Saturday, November 20, 2010

Punishment Underpants

properties and benefits. Properties and benefits

Aloe vera is known since ancient times for its healing properties and benefits. It 'amazing how the use made of the plant today is the use that the ancients did, in fact, the studies confirm that more than a thousand years ago it was a proper use.
grows naturally on dry and chalky, but can also be grown by seeds or offshoots. Aloe is a succulent plant from whose leaves are extracted through manual labor, a thick juice, also called gel.

The leaves of aloe vera (photo opposite) contain in their inner part, a kind of substance gelatinous (gel) that are attributed powerful healing abilities, it is a completely natural substance in possession of beneficial properties.

The active ingredients of aloe consisting of anthraquinone cathartics, known as the real mass murderers of disease, antibiotics have the same effect but with fewer toxic effects. The substances that make up the aloe are many, here is the most important: cinnamic acid, useful as a germicide, barbalonia, resistanolo oil, air, aloin and calcium. The full composition of aloe gel and its properties have not yet been clarified but are sure its beneficial effects on humans.
According to recent studies has shown that aloe vera can significantly prolong the lives of cancer patients and even stimulate their immune system.
In an experiment carried out on human cancer cells, it was found, by direct injection of these cells in a mixture of aloe, lecithin, what is connected to the activation of the immune system with the aloe.
In fact, cells that had been injected with lecithin, have activated a part of the immune system in turn, produces substances that attack the cancer. Moreover, it appears that aloe promotes the growth of normal cells.
Aloe - emodin, would, according to some studies, an effective anti-viral and anti-cancer activity and its ethanol extract was also active against herpes virus.
Studies on the aloctina A contained in aloe have highlighted its anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and anti-tumor. To underline the capacity of aloe to heal wounds and burns and is able to penetrate the injured tissue, relieve pain and increase blood circulation to those tissues.

aloin and aloe are widely used as active ingredients in preparations of laxatives, often in conjunction with other substances such as cascara and senna.
According to a report of the American Journal of dermatologic surgery and oncology convalescence after surgery is significantly reduced when treated with aloe.
A sample of people with acne have undergone surgery to fix the problem.
For completed action on their faces bandages were applied: on one half of the face was applied normal medication, while the other half used a compound of aloe gel.
Good. Half is treated with aloe healed well in advance of the next 72 hours.
The aloe vera gel is used in soft drinks that are commonly called aloe vera juice and gel are produced by diluting with water and mixing it all with citric acid and preservatives.
gel products are available in both liquid and dried forms.
In America, the fresh gel of aloe vera is known as the most popular folk remedy in the country with regard to burns and scalds and the plant is also called "first aid plant", as it also has moisturizing and emollient properties.

There are many people seeking information on how to find the plant and how to prepare drinks do it yourself with the leaves of aloe vera. Warning, the aloe leaves are very rich in aloin, which is a powerful drug anthraquinone, its effects are not yet fully known, and if taken regularly can cause serious damage, to be an abortion for women. It is therefore recommended to buy the aloe juice already prepared (always check the quality) of private and aloin.


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