digestion of sugar being made by the union of two simple sugars is broken and therefore more easily digested.
If, however, the enzyme is missing or low, the sugar is broken down into two simpler constituents, and not being treated as such, draws liquid osmotic effect. Is fermented by intestinal bacteria with production of gases that cause a variety of gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, etc..
These food allergies are quite common and are often the cause of chronic intestinal problems like irritable bowel syndrome.

Gluten intolerance Gluten intolerance is an intestinal disorder called celiac disease that occurs when the body can not tolerate gluten (a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats, even if it is the subject of controversy and research to determine their actual role). The serological tests detected the disease at any age, who would otherwise not be diagnosed in 1 in 100 individuals of European populations (with regional differences). Symptoms include diarrhea, weakness due to weight loss, irritability, and abdominal cramps. In children, symptoms of malnutrition may occur, for example, a failure to thrive. Currently, the most important help for patients with celiac disease is a gluten-free diet. Diet centers and organizations provide information about celiac disease gli elenchi degli alimenti privi di glutine. Escludendo tale sostanza dalla dieta, l’intestino si ripara gradualmente e i sintomi scompaiono.

6) A quale specialista devo rivolgermi?

Tramite il proprio medico, si consiglia di individuare un dietologo o un nutrizionista o un allergologo.


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