Friday, December 3, 2010

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All we wanted to know about hair ...

Cosa sono i capelli?

I capelli sono le estremità pilifere che crescono sulla cute umana a livello del cranio. La comparsa dei peli a livello del cuoio capelluto avviene attorno al quarto o quinto mese di vita. I capelli possono raggiungere lunghezza anche superiore al metro, ad influenzarne le caratteristiche sono fattori genetici, ma anche sessuali e razziali. 

I peli, e quindi anche i capelli, sono prodotti dai follicoli. Si distinguono follicoli del vello e follicoli terminali: i primi producono peli corti e non pigmentati (peli folletto), i second produce long hair and pigment, provided the bone. Androgens can cause the transformation from follicle to follicle terminal level and vice versa. In the case of baldness are witnessing the transformation of terminal follicles in the wool follicles. The density of follicles is not the same throughout the body, it is estimated that about one million follicles is localized in the head, out of a total of five million around the body. The scalp contains about a tenth of the follicles of the head, then a number close to 100,000.

Functions of the hair

  • Decorative, social, communicative
  • protection against trauma and insect penetration
  • protection against electromagnetic radiation
  • Perception environmental
  • mechanism to clean the surface of the skin scales and parasites

Functions of the follicle

  • Production of hair
  • adjustment sensory apparatus
  • production and release of sebum for the protection of the epidermis
in hair developed normally, there are three parts:
  1. external to the follicle, visible, stem or trunk (average thickness in adults 65-78 microns)
  2. an internal to the follicle itself, between the ostium of the follicle and the attack inferiore del muscolo erettore del pelo, radice , ‘immersa’ pertanto nella cute e quindi normalmente non visibile;
  3. una ancora più profonda, alloggiata nella porzione inferiore della parte profonda del follicolo, bulbo , che contiene, nella parte inferiore (in pratica il ‘pavimento’) due-tre file di cellule sovrapposte a rapida riproduzione che costituiscono la matrice (originate, come abbiamo visto poco sopra, dalla guaina epiteliale esterna del follicolo). Queste della matrice sono le uniche cellule germinative e, pertanto, tagliare corti i capelli non può ‘rinforzarli’ in quanto quella che si taglia è una parte di fusto, that is formed by cells that are no longer any vital activity (The advantage that you can get your hair is cut short and due to other minor trauma with washing, brushing, etc.), the hair should not be treated as a plant that requires or can still benefit from 'pruning' regular. The matrix cells, which reproduce slowly, push up those born earlier, during the ascent cells, similar to those of the epidermis, process them in a protein called keratin, go to that meeting so-called 'process of keratinization' becoming progressively more rigid. Of these cells, at all alike, some to form the inner epithelial sheath (which tends to keratinization and then to harden in advance of the pile to 'model'), the three other structural parts of the hair real proper (cuticle, cortex and medulla). Immediately above the matrix cells are some melanocytes which are responsible for 'color', entering the melanin cells which will become the 'bark' of the hair.

The section of hair

-hair cutting hair in a horizontal direction if they can appreciate structure, divided into three parts:
  1. Cuticle : external , formed by a single row of cells, transparent and thin (0.2 to 0.5 microns thick) arranged in a vertical row at the root and rather obliquely, to 'flake', with the lower end attached to the cortex and the upper cut off (like 'ear of corn') at the stem. Given the position is located in the cuticle is the first to be damaged when the hair has been abused (inappropriate shampoo, perms, brushing, etc.).
  2. Bark : term, is the most abbondante; è formata da cellule più grosse, di forma fusata, lunghe 90 micron e larghe 5 micron (1 micron = 1 millesimo di millimetro), disposte verticalmente in file parallele; contengono un pigmento colorato, la melanina, che tende a ridursi con l’età facendo diventare il capello ‘bianco’ (processo di incanutimento). Da quanto detto è evidente che per ‘decolorare’ il capello (ad esempio con acqua ossigenata) è necessario che le reazioni chimiche avvengano a livello della corteccia dato che la cuticola, più esterna, non è colorata; quest’ultima, se il capello viene esaminato al microscopio a forte ingrandimento dopo una decolorazione, si presenta infatti gravemente damage or even death;
  3. Marrow : internal, consisting of rounded cells, arranged in columns, usually separated by air spaces (air has withheld key role in protection from the cold and for this reason bone in animals over 50% of the total thickness of the hair while it is poorly represented, and sometimes absent in humans).

Razzoli Daniel, Donatella Ricci
Price € 5.90
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