Friday, October 22, 2010

Lorna Morgan White Christmas


"ears", childhood memories
The applicant further intervention in children.
correct the imperfections of the ears by removing the excess cartilage of the ear. Treatment under local anesthesia with a day-hospital


The so-called "ears", are a blemish that may expose the subject to ridicule, teasing and jokes in bad taste. Obviously, the fault does not authorize the mockery. If you can not rely on the sensitivity others, is certainly desirable to make use ' otoplasty, cosmetic surgery procedure that corrects the excess cartilage of the ear.

In most cases, patients who undergo this type of intervention range from 4 to 14 years (a small portion is represented by adult ed): The defect was an inherited trait and occurs in older children. The otoplasty, plastic surgery is most common among children, improve the aesthetics of the ears at a young age, while preserving the child from psychological problems.

to all this is added high flexibility of cartilage, which in this particular phase of life, paving the way for an efficient remodeling. The operation, performed under sedation and local anesthesia, can be a double-bill: bilateral or focused on only one ear. Consequently, surgical techniques can be differentiated on both sides, in order to obtain a considerable symmetry.
The duration varies from 30 to 120 minutes. Generally, we prefer an outpatient hospital.

Technically, first proceed to surgical access through the back line headset. At a later time, action is practiced careful remodeling and repositioning delle strutture cartilaginee, il più possibile aderenti al cranio. Una volta ultimata la procedura chirurgica, la testa viene fasciata con un bendaggio elastico, al fine di accelerare il processo di cicatrizzazione. Fatta eccezione per il gonfiore, reversibile in poche settimane, è decisamente rara l’eventualità che si verifichino complicanze di rilievo: seppur possibili, ecchimosi o infezioni cartilaginee sono ipotesi assai remote.

Vai al sito di Roma Chirurgia Estetica


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