Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Chain In Pokemon Platinum

virginity test to her daughter to the Supreme Court is rape

The legal proceedings are considered by the parent of a girl "too casual" began in 2009
to sexually humiliate her daughter too casual a father of Turin has submitted personally to the test of virginity, and now the effect of a ruling by the Supreme Court, faces sentencing for sexual assault. The case comes from Turin, where a 55 year-old was moved by anger that her daughter was sexually uninhibited and to verify the loss of her virginity, after having stripped, he briefly introduced the fingers of the hand into the vagina.

Denounced by his daughter, the father was acquitted of all charges in the first instance and the Court of Appeals Turin June 17, 2009, sentenced him to eight months imprisonment for the slightest offense of domestic violence. A conviction against whom the prosecutor of Turin has been used successfully in the Supreme Court arguing that "vaginal exploration on uncooperative woman not only can not produce any results and certainly does not mean that the man, though strongly opposed by the alleged conduct unbecoming daughter, had acted on sex drive. "

Third Criminal Chamber (Case 17542) upheld the appeal, and stick the lower courts, he noted that "the configuration of the sex offender has been excluded by giving decisive importance to the context in which the sexual act is stato compiuto dal quale si desumerebbe che lo stesso fosse diretto e volto a umiliare la figlia per la sua leggerezza nei costumi ma ciò non esclude la valenza prevaricatoria del gesto sessuale potendo l’intento punitivo essere conseguito con modalità meno invasive della libertà di determinazione del soggetto passivo».

Ecco perchè Piazza Cavour ha annullato la sentenza impugnata disponendo un nuovo esame davanti la Corte d’Appello di Torino dato che «con illogica motivazione è stato ritenuto che nulla di libidinoso ebbe a stimolare il padre».

Articolo tratto da "La Stampa"


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