Monday, March 7, 2011

Do Your Testicles Hurt If You Have Hernia

Osho speaks ... without meditation technique?

E 'possible to meditate without complicated technology?

Osho replied
The question you asked is surely of great importance because meditation in itself does not require technical. But the techniques are needed to remove obstacles on the path of meditation.
must be understood very clearly: the meditation in itself does not need any technique, it is pure understanding, is to be awake, aware. Are not technical nor be awake, nor be aware of. But the path of becoming awake, there are many obstacles.
For centuries, humans have accumulated those obstacles - they must be removed. Meditation in itself can not remove them, some techniques are necessary.
Therefore, the purpose of the techniques is to prepare the ground prepare the way for the shift. The techniques in themselves are not meditation. If you stop the techniques you've missed the point.

J. Krishnamurti insisted throughout his life that there are techniques for meditation. And the end result was that millions of people have reached the meditation, the end result was that millions of people became convinced that no technique is needed for meditation. But they have completely forgotten what che avrebbero potuto fare rispetto agli ostacoli. Per cui si sono convinti intellettualmente che non è necessaria alcuna tecnica.
Ho incontrato molti seguaci di J. Krishnamurti, molto vicini a lui, e ho detto loro: "Non è necessaria alcuna tecnica - sono completamente d'accordo. Ma avete raggiunto lo stato di meditazione voi o chiunque altro abbia ascoltato J.Krishnamurti?"
Sebbene ciò che dice è fondamentalmente vero, egli dice solo la parte positiva dell'esperienza. Ma c'è anche una parte negativa. E per questa parte negativa sono necessari tutti i tipi di tecniche - sono assolutamente necessari perché fino a quando il terreno non è ben preparato e tutte le erbacce e le radici selvatiche non sono strappate dal terreno, you can not grow roses and beautiful flowers. The roses have nothing to do with those roots, wild plants that you removed. But removing those weeds is imperative that the land be in proper condition for the flowering of roses.
ask me: "It 's possible to meditate without any technique?"
not only possible, it is the only option. No need for technical support - for meditation.
But what do you do with your mind? Your mind will create a thousand and one problems. These techniques are necessary to remove the mind from the path, to create a space where the mind becomes quiet, silent, almost absent. Then meditation is alone. It's not about technique. You must not do anything. Meditation is something natural, something that is already hidden inside you and is trying to find its way to the open sky, sun, air. But my mind around it from all sides, all doors are locked, all windows are closed. The techniques are needed to open the windows, to open the doors.
And immediately the whole sky is available to you, with all its stars, with all its beauty, with its sunrises and sunsets. Only a small window you kept separate .... a mere speck in your eye and can come from seeing the vast sky because you can not open your eyes.
E 'completely illogical that a simple straw or a grain of sand you can stop to see the big stars, the endless sky. But in fact may do so. The techniques are necessary to remove those straws, those grains of sand in your eyes. And meditation is your nature is your true potential. It 's another name for your being awake.

A young father was carrying her baby in the pram for a walk in the park and did not seem at all worried by the screams coming from the wheelchair "Quiet now, Albert," he said quietly. "Calm down, you're good." Another cry was heard. "No, no, Albert," murmured the father, "calm down." A young mother who was passing by there, remarked: "I congratulate you. Surely you know how to talk to children." And giving a package on the baby's head, he murmured: "What bothers you, Albert?" "No, no," interrupted the father. "His name is Johnnie, I'm Albert." He was simply trying to keep himself alert: "Albert, you're calm." He would not forget it, otherwise he would have wanted to throw the baby out into the lake!

Meditation is simply awareness without any effort, without an effort to be alert, do not require any technical assistance. But your mind is full of thoughts, dreams, past, future - is not here and now, and awareness is being here and now. Techniques are needed to help you cut your roots in the past, to cut your dreams for the future, and to keep you at the moment, as if only now. Then there will be no need of any technique.

Hymie Goldberg was visiting his friend, Mr. Cohen, on his deathbed. "Do me a favor," said Hymie Goldberg, "When you get to heaven, you can find a way to let me know if there is play baseball?" Mr. Cohen said he would certainly have tried to contact his old friend if possible. A few days after Mr. Cohen died, and Hymie Goldberg received a phone call. "Hello, Hymie," said Mr Cohen. "Here is your old friend." "Cohen? You really you? "asked Hymie." Yes, "answered his friend." I have good news and bad news. First, they actually play baseball in heaven. But the bad news is that you'll be the pitcher next Sunday. "
Life is a complicated business. There are good and bad news. The good news is that there is no need of any technique, but the bad news is that without you can not reach the meditation technique.



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