Monday, November 29, 2010

Do People Masterbate To The Sims

dry hair: causes and remedies

is a problem that often attach to summer, the sea, the salt and sun, but dry hair may also depend on very different causes such as eating disorders, dermatological or stress.
Usually the problem lies in the lack of moisturizing the hair that is off and also dim because of the paucity of sebaceous secretions that the brush will disseminate on the body, protecting it.
Among the eating disorders that can cause dry hair, we have the problem of anorexia, malnutrition but also a very balanced diet deficient in vitamins and minerali.
Tra i problemi dermatologici troviamo la psoriasi del cuoio capelluto, la dermatite seborroica.
Anche le abitudini possono influire moltissimo sulla salute e sull'aspetto dei capelli: lavaggi troppo aggressivi o sgrassanti, l'uso di prodotti con ingradienti poco delicati o il ricorso eccessivo al phon ed alla piastra; anche vivere in ambienti molto secchi rendono i capelli opachi e disidratati.Utile, quindi, diminuire la frequenza dei lavaggi, cercando di usare prodotti delicati (molto utili gli gli shampoo oil no oil), diminuire l'utilizzo di prodotti per lo styling (gel, lacche, spume). Quando possibile lasciar asciugare i capelli a temperatura ambiente (senza rischiare malattie by cooling).
If excessive dryness is accompanied by an increase in hair loss is always best to seek advice from a good dermatologist for appropriate treatment advice.


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