Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Mky Gf To Masterbate In Th Shower

Focus on the new revision rhinoplasty operations, including difficulties, instrumental examinations and fair measures. Trends and case studies according to Dr. Paolo Serafini: "The most serious and frequent errors affecting the tip of the nose"


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Dr. Serafini, what are the specific characteristics and distinctive features Secondary rhinoplasty?
"The aesthetic and functional surgery of the nose ( rinosettoplastica ed) is perhaps the most challenging surgical procedure, which does not always lead to optimal results. For this reason, there are noses not aesthetically pleasing, often disproportionate to the features of the face, which should be surgically re-operate: the aim is also to resolve any type of respiratory complications. "

What dangers lurk behind a revision surgery?
"The difficulty of a review of treatment depends on the severity of the blemishes produced by the first surgery. We need a specific expertise, can operate in safety and peace, through the use of advanced techniques, such as multiple grafts of cartilage, bone, and more rarely of alloplastic materials.

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Dott. Paolo Serafini, Medico Chirurgo specializzato in Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica

Indubbiamente, una bella responsabilità per lo specialista.
“Il chirurgo, dovendo intervenire sull’operato altrui, si assume una grande responsabilità. Innanzitutto, deve valutare con esattezza l’entità del danno, individuando le malformazioni estetiche sulle quali incentrarsi. Va poi condotta una diagnosi accurata, abbinata allo studio della piramide nasale, sia dal punto di vista endoscopico che da quello estetico”.

Quali gli esami da eseguire per una corretta diagnosi?
“La passes for revision rhinoplasty rhinoscopy, examination of the skin of the alar cartilages and the bridge of the nose. Statistically speaking, the most serious and frequent errors affecting the tip of the nose. "

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What advice would you dispense with the readers?
"The one to turn to specialists experienced in order to avoid the discomfort of a revision surgery. Even in the case of a first operation, we must rely on a qualified professional. In this way, you avoid the risk of having to undergo a new intervention, with the hassle and stress that it contains. "

Go to site Rome Cosmetic Surgery


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