tradition (handed down by Pliny) wants Achilles healed some wounds of his comrades in arms, the siege of Troy, with the plant; hence the genus name. It seems to have been Chiron (his teacher) to inform him of the healing capacity of the plant. The final name of the plant, however, was assigned by Linnaeus . The name of the species (yarrow) is due to its deeply indented leaves.
Scientific Name Achillea millefolium L ., Is a plant of the Asteraceae family type herbaceous perennial with aromatic and branched rhizome creeping stem and straight to the top of which several heads of leading corymbs of fragrant white or pink flowers. The appearance is given mainly from the leaves densely cespitosa typical of this species.
And 'one of our most common plants. His false umbels white, sometimes red, bloom from May to the end of autumn along the roads, railways, in fallow land and cultivated ones.
This composite quickly distinguished itself from the Umbelliferae, with which i non botanici potrebbero confonderla, esaminando i suoi piccoli “fiori”, che in realtà sono dei capolini, e dal fatto che i loro comuni peduncoli non partono da uno stesso punto sul fusto principale. Questi caratteri, unitamente a quelli delle foglie, strette, a margini quasi paralleli, con le foglioline disposte su due ranghi e molto finemente frastagliate, la rendono facilmente riconoscibile.
I suoi nomi popolari ( Erba Formica, Sanguinella ) spiegano abbastanza come l’Achillea millefoglie fosse stimata in passato da coloro che per professione erano esposti a colpi di sciabola o di ascia.
If his property salve are now placed in doubt (the plant applied on wounds rather than just reported delaying healing), the use of internal Yarrow was the subject of a lot of work, which demonstrated its usefulness as a bitter tonic, haemostatic, emmenagogue.
the flowering tops are used, the collection of which is possible throughout the summer.
to recognize it well, keep in mind that the flowers are large and rough to the touch and velvety and usually are white, but rose governance
medicinal properties
infusion of five percent is useful in acute and chronic stomach aches, dyspepsia with fermentation , in the states of general atony in which stimulants are needed.
Two or three cups a day before meals (the infusion should be prepared in small quantities for its rapid blackening that goes into the fading aroma. Avoid the use of iron pots, as with all plants rich in tannins).
infusion you can add the anise, basil, clover, in cases of acute crisis.
The maceration of the top wine, is made with the same proportions, and is used as an aperitif.
infusion and maceration also have a good influence on blood circulation.
Used for outdoor use as a topical hemorrhoids, anal fissures and those in the breasts, the Yarrow is proving very effective, particularly hemorrhoids, on which not only acts as an astringent, but also directly on blood vessels and nerves of the rectum. In this case you can use the fresh juice of the plant crushed and pressed into a piece of canvas, or the ointment obtained by mixing the juice with equal parts lard.
When you have fresh plants, use the decoction of dried plants to five percent (boil for ten minutes).
In this case it is useful to tone the body, drinking the decoction, which can be added by doing so, the Horsetail.
Yarrow then you can prove valuable in cases of hemoptysis. It will associated with Horsetail and Nettle.
In painful menstruation, poor or missing due to accidental cause and transient (cold shock, excitement, etc.) or source deeper (chlorosis, general weakness, etc.) use concentrated infusion of yarrow is a recognized efficacy and menstrual flow can occur sometimes after only one hour after ingestion.
wait but the end of the period of the return of normal menstruation to begin this treatment, that may not cause harmful incidents even in cases of pregnancy ignored.
The yarrow is a good plant grass, which blends very well with the grasses.
Mowing often must, however, prevent it from blooming. Its presence is highly desirable in leys, it helps to enrich, as the presence of aromatic and medicinal herbs in the grass make the best of health impacts of livestock.
The Yarrow enjoyed a long reputation for excellence remedy for scabies in sheep. To buy the yarrow
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