Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pain In Side Of Head And Dizziness

1-Who was Buddha? biography

Who was Buddha?
Siddhartha Gau tama Sakyamuni, known as the Buddha (awakened, but also lit), was born in 563 a. C. to Kapilavatthu in the kingdom of Shakya, a small region in the Himalayan foothills that corresponds to the current Nepal. His mother answered to the name of Mahayama, and died seven days after his birth. The father's name Shuddodana, and was the ruler of the people of the Shakya.
As a wise man prophesied that Siddhartha would be or a great ruler or a wise spirirituale, Shuddodana meant that the life of Siddhartha could not take it folds leading to spiritual activities, making life in the royal palace. He forbade anyone to expose the human suffering Siddharta, Siddharta was so surrounded only by health and beauty in her youth.
Yoshodhara Siddhartha married her cousin at the age of sixteen. Tired of the gilded cage, asked to leave the palace to see his people. Kapilavatthu traveling to the capital, was struck by the suffering of his subjects that had remained hidden until then. He had to do with old age, with disease and death. It was not only fascinated by these phenomena, but also came to reflect on the nature of suffering and happiness, comparing his luxurious life with that of his subjects.
Seeing that age, sickness and death were part of all human lives, he wondered if there was a way of maintaining happiness despite the inevitability of this suffering. During one of these trips outside the palace, Siddhartha met a monaco who had renounced all sexual pleasures. That leaves an indelible impression in the young.
At the age of twenty-nine years, rejecting the luxurious life led, Siddhartha fled from the building and began an ascetic life. He went to class for five of the most famous ascetics of his time. He passed his masters with their own methods: as their practice emphasizes the mortification of the body, when Siddhartha realized that he had run down to the point of risking death, he realized that such techniques would have led nowhere, and that mortification was not the way forward to freedom from suffering. So he opted for a middle way: neither exaggerated nor lust extreme privation. The five essays
abandoned him because they thought that Siddhartha had given up his ascetic life. Left alone, Siddhartha decided to sit under a tree to meditate Pippala. Was imposed that would no longer be moved until he found the truth of suffering and the path to enlightenment.
tenacious struggle to free his mind of worries and misleading not to give in to temptation, and after a full notte trovo finalmente la risposta sulla questione della sofferenza. L'illuminazione arrivò all'età di trentacinque anni, e più avanti la gente si riferì a lui con l'appellativo di Buddha, "il risvegliato". Fu anche chiamato Shakyamuni, "il saggio della tribù degli Shakya".
Siddharta si recò dai suoi antichi cinque maestri e nonostante la loro iniziale diffidenza, l'Illuminato li convinse che aveva raggiunto la consapevolezza. Alla fine divennero suoi discepoli e viaggiarono con lui per diffondere i suoi insegnamenti.
Per quarantacinque anni Siddharta viaggiò nel continente vivendo di elemosine e insegnando la via della liberazione dalla sofferenza. Quando lui e i suoi discepoli erano sulla via per il castello di Kusingara, Siddhartha became ill and began to suffer a lot. And even lay dying on the mantle of the forest, he continued to teach his disciples until death came.
After six days and six nights of ceremonies, the Buddha's body was wrapped in towels, placed in a coffin of iron, hoisted on a great pyre of scented wood and cremated in the presence of several hundred people. His ashes were divided into eight parts that were put in as many stupas (funeral monuments) to Kusingara Pava and the kingdom of the Mallas, to the realm of the Shakya Kapilavatthu, Rajagaha to the kingdom of Magadha, in Pour it into the realm of Licchavi , for the kingdom of Allakappa Buli, Ramagama in the realm of the kingdom Koliya and Vethadipa of Veth.


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