Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Village Womens Showing Boobs Withouht Blouse

Elena Kagan, a woman on the Supreme Court Imposes

As a negotiator, and is considered a moderate, Elena Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court represents a turning point for the highest court of America. Why so many women to the Court - three out of nine judges - and especially never a court without even a Protestant leader, six Catholics and three Jews. announcing his nomination, Barack Obama called it "a pioneering leader" whose task will be to "build consensus with ability and fairness." Former dean of Harvard Law School, will be the fourth woman judge of the body and replaces a liberal, John Paul Stevens, breaking an unwritten rule that all other members have gone from a federal appeals court judge, mind you he never sat in a body judgmental. "Although we can not think of replacing Justice Stevens' Obama said," I chose a person who I think embodies the same excellence, independence, integrity and passion for the law that can bring the same leadership skills in court. " The

Kagan, who has been preferred to federal judges as Diane Wood of Chicago (the city of Obama), Merrick Garland, Sidney Thomas and a bigwig like Janet Napolitano administration, thanked the president talking about the "dream of a lifetime come true. " The first woman to serve as attorney general, is - in the words of Obama - "not only respected and admired for her intelligence and the results achieved, but for its temperament and ability to understand before you disagree. " The

Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, praised the choice of Obama, as did the Majority Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid. Although just a year ago the Senate confirmed the Attorney General Kagan at the helm, the Republicans have ensured that his confirmation is not so predictable. This is despite none of its stance in the past on hot topics like abortion and gun control, suggesting that the Republicans are to have enough coals to brown it at the hearing that waiting for the next few weeks.
Article taken from "La Stampa"


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