Monday, May 31, 2010

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During the protected time slot (07,30 - 10,30) input /
transit and parking will be reserved only to those equipped with a set of permits to residents and residents.

- ZTL Central:

Since May 31, 2010 the Central LTZ change its boundaries and, in fact, will replace the old ZTL environment.

The new area is closed to passage of unauthorized vehicles from Monday to Friday (from 7.30 to 10.30 h) and is labeled with the words ZTL Central, according to the scope indicated by the attached map. The approaches are central to the LTZ-controlled cameras on the electronic gates.

NB) Until July 4 there will be a period of pre-exercise for the new electronic doors, which will be accounted for the license plates of vehicles entering but will not apply sanctions. Municipal police presence on the territory may, conversely, penalize those who are not entitled to access the central ZTL.

- Central School in ZTL

who need to accompany children under age in a state school / peer, or in nurseries and municipal agreement in Central ZTL, may require the release of one or more permits school.
For the period between May 31 and the end of the school year in progress will not be issued any permit, but permit free: the school reports the license plates of vehicles GTT SpA which issues the receipt for registration to the database connected to the electronic gates.
The receipt must be kept until the end of the school year for eventual review by the Municipal Police Force.

In short:

Target: a minor who is accompanying a student enrolled in a school (nursery, kindergarten, elementary, middle school) located within the Central LTZ
To: Central LTZ in transit from 7.30 to 9.30
Validity : from September to July
Cost: € 44.62

- Hospital and health facilities in Central LTZ
For those who have go to a hospital or in a home located in the public health or settled ZTL Central, in the days and times when it is in force the ZTL (7,30-10.30), can avoid the penalty by informing the plate number to the Hospital .
The communication of the plate can not be accepted for bookings health and retirement reports.

public parking in the Central LTZ (not blue lines)

If you access regularly or occasionally (for example, holders of monthly or annual subscription) to public parking places in Central ZTL can avoid the penalty by informing the plate number staff parking.

- private parking, garages, garage, garages and patios in Central LTZ:

Those who benefit from private parking areas, must apply to the offices in charge of GTT SpA permission "orange". The permit will be issued as a result of the application for the grant, including a copy-sided booklet note, copies of identity document requesting the declaration of the owner or legal representative of the private parking.

Recipients: Owners of private parking areas located in Central LTZ

allows: the only transit in the Central LTZ to get the car and is issued indicating the exact location of the parking space, allows the transit areas ZTL pedestrian or public transport only if the car is located in the same or if you can not get there without crossing.
Validity: 1 year
Cost: € 34.62

- Residents and residents in Central LTZ:

For residents and residents in Central LTZ in all sub-areas A, the new perimeter of ZTL, which already hold a certificate of parking, should not require any permission to transit to get to their homes until the expiry of the certificate: the license plate matched the certificate will be automatically recorded in fact among those authorized to electronic gates (excluding streets and lanes for public transport) . At

deadline, with the normal renewal procedures will be issued a permit for transit and parking only for vehicles with approval of at least Euro 3 or fed with natural gas, LPG or electric mono or bifuel also processed following registration.

For vehicles that do not have the approval requirements above will only be issued a certificate of parking.

NB. The residents, claiming the right to consent to transit in ZTL must have registered residence outside the City of Turin.

Target group: residents and allows residents ZTL Central
: transit through Central LTZ
Validity: 1 year
Cost: € 24.62

Please note that with regard to the type of movement permits are confirmed existing ones, which are issued to vehicles with less than the Euro 3 homologation, or fueled by natural gas or LPG, or electric or mono bifuel also subsequently processed .

Saturday, May 29, 2010

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: ZTL at the start of two days, car spent

exhausted. At least those centrally located. Have subscriptions to the parking Ztl, underground parking areas that provide a privilege to cross the sacred boundary of the restricted traffic zone without peck a fine.

A sold-out that has convinced the administration to extend the formula to other systems that traditionally do not provide. It 's the case Parking King Umberto and St. Stephen, by popular demand, they can satisfy the many requests for subscriptions received by those who want to keep this trump card to arrive in the heart of the city.

But there's more: the strength of this market town is preparing formulas convenient for the retention of the garages placed in the immediate confines of the center: "For example, for the facilities during XI in February - said yesterday the commissioner to Maria Grazia Sestero Roads - we thought of a subscription which gives free use of the line right then Star or other public transportation. "

short, less than 48 hours after the debut of the new square in Ztl San Giovanni si stanno mettendo a punto le ultime strategie e si è pure deciso che i vigili urbani cominceranno a multare solo dopo una settimana di rodaggio (mentre per la multa delle telecamere si dovrà arrivare al 5 luglio). Inoltre, la divisione Viabilità ha incontrato ieri le ultime categorie non ancora totalmente soddisfatte, come per esempio gli albergatori.

Come Federalberghi, per esempio, che ha chiesto di adottare una procedura di esenzione a posteriori dei clienti «che non aggravi ulteriormente le già complesse operazioni di check in albergo sulla falsa riga delle procedure infomatizzate adottate a Roma, Firenze e Milano». Sestero sostiene che quanto richiesto non si può concedere, e alla fine la prossima settimana si vedrà chi la spunterà.

Ma a due giorni dal debutto di questa nuova maxi-limitazione come sta l’informazione dei torinesi? Sanno che cosa sta per accadere attorno al centro?Il Comune ha fatto abbastanza?Il centro, va da sè, si divide fra favorevoli (e tra loro troviamo tanti residenti) e contrari (fazione ad alto tasso di commercianti. Ma in ogni caso i cittadini si dimostrano abbastanza informati).

Paola Alopari che porta il suo bimbo a scuola in centro ammette: «Non sarà poi così male, basterà abituarsi». Domenico Longo dell’Antico caffè di piazza Bodoni, invece, si lamenta, e parecchio: «Un fornitore mi ha già annunciato che non verrà più, the limitations, what will happen on Monday? ".

important information: fines taken by June 7!

Article taken from "La Stampa" Andrea has worked

Friday, May 28, 2010

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Turin: National Conference Equal Opportunities

"Orientation: Report from the national to the local experiences, with an eye to optics and gender equality" is the theme of Conference to be held tomorrow May 28, starting at 9:00 at the Congress Center of the Piedmont Region, in the United States over 23.

Promoted from Director of regional equality Alida Franca Vitale and Turkish and the Piedmont Region, in collaboration with the Isfol (Area policy guidance) and the Piedmont Regional Education Office, the event will be attended by speakers from all over Italy to discuss a sensitive issue such as that of orientation, in a moment of crisis that also affects women, especially when seeking relocation in the world of work.

The conference will provide an opportunity for a survey on the state of guidance at national, regional and local level, but above all we will try to take stock on how to tackle the problem in coming years.
Inaugurating the work in the morning, the commissioner will to employment and vocational training, Roberto Rosso, while the afternoon session will be open to the commissioner for equal opportunities, Giovanna Quaglia.

Article taken from "La Stampa"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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Fighting wrinkles, weathering and aging tissue. The facelift of benefits, intervention methods and techniques used.

The facelift gives shine and tone to the face. An intervention that "wakes up" harmonies and side dishes, weighed down by factors such as weathering and aging tissue . All this is obtained by acting on two planes, which coincide with the skin and the muscle-bundle. There is also associated with procedures such as peeling and various fillers.

The extent of improvement depends to a greater extent by the pre-operative conditions of the skin tissue thickness subcutaneous tissue, skeletal bone quality and smoking. generally opt for a mini-facelift, indicated a relatively young age (40 years old), with a very limited skin undermining. This is a quick treatment, performed under local anesthesia and mild sedation. For overt and obvious blemishes, however, is suggested to complete facelift. Specifically, it acts at the temples, cheeks, cheekbones, jaw and neck areas particularly susceptible to tissue relaxation.

Technically, the skin is separated from the deep layers, removing the excess. The superficial fascia and muscles of the neck are stretched and fixed with sutures. The scar that follows is barely perceptible: it develops in the hair, ear drops before, only to be disguised by the latter. The operation is performed, as appropriate, in shallow or deep sedation with local anesthesia. Only in some cases, requires general anesthesia. The duration ranges from 1 to 4 hours, with lots of night hospital stay.

The choice of which technique to adopt is recommended by the surgeon at the time of first visit, in relation to the imperfections to be corrected, the results to be achieved and the needs / of the patient. Obviously, it favors a soft approach, with treatments di tipo conservativo, volti a preservare la soggettività dell’espressione mimica.
Agendo sui tessuti profondi, si riesce a raggiungere un risultato assolutamente naturale, senza esercitare trazioni eccessive e dannose. Al termine dell’operazione, viene praticata una medicazione elastica ed applicate suture estetiche.

Nei successivi 15 giorni post-operatori, si provvederà ad alcune medicazioni, progressiva rimozione delle suture ed alleggerimento del bendaggio. Dal 3-4° giorno post-operatorio, sarà possibile lavare i capelli con prodotti specifici. Dal secondo mese il recupero sarà totale, mentre a partire dal terzo, sarà possibile osservare il risultato definitivo.

Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Cellulite and fat layers give way to a silhouette found. Liposuction: dictates, advice and information with the summer at the gates ...

Currently, liposuction is still the best method to remove the fat that is gripping the specific areas of the body: thighs, buttocks, hips, knees and abdomen. The inescapable condition to undergo surgical treatment coincides with the coming of age. The operation can be performed under general anesthesia and local (with or without sedation). The decision is taken based on the amount fat to be removed.

However, with general anesthesia is required one day of hospitalization , with local anesthesia, however, you can go home directly in the day. Technically, a cannula is introduced into the treatment area. By means of some movements in a radial pattern, the cannula, connected to a vacuum cleaner, electric disrupts fat cells and suck through the holes at the tip.
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Once completed, proceed to the application of some sutures and bandages. It is good practice, before surgery, to observe specific provisions: moderate consumption of cigarettes and do not take medicines such as aspirin.

Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery

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Facebook: backtrack on privacy? The tough fight in the dressing room

The popular social network Facebook may want to backtrack and restore the settings on the privacy of its members as a result of the pressures received from various user groups, which have recently accompanied the criticism of the U.S. Senate and the European Union.

was revealed by the British broadcaster BBC, quoting a company spokesman that the leaders taking WOULD BE very seriously the criticism of people who accuse the social network of "making things too complicated."

"We are working to respond to these concerns," he told the BBC a spokesman for Facebook. At the end of 2009 the social network has changed "from above" some privacy settings, ensuring that each profile to become accessible to everyone else, unless expressly stated to the contrary by the user. Last month came a further change, that has made Facebook profiles accessible not only to all other members, but to the entire Web

The move was described by Facebook founder Mark Zuckberg an important step towards a "Default Web in a social way," but many people have rebelled considering an attack on their privacy. Much criticism is also the European Commission, in a letter that called it "unacceptable" the changes.

The protests culminated in the organization of the network "Facebook Quit Day 'for May 31, the day that dissatisfied users will show their displeasure by deleting your profile from the network. Facebook is now showing to take very seriously the issue, while stressing that "since the last change of privacy around 10 million new users are entered on the social network."

Source: La Stampa

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Pokemon Would Look Like If The Had Genitals

The other day, in one of those moments of discomfort you get when the boss does not consider you, the boyfriend ignores you and Belen Rodriguez looks on TV with the air of a tiger in abstinence from steak and you to react stoically you managed to finish the jar of Nutella (which can end so fast ???), I had the WORST idea that it can be to a woman in such conditions ... .. an idea that in theory it should get you on morale but in practice will have a devastating effect on your mood: go shopping.

Shopping is a great antidote to the 'misery if and only if:

1) you have enough money to buy something. ... Otherwise you can end up as a drooling stuck to a window without being able to go to buy your object of desire -> rapid increase in the sense of frustration

2) the contract or is a process or has enough tact not to bother making you notice that you asked for pants two sizes smaller than your actual size (but then say "yeah but why this cut as close ....)

3) mirrors and the lights of the shop are chosen ad hoc

It is on this last point that I would like a second and do with you, dear friends, a brief reflection, but if the stores want to ... sell ... why they often choose the mirrors that make you look like beached un'otaria and lights that make your thighs look like the surface of a volcano that just erupted?

In theory, to promote the purchase, should try to make you feel beautiful ... ... taller, leaner, more agile ... but no ... .. you look and you're a piece of Emmenthal vaguely cubical shape. The cellulite on my ass does not seem a blemish ... no ... it looks like a thousand-year plague. ... A concentration of craters a devastating ... .. up and down with sadness.

Not to mention the skin color: white spotlights merciless ice make us all look like the vampire ....
pity though that in the twilight vampire Where's My Car ... and they are all definitely out of the dressing room we do not find Edward (and dare I say ... Thank God views our conditions ...), but some committed (sometimes bitch) tells us "but coooome staiiii beneeeeeee "in a tone of vague connection for c *** (at that time but we are so angry that we could misinterpret anything).

But we want to talk about sizes?

Now .... I understand that being lean and fit is important ... but I explained what they eat what they can get into size 36?? They live on air and bean sprouts? Virtually
their thighs are as my arms ... ... I've already tried every kind of diet: soup, ice cream, pineapple, purifying, based on maple syrup, and so on and so forth. The result? I was becoming mentally dissociated. ... After the diet deviated.
And this year, in addition to bother with the bounty, we must also crack down on the foot. ... Yes, because when you walk into a store and you measure those beautiful shoes with the plateau, that make you seem high even if you are 1.85 High 1.65 (cheating), you're fine ... but why? Why are you still in plastic pose or upset by your height and dizziness or just two little steps just to see the effect it does. But AFTER avete mai provato a camminare sul porfido del centro di Torino tutto buchi e fessurine bastarde con quelle scarpe?
Io ho aspettato un’ora e mezza prima di attraversare la strada per paura di rimanere incastrata come una demente…..sono stata guardata con pietà persino da una vecchietta, che, ovviamente, mi ha subito superata in velocità….ed io lì a cercare di camminare su quei trampoli con la leggiadria di un ippopotamo zoppo e la nonchalance di mister magoo.

Ora…..chiedetevi……ma chi ce lo fare???

Le soluzioni sono tre:

1)scegliere in modo oculato i negozi…magari uscirete con un vestito schifoso ma con un bel sorriso sentendovi bellissime (il then observe that all of your colorful dress style Platinette is a negligible detail)

2) stop swallowing unseasoned vegetables, mash and whole foods and join in the gym (the gym but we will talk about next time)

3) change any boyfriend ... at the bottom of Belen Rodriguez will find it hard not to yield to his irresistible charm Latin ... no?

And let us stop to measure clothes holding his breath as if we were in apnea: life must be taken with irony in all its forms

Monday, May 17, 2010

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Voucher: Help for women who are seeking employment. Thanks to the European Social Fund.

The voucher is an instrument adopted by the Piedmont Region in help women, encouraging them to reconcile work and family life as many of them, they encounter obstacles of an economic-social, if they paid a child, an elderly person or a disabled person.
What is the voucher?
The voucher for the purchase of personal services - both public and private - is an innovative tool designed to make it compatible to the training needs and / or business needs with the responsibilities of family. In substance with the voucher you can get a refund of expenses incurred for personal services, such as childcare or care for the elderly.
Who is entitled to the voucher?

If you are a woman looking for work and have responsibility of care towards a child or an elderly man belonging to your family, please contact the Center for Employment of the Province where you will be involved in your way to working.
What are the value and duration of the voucher?
Up to a maximum of € 1000 per month and a maximum period of 12 months, extendable for 24 mesi.Il value and duration of the voucher may vary depending on the location where you will be entered by the Center for Employment, for example training course internship in a company, start to work, or under specific provincial legislation.
What expenses are eligible?
You can get a refund of spese sostenute per figli da tre mesi a sei anni, per anziani non autosufficienti,per disabili e/o malati cronici e/o terminali che appartengono al nucleo familiare della donna richiedente il voucher.
È possibile non anticipare la spesa dei servizi che si intendono acquistare?
Sì, è possibile perchè la Provincia può attivare una convenzione con la struttura che hai scelto e pagare direttamente il costo del servizio erogato.
Per accedere a quali servizi?
Per figli da tre mesi a sei anni puoi scegliere tra:
• servizi socio-educativi per la prima infanzia
• centri di custodia oraria (baby parking)
• scuole dell’infanzia pubbliche o paritarie
• servizi proposed in the context of activities pre-and post-summer school offered by public preschools or equal
• canteen services and activities before and after summer school offered in the first year of primary school children and educational centers
• smaller aggregation centers or arrange a baby sitter.
For the frail elderly and the disabled can acquire the service of principals for the elderly or therapeutic social centers for the disabled, or arrange for a person who is eligible for home care (ADEST, OTA, OSS, nurses , domestic workers with job assistance)
what to do to get the voucher?
You must contact the Centre for Use the road that will give you more specific information on the voucher and will evaluate your situation with you to define a path to find work.

Friday, May 14, 2010

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Today, Friday, May 14, 2010, in addition to celebrate the anniversary of the 158th anniversary of the founding of the State Police,
we celebrate 50 years of the presence of women in the armed forces.
The first woman who entered in 1960, before the Civil Police in Trieste, then women in the Police and then in the State Police, was
Scafa Rosa. Today Scafa
Rosa, 86, awarded by the chief of police with an award, reminds qunado was recruited and how he is passionate
a police officer, although he began service in the years just after the war, in Trieste, under the Allied Military Government (AMG)
with American and British soldiers that attracted a lot of prostitution.
the present day see a female police officer is something that is part of everyday life but in the 60s, years of the feminist movement and the struggle for gender equality
, years following the Second World War, a woman who enters in the State Police was nothing new.
A novelty because, never before, the fair sex had been able to play a role, which until then was exclusively human. The fact that
this woman was able to enlist, is exemplary only for those reasons but for the courage it took to make a choice
of this type, in a completely patriarchal society, at least until the 70s, in a society where women had very few rights, where it was
considered an object of possession by the father or husband, and finally where the majority of women had the sole responsibility of looking after home and children.
We consider Scafa Rosa, one of the women who gave way to gender equality in deeds and not words.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Village Womens Showing Boobs Withouht Blouse

Elena Kagan, a woman on the Supreme Court Imposes

As a negotiator, and is considered a moderate, Elena Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court represents a turning point for the highest court of America. Why so many women to the Court - three out of nine judges - and especially never a court without even a Protestant leader, six Catholics and three Jews. announcing his nomination, Barack Obama called it "a pioneering leader" whose task will be to "build consensus with ability and fairness." Former dean of Harvard Law School, will be the fourth woman judge of the body and replaces a liberal, John Paul Stevens, breaking an unwritten rule that all other members have gone from a federal appeals court judge, mind you he never sat in a body judgmental. "Although we can not think of replacing Justice Stevens' Obama said," I chose a person who I think embodies the same excellence, independence, integrity and passion for the law that can bring the same leadership skills in court. " The

Kagan, who has been preferred to federal judges as Diane Wood of Chicago (the city of Obama), Merrick Garland, Sidney Thomas and a bigwig like Janet Napolitano administration, thanked the president talking about the "dream of a lifetime come true. " The first woman to serve as attorney general, is - in the words of Obama - "not only respected and admired for her intelligence and the results achieved, but for its temperament and ability to understand before you disagree. " The

Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, praised the choice of Obama, as did the Majority Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid. Although just a year ago the Senate confirmed the Attorney General Kagan at the helm, the Republicans have ensured that his confirmation is not so predictable. This is despite none of its stance in the past on hot topics like abortion and gun control, suggesting that the Republicans are to have enough coals to brown it at the hearing that waiting for the next few weeks.
Article taken from "La Stampa"

Friday, May 7, 2010

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virginity test to her daughter to the Supreme Court is rape

The legal proceedings are considered by the parent of a girl "too casual" began in 2009
to sexually humiliate her daughter too casual a father of Turin has submitted personally to the test of virginity, and now the effect of a ruling by the Supreme Court, faces sentencing for sexual assault. The case comes from Turin, where a 55 year-old was moved by anger that her daughter was sexually uninhibited and to verify the loss of her virginity, after having stripped, he briefly introduced the fingers of the hand into the vagina.

Denounced by his daughter, the father was acquitted of all charges in the first instance and the Court of Appeals Turin June 17, 2009, sentenced him to eight months imprisonment for the slightest offense of domestic violence. A conviction against whom the prosecutor of Turin has been used successfully in the Supreme Court arguing that "vaginal exploration on uncooperative woman not only can not produce any results and certainly does not mean that the man, though strongly opposed by the alleged conduct unbecoming daughter, had acted on sex drive. "

Third Criminal Chamber (Case 17542) upheld the appeal, and stick the lower courts, he noted that "the configuration of the sex offender has been excluded by giving decisive importance to the context in which the sexual act is stato compiuto dal quale si desumerebbe che lo stesso fosse diretto e volto a umiliare la figlia per la sua leggerezza nei costumi ma ciò non esclude la valenza prevaricatoria del gesto sessuale potendo l’intento punitivo essere conseguito con modalità meno invasive della libertà di determinazione del soggetto passivo».

Ecco perchè Piazza Cavour ha annullato la sentenza impugnata disponendo un nuovo esame davanti la Corte d’Appello di Torino dato che «con illogica motivazione è stato ritenuto che nulla di libidinoso ebbe a stimolare il padre».

Articolo tratto da "La Stampa"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sore Throat Red Mucus


A breast fuller, more rounded buttocks, which presents some touching the body more harmonious and sculpted forms, without surgery and long convalescence .. .

from the newspaper "Leggo" of Wednesday, May 5, 2010, sec. Health (page 9).
To read the article entirely through the paper online: Read the article