Monday, May 17, 2010

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Voucher: Help for women who are seeking employment. Thanks to the European Social Fund.

The voucher is an instrument adopted by the Piedmont Region in help women, encouraging them to reconcile work and family life as many of them, they encounter obstacles of an economic-social, if they paid a child, an elderly person or a disabled person.
What is the voucher?
The voucher for the purchase of personal services - both public and private - is an innovative tool designed to make it compatible to the training needs and / or business needs with the responsibilities of family. In substance with the voucher you can get a refund of expenses incurred for personal services, such as childcare or care for the elderly.
Who is entitled to the voucher?

If you are a woman looking for work and have responsibility of care towards a child or an elderly man belonging to your family, please contact the Center for Employment of the Province where you will be involved in your way to working.
What are the value and duration of the voucher?
Up to a maximum of € 1000 per month and a maximum period of 12 months, extendable for 24 mesi.Il value and duration of the voucher may vary depending on the location where you will be entered by the Center for Employment, for example training course internship in a company, start to work, or under specific provincial legislation.
What expenses are eligible?
You can get a refund of spese sostenute per figli da tre mesi a sei anni, per anziani non autosufficienti,per disabili e/o malati cronici e/o terminali che appartengono al nucleo familiare della donna richiedente il voucher.
È possibile non anticipare la spesa dei servizi che si intendono acquistare?
Sì, è possibile perchè la Provincia può attivare una convenzione con la struttura che hai scelto e pagare direttamente il costo del servizio erogato.
Per accedere a quali servizi?
Per figli da tre mesi a sei anni puoi scegliere tra:
• servizi socio-educativi per la prima infanzia
• centri di custodia oraria (baby parking)
• scuole dell’infanzia pubbliche o paritarie
• servizi proposed in the context of activities pre-and post-summer school offered by public preschools or equal
• canteen services and activities before and after summer school offered in the first year of primary school children and educational centers
• smaller aggregation centers or arrange a baby sitter.
For the frail elderly and the disabled can acquire the service of principals for the elderly or therapeutic social centers for the disabled, or arrange for a person who is eligible for home care (ADEST, OTA, OSS, nurses , domestic workers with job assistance)
what to do to get the voucher?
You must contact the Centre for Use the road that will give you more specific information on the voucher and will evaluate your situation with you to define a path to find work.


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