Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Garlic, properties and benefits

Garlic (Allium sativum ) belongs to the family of Liliaceae . A few vegetables such as garlic can boast a number of nutritional properties and health benefits so high that it becomes a precious plant. Appreciated since ancient times for its unique aroma, with the passage of time his fame was enriched with so many therapeutic attributes to the verge of being frequently used to heal, and especially to prevent other types of diseases and even epidemics.

Il prezioso bulbo dell'aglio contiene circa 400  differenti componenti curative dell'organismo umano.  Oltre a oligoelementi e sali minerali, l'aglio contiene vitamina A, B1, B2, PP e C. Le sue proprietà più importanti dipendono però da un'essenza solfurea presente nel bulbo, della quale il principio attivo è l' allicina che detiene un forte potere antisettico. I bulbi freschi di aglio contengono dallo 0,1 allo 0,4 di olio essenziale dove, oltre alle sostanze fin qui citate, sono presenti altri composti dello zolfo, nonchè sostanze ormonali.

Proprietà Healing Benefits of Garlic and

Garlic acts primarily as an effective antiseptic and antibacterial properties, destroys germs and bacteria and prevents proliferation. And 'one of the most effective antioxidants that there is in nature, thus protecting the body's cells from an early age as well as deterioration and consequent diseases.

very important benefits that garlic causes heart and circulatory system; due to its toning and balancing, strengthens muscle tone and heart by thinning the blood, as well as to perform a purifying, contributes significantly to the cleaning of streets and the removal of diseases associated with them. Contrary to what many believe, garlic also has digestive properties and is able to bring enormous benefits in the fight against intestinal parasites.

A recent study conducted in China and the U.S., suggests that garlic , used regularly in the diet may have protective effects against cancer and, in addition this, it has unique properties that can inhibit, retard or even reverse the process of human cancer. The results of these experiments were presented at the International Symposium on "New frontiers in hematology and oncology."

Garlic in table
E ' important to make clear one thing: there are many compounds or pads that progress there has in order to avoid the smell by the consumption of garlic. Garlic , so that the curative properties remain unchanged, and carry out their benefits on the human body, be eaten raw, if you really are bothered by the smell that goes with it we can resort to the remedy still valid, the "grandmother" which consists of two chewing slowly roasted coffee beans.


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