Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hot Seen Of Mera Naam Jokar


Fighting wrinkles, weathering and aging tissue. The facelift of benefits, intervention methods and techniques used.

The facelift gives shine and tone to the face. An intervention that "wakes up" harmonies and side dishes, weighed down by factors such as weathering and aging tissue . All this is obtained by acting on two planes, which coincide with the skin and the muscle-bundle. There is also associated with procedures such as peeling and various fillers.

The extent of improvement depends to a greater extent by the pre-operative conditions of the skin tissue thickness subcutaneous tissue, skeletal bone quality and smoking. generally opt for a mini-facelift, indicated a relatively young age (40 years old), with a very limited skin undermining. This is a quick treatment, performed under local anesthesia and mild sedation. For overt and obvious blemishes, however, is suggested to complete facelift. Specifically, it acts at the temples, cheeks, cheekbones, jaw and neck areas particularly susceptible to tissue relaxation.

Technically, the skin is separated from the deep layers, removing the excess. The superficial fascia and muscles of the neck are stretched and fixed with sutures. The scar that follows is barely perceptible: it develops in the hair, ear drops before, only to be disguised by the latter. The operation is performed, as appropriate, in shallow or deep sedation with local anesthesia. Only in some cases, requires general anesthesia. The duration ranges from 1 to 4 hours, with lots of night hospital stay.

The choice of which technique to adopt is recommended by the surgeon at the time of first visit, in relation to the imperfections to be corrected, the results to be achieved and the needs / of the patient. Obviously, it favors a soft approach, with treatments di tipo conservativo, volti a preservare la soggettività dell’espressione mimica.
Agendo sui tessuti profondi, si riesce a raggiungere un risultato assolutamente naturale, senza esercitare trazioni eccessive e dannose. Al termine dell’operazione, viene praticata una medicazione elastica ed applicate suture estetiche.

Nei successivi 15 giorni post-operatori, si provvederà ad alcune medicazioni, progressiva rimozione delle suture ed alleggerimento del bendaggio. Dal 3-4° giorno post-operatorio, sarà possibile lavare i capelli con prodotti specifici. Dal secondo mese il recupero sarà totale, mentre a partire dal terzo, sarà possibile osservare il risultato definitivo.

Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery


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