Sunday, November 21, 2010

Topless Beach 16 Year

Banana. Property and Benefits

Like many other tropical fruits The banana has a prominent seasonality. Arrives on our tables from distant lands, along the climatic zone between the two tropics. The transport is usually by boat in cold cells, often with a controlled atmosphere, to prolong the conservation.

The banana, thanks to its properties, as well as for its fruit, is a plant used for other uses. The fibers are rich in the leaves are used to make paper, cloth and rope. The leaves themselves are used to cover the huts.
The banana contains a fair amount of carbohydrates, is rich in fiber, vitamin C and potassium. To underline that contains no fat, cholesterol and sodium that we appear to be harmful to our body.
Other vitamins that are found in the banana Vitamin A, B1, B2, PP and potassium in addition to containing calcium, phosphorus and iron. Very important is the presence of potassium, essential for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which provides several benefits.
Studies in Ireland , whose results are published in the 'International Journal of Cancer, show that the regular consumption of bananas is positively related with a reduced incidence of kidney cancer.

This is due to the high potassium content. A banana a day or so to avert the risk of kidney cancer.

The banana contains high amounts of antioxidant elements and among other things, helps to lower blood pressure, normal heart function and provide for bone health and eyesight.
The popularity of the banana, thanks to its properties and benefits, it is undisputed and universal. The banana is among the most consumed foods in the world, after cereals. The energy of the banana, once consumed, it is immediate, in fact is considered one of the most efficient fuel for our bodies, thanks to sugars, starches and fibers.
The result is constant energy and feeling no hole in my stomach for many hours. The banana is also indicated 40-50 minutes after exercise to restore vigor to the muscles through the contribution of glycogen.


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