Monday, December 27, 2010

Repairing Split Snowboard Tip

The Opus - DVD presenta il video: The Opus di Douglas Vermeeren

Alcuni dizionari definiscono “Opus” la più grande e memorabile composizione che un compositore possa lasciare in eredità alla vita...

Ogni persona nasce con il potenziale necessario a fare della propria vita una grande Opera. Eppure solo poche persone ci riescono. Perché?

In questo straordinario seguito della Legge di Attrazione sono racchiusi tutti gli insegnamenti dei great teachers to learn how to translate intentions into concrete results ... In The Opus prove all the formulas and methods needed to create healthy, satisfying relationships, personal and economic success, joy, abundance and prosperity in their lives ...


How To Reset The Number Of A Number Lock

anxiety and panic attacks

More and more people in Italy today suffer from panic attacks. It is estimated that more than 600 thousand people in special situations such as driving a car, take the plane, standing in crowded places or in isolated locations (elevator) go haywire discovering literally terrified for no reason, if not objective fear for the current crisis.
These people are suffering from both physical and psychological symptoms such as difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, feeling sick with chest pain, dizziness, sweating, tremors, hot flashes, choking, uncontrollable anxiety, feeling of unreality, feeling faint. People are suffering from an irrational fear of going crazy or having a heart attack.
Anxiety is a very strong anxiety and pain for sufferers. The risk that a person who may be anxious to live isolated in the house at the mercy of drugs that required at hand and repeatedly made in case of need.
It is often the doctor for fear of having serious illness, most often ignoring or rejecting the psychological nature of the problem. This is because our culture has the psychological problems often associated with madness. So to avoid this "label" you prefer hope to have an organic disease rather than a psychological difficulty. Yet all may happen to be in difficulty in resolving a conflict or make certain decisions or carry out certain choices. There are moments of crisis and was not always able to solve alone, in a reasonable time. Usually behind the attacks of anxiety or panic hide other problems or difficulties. Individuals suffering from these symptoms usually flanked thoughts brooding and explosive emotions. The results are thoughts that can not be heard and emotions that can not be understood. With the birth of the symptom starts searching for un'autoterapia looking, for example, information of any kind on the Internet and on dozens of books. This research seems to have no end, until the break of the feeling of independence and the beginning of the bonds of dependency, in intense relationships.

emblematic in particular note is that these people, beside ruminating thoughts are explosive emotions / hypnotized.

Instead, it is important to approach an immediate (often not even recommended by a family doctor) with the psychologist or psychiatrist because it is essential for healing. After all the anxiety is a disorder of this time, this modern, complex, fast-paced, a lover of magic solutions, which sometimes is so difficult to adapt .

Friday, December 17, 2010

Differance Between Defifrillator Cardioversion

Petitions List open ...

Here is a list of petitions to open

just click on the banner to sign the petition

often talk of cruelty to animals, without thinking of those who live in families forced to chain or locked in small balconies and never be let out, let alone untreated and without even a pat ... etc etc. .... I ask that the state take care of them maybe even making a law that allows spot checks and obligations once and for all owners to MICROCIPPATA their animal .. . and that the penalties are tough and reliable ...... so maybe you could go to the path of not stray ... thanks

I'm a mum of two years from a person who struggles daily with fibromyalgia this is my signature to also hear our voice we want to be heard institutions because fibromyalgia do not only ruin a day ... but all my life and it's a shame that Italy is not recognized in this disease, we are alone to combat the problem and we have not nesssuno help because they are not recognized by the state will pay everything and more you continue to feel bad about this disease takes away everything, even friends why do not you decide your days but she is the strongest and most people do not know and do not understand you sorry for the outburst but it fits everything.

This is a petition for the abolition of live decoys for hunting. This game more than anything else, kept locked in small cages, tied, temperatures below freezing, often in water, to attract and facilitate their fellow hunters who kill them posted on site. It 'an atrocity for these animals costretti a passare la loro vita in questo modo, per favorire i cacciatori 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Toothache, remedies to relieve the pain.

Quando il dentista non è immediatamente disponibile: in attesa, del suo intervento, può essere utile conoscere qualche rimedio per alleviare dolore. Il primo consiglio è quello di non sdraiarsi per dormire, ma cercare di dormire in posizione seduta, o almeno sollevare il capo con due o tre cuscini: in questo modo si riduce l’afflusso di sangue alla testa. Lo stesso risultato si ottiene facendo un pediluvio ben caldo: in questo modo, il sangue tende a ristagnare nei vasi sanguigni delle estremità below, dilated by heat. If the toothache is caused by a tooth abscess, you can calm the inflammation with compresses of boiled leaves or flowers of mauve, and rinse with water and salt. Are to avoid the hot packs on the cheek, which can greatly aggravate the inflammation, causing a swelling of the entire cheek and orbital region. To soothe the pain is also helpful to use a method derived from acupuncture, acupressure. In the case of toothache, you have to compress the tip of the index with a base between the first and second metacarpal on the back of his hand: to be effective the pressure must be determined and maintained for several minutes.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Christmas gift takes you an interesting reduction of costs ...

coincide with the holiday season, Roma Aesthetic Surgery, in collaboration with the Casa di Cura Villa Stuart, offers a 10% reduction in net (excluding the cost of prosthetic material may be used ) in the period between 20/12 and 15/01 . patients affiliated with any facilities affiliated with Rome Aesthetic Surgery will take priority on seat selection available supply.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Animated Alerts For Yahoo E-mail

All we wanted to know about hair ...

Cosa sono i capelli?

I capelli sono le estremità pilifere che crescono sulla cute umana a livello del cranio. La comparsa dei peli a livello del cuoio capelluto avviene attorno al quarto o quinto mese di vita. I capelli possono raggiungere lunghezza anche superiore al metro, ad influenzarne le caratteristiche sono fattori genetici, ma anche sessuali e razziali. 

I peli, e quindi anche i capelli, sono prodotti dai follicoli. Si distinguono follicoli del vello e follicoli terminali: i primi producono peli corti e non pigmentati (peli folletto), i second produce long hair and pigment, provided the bone. Androgens can cause the transformation from follicle to follicle terminal level and vice versa. In the case of baldness are witnessing the transformation of terminal follicles in the wool follicles. The density of follicles is not the same throughout the body, it is estimated that about one million follicles is localized in the head, out of a total of five million around the body. The scalp contains about a tenth of the follicles of the head, then a number close to 100,000.

Functions of the hair

  • Decorative, social, communicative
  • protection against trauma and insect penetration
  • protection against electromagnetic radiation
  • Perception environmental
  • mechanism to clean the surface of the skin scales and parasites

Functions of the follicle

  • Production of hair
  • adjustment sensory apparatus
  • production and release of sebum for the protection of the epidermis
in hair developed normally, there are three parts:
  1. external to the follicle, visible, stem or trunk (average thickness in adults 65-78 microns)
  2. an internal to the follicle itself, between the ostium of the follicle and the attack inferiore del muscolo erettore del pelo, radice , ‘immersa’ pertanto nella cute e quindi normalmente non visibile;
  3. una ancora più profonda, alloggiata nella porzione inferiore della parte profonda del follicolo, bulbo , che contiene, nella parte inferiore (in pratica il ‘pavimento’) due-tre file di cellule sovrapposte a rapida riproduzione che costituiscono la matrice (originate, come abbiamo visto poco sopra, dalla guaina epiteliale esterna del follicolo). Queste della matrice sono le uniche cellule germinative e, pertanto, tagliare corti i capelli non può ‘rinforzarli’ in quanto quella che si taglia è una parte di fusto, that is formed by cells that are no longer any vital activity (The advantage that you can get your hair is cut short and due to other minor trauma with washing, brushing, etc.), the hair should not be treated as a plant that requires or can still benefit from 'pruning' regular. The matrix cells, which reproduce slowly, push up those born earlier, during the ascent cells, similar to those of the epidermis, process them in a protein called keratin, go to that meeting so-called 'process of keratinization' becoming progressively more rigid. Of these cells, at all alike, some to form the inner epithelial sheath (which tends to keratinization and then to harden in advance of the pile to 'model'), the three other structural parts of the hair real proper (cuticle, cortex and medulla). Immediately above the matrix cells are some melanocytes which are responsible for 'color', entering the melanin cells which will become the 'bark' of the hair.

The section of hair

-hair cutting hair in a horizontal direction if they can appreciate structure, divided into three parts:
  1. Cuticle : external , formed by a single row of cells, transparent and thin (0.2 to 0.5 microns thick) arranged in a vertical row at the root and rather obliquely, to 'flake', with the lower end attached to the cortex and the upper cut off (like 'ear of corn') at the stem. Given the position is located in the cuticle is the first to be damaged when the hair has been abused (inappropriate shampoo, perms, brushing, etc.).
  2. Bark : term, is the most abbondante; è formata da cellule più grosse, di forma fusata, lunghe 90 micron e larghe 5 micron (1 micron = 1 millesimo di millimetro), disposte verticalmente in file parallele; contengono un pigmento colorato, la melanina, che tende a ridursi con l’età facendo diventare il capello ‘bianco’ (processo di incanutimento). Da quanto detto è evidente che per ‘decolorare’ il capello (ad esempio con acqua ossigenata) è necessario che le reazioni chimiche avvengano a livello della corteccia dato che la cuticola, più esterna, non è colorata; quest’ultima, se il capello viene esaminato al microscopio a forte ingrandimento dopo una decolorazione, si presenta infatti gravemente damage or even death;
  3. Marrow : internal, consisting of rounded cells, arranged in columns, usually separated by air spaces (air has withheld key role in protection from the cold and for this reason bone in animals over 50% of the total thickness of the hair while it is poorly represented, and sometimes absent in humans).

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Monday, November 29, 2010

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dry hair: causes and remedies

is a problem that often attach to summer, the sea, the salt and sun, but dry hair may also depend on very different causes such as eating disorders, dermatological or stress.
Usually the problem lies in the lack of moisturizing the hair that is off and also dim because of the paucity of sebaceous secretions that the brush will disseminate on the body, protecting it.
Among the eating disorders that can cause dry hair, we have the problem of anorexia, malnutrition but also a very balanced diet deficient in vitamins and minerali.
Tra i problemi dermatologici troviamo la psoriasi del cuoio capelluto, la dermatite seborroica.
Anche le abitudini possono influire moltissimo sulla salute e sull'aspetto dei capelli: lavaggi troppo aggressivi o sgrassanti, l'uso di prodotti con ingradienti poco delicati o il ricorso eccessivo al phon ed alla piastra; anche vivere in ambienti molto secchi rendono i capelli opachi e disidratati.Utile, quindi, diminuire la frequenza dei lavaggi, cercando di usare prodotti delicati (molto utili gli gli shampoo oil no oil), diminuire l'utilizzo di prodotti per lo styling (gel, lacche, spume). Quando possibile lasciar asciugare i capelli a temperatura ambiente (senza rischiare malattie by cooling).
If excessive dryness is accompanied by an increase in hair loss is always best to seek advice from a good dermatologist for appropriate treatment advice.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


massage oils: the basics - sweet almond oil

E 'oil which is obtained by cold pressing of sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus), has a light yellow color and slightly viscous. Less than other oils rancid easily. The crude oil has a mild sweet odor and flavor reminiscent of marzipan. It has a high percentage of mono-and polyunsaturated acids. And 'rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin A and Group B.
Used as a massage oil is particularly suitable for the skin of infants, children and the elderly, in other words for sensitive skin, delicate skin and dry skin. It also helps to soothe inflammation, reduce the itching associated with dermatitis, psoriasis and other dry skin disorders, in cases of measles and chicken pox, is also a good remedy for stretch marks , especially in the period pregnancy or when following a weight-loss regime. The advice is to apply the most critical areas such as breast, hips, thighs performing a gentle massage on the skin clean in order to facilitate the absorption of the oil that penetrates well in the deep layers and releases its active ingredients. During lactation, Sweet almond oil is effective for the prevention of cracking of the nipple.
E 'absorbed slowly. E 'oil is not considered an irritant and causes no sensitization, although there have been reports of allergy to cosmetics containing almond oil. And elastic softening, sweet almond oil is also used as a balm for dry hair and to treat and nourish the skin (for use with a wrap to be applied on the hair before shampooing: 20-30 minutes are sufficient to restore softness to parched hair).
an alternative to soap which often contain alkaline substances that affect its physiological chemical balance, you use this oil to cleanse the face: the advice is to use this oil to remove impurities that accumulate on a daily basis our skin, because it does not alter the natural balance and is an excellent moisturizer.
Best softener for the whole body after a bath or shower, the advice is to first clean the whole body in the shower with a mild detergent, dispersing the skin of oil, to redo the shower with hot water and finish with cold water.
Last but not least, is an effective remedy for our lips against the cold of winter: Apply a light film of oil on your lips, sweet almonds and protection is assured.
The Sweet almond oil has properties for use as refreshing the bowel and bladder.
The Sweet almond oil is the ideal carrier for essential oils in Aromatherapy massage, so it can be mixed with a few drops of essential oils, massage oil to get a custom very nice and nourishing the body, and thus also acquire properties treating the essential oil you use (such as joint pain, massage the muscles of athletes, etc.).

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Meditation techniques and fibromyalgia

Meditation techniques have been used for millennia in all known cultures. It can be said that the purpose of meditation has always been basically the achievement of a psychological well-being thanks to the different techniques developed, che rispecchiavano una visione olistica dell’uomo considerato come una unità inscindibile di corpo e mente.
Tra le più conosciute possiamo citare la meditazione buddista, la meditazione taoista, la meditazione zen e la meditazione cristiana; tra le tecniche più moderne, una delle più conosciute e studiate è la meditazione trascendentale.
Gli studi sulla meditazione ad oggi sono molti, effettuati da medici e da psicologi, specialmente a partire dagli anni 80, quando si ebbe un riconoscimento ufficiale di queste tecniche da parte del National health Institute (NIH).
Tra gli effetti psicofisiologici indotti citiamo: un ripristino dell’equilibrio of brain neurotransmitters and increases alpha waves and delta detectable with EEG, the decrease of blood pressure, decrease heart rate, decrease oxygen consumption, decrease muscle tension. Meditation has proved perhaps the most effective technique in anxiety disorders and certain minor depression, as well as in the treatment of pain (including cancer) and acute and persistent. Numerous studies have therefore demonstrated a better quality of life in patients with various diseases, including terminals, and significantly fewer hospital admissions with a net savings in medical costs.

1. Meditation or Zen-like "journey of consciousness"

This technique will bring the patient to get a physical and mental well-being and balance through meetings aimed at awareness of stressors which may have contributed and can keep the symptoms. It therefore aims to make the patient aware that an adjustment of lifestyle respect to environmental characteristics (eg work, family, emotional performance that affect the daily state of health) may be useful for improving of the disease. Since fibromyalgia
considered a disease with a strong psychosomatic matrix, it is assumed that disease as a sign of change, the same as using force to achieve well-being. It helps people to enhance their sense of self-esteem. This through targeted work to increase the capacity to recognize the positive things that surround it, for example through the enhancement of sensory stimuli such as colors, sounds, smells.
Along this route you may notice a change in themselves and see approach to the world that belongs to us.

2. Meditation / distraction

Meditation techniques act by inducing a state of relaxation be detected by measuring a number of psychophysiological indices that show an adverse reaction to a state of stress. In the case of fibromyalgia are indicated as well as a reduction of anxiety and depression, there is a significant increase in the threshold of pain.
It works mainly on the induction of a state of mental and physical relaxation and the teaching of distraction techniques or reworking of the pain. This seems to affect the emotional component and cognitive pain more than on sensory pain is such that binding, but decreases the perceived intensity and unpleasant psychological feelings associated with it. Work on the patient with fibromyalgia
meditation means then teach a technique that allows him to distract attention from his pain. He learns to shift the focus by replacing the thought of pain with activities (eg. Counting breaths), ideas, thoughts, images, generally positive, thus creating a different attentional and emotional state aimed at breaking the vicious circle-anxiety-pain pain. It seems useful to apply them frequency and consistency not only in critical moments of the symptoms, but also in the prevention, breaking the vicious circle before it arises. It then looks in general to educate the patient to a new way of thinking and take care of itself as an active part in the management of their disease.

Reiki and Fibromyalgia by Mauro Ghilardi

Reiki, which has its roots in Tibetan Buddhism is an ancient and simple method of healing by touch of hands. Model is inspired by a "natural" and "holistic" care, in which man is seen as inseparable unity of body, mind, spirit and epiphenomenon of the disease as a lifestyle. It also draws on the "energy model", inspired by quantum physics, which sees the body not only in its material or physical chemistry, but as "vital energy", expressed: a) biology, biophysical and biochemical reactions that take place in cells, b) psychologically, emotions / feelings through our body and speech / thought of our mind, c) in the exchange with the eco-environment, so the human electromagnetic field and electromagnetic fields of our planet / universe continually exchange energy information. Reiki acts on elements of the personality psychoenergetic and promotes the reintegration and realignment of the body-mind-spirit. For this reason it is classified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH) between the treatment of biofield therapies or energy medicine.
as a means to hand contact (Touch Therapy), Reiki can be placed among the most effective techniques and "soft" relaxation and analgesia, and has proven effective in the treatment of pain (including cancer), can play in pre-and post- operative during the chemo and radiation therapy in advanced and terminal cancer patients and anxiety-depressive states in general. The state of mental relaxation that Reiki produces a course of treatment lasts for several weeks and is able to alleviate the physical symptoms (perception of pain, dyspnea, fatigue, nausea) and psychological (anxiety, insomnia, depression) often occur in the course of cancer.
The National Health Institute (NIH) has recently completed a trial for which data are not yet available to assess the effectiveness of Reiki in Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain syndrome with unknown etiology and pathogenesis is not defined. E 'frequent condition and high social impact for the substantial reduction in quality of life that determines. The diagnosis of FM is often difficult, delayed and often leads to the march of events associated with neurodegenerative, running a plethora of tests, examinations and imaging techniques.
Patients with FM have significantly reduced capacity to work and have a high rate of absence from work.
The treatment of FM is not standardized, but usually are used for anti-depressants, muscle relaxants, neuroleptics, anxiolytics, NSAIDs and painkillers, along with the persuasion of the patient to run under constant aerobic exercise. The management of the patient
FM provides an intensive program of clinical evaluations to maintain a constant adherence to the treatment program. The search for the highest patient compliance to the treatment program, through psychological support, is the foundation of a successful treatment program.
In this context, the application can be found Reiki. Through meditation exercise and relaxation, aimed at finding an awareness of energy loss, this can be renewed. Through a process led by Reiki Master, the patient is brought to an experience of detachment from their feelings through deep meditation in perceptual consciousness.
The results of similar studies carried out in cancer patients and the elderly, Reiki has proven effective on the subjective perception of pain.
There were no side effects from Reiki.
Reiki has great potential in health matters as:
a) the technique is standardized and is reproducible from operator to operator and, for the same operator, on the one treatment to another. Necessary skills are not innate special operators, only proper training that you buy at a workshop, lasting two days, led by a master Reiki
b) is not feasible even by lay health (volunteers) and caregiver in patients hospitalized or at home;
c) does not use needles, tools or equipment, or special structures;
d) is easy to learn and affordable for all;
e) is feasible on themselves with self-treatment (self help), supports and charging energy, and thus is also useful in supporting the support staff, reducing performance anxiety, depression and a sense of powerlessness, physical and emotional fatigue;
f) there is no known toxicity or side effects.

article from the site

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Banana. Property and Benefits

Like many other tropical fruits The banana has a prominent seasonality. Arrives on our tables from distant lands, along the climatic zone between the two tropics. The transport is usually by boat in cold cells, often with a controlled atmosphere, to prolong the conservation.

The banana, thanks to its properties, as well as for its fruit, is a plant used for other uses. The fibers are rich in the leaves are used to make paper, cloth and rope. The leaves themselves are used to cover the huts.
The banana contains a fair amount of carbohydrates, is rich in fiber, vitamin C and potassium. To underline that contains no fat, cholesterol and sodium that we appear to be harmful to our body.
Other vitamins that are found in the banana Vitamin A, B1, B2, PP and potassium in addition to containing calcium, phosphorus and iron. Very important is the presence of potassium, essential for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which provides several benefits.
Studies in Ireland , whose results are published in the 'International Journal of Cancer, show that the regular consumption of bananas is positively related with a reduced incidence of kidney cancer.

This is due to the high potassium content. A banana a day or so to avert the risk of kidney cancer.

The banana contains high amounts of antioxidant elements and among other things, helps to lower blood pressure, normal heart function and provide for bone health and eyesight.
The popularity of the banana, thanks to its properties and benefits, it is undisputed and universal. The banana is among the most consumed foods in the world, after cereals. The energy of the banana, once consumed, it is immediate, in fact is considered one of the most efficient fuel for our bodies, thanks to sugars, starches and fibers.
The result is constant energy and feeling no hole in my stomach for many hours. The banana is also indicated 40-50 minutes after exercise to restore vigor to the muscles through the contribution of glycogen.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Algae, Aloe Vera

The variety of algae is immense, there are thousands of species and are believed to have appeared on earth some three billion years ago.
Algae are very simple organisms and plants play a key role in the marine ecosystem. Their natural habitat is water: rivers, lakes and seas. To survive, plants and organisms as subjects alla fotosintesi, con cui producono prezioso ossigeno, hanno bisogno si una sufficiente esposizione alla luce. Sembrerà strano, ma le alghe rappresentano gli organismi viventi che producono la maggior parte di ossigeno di tutto il pianeta.
Come scritto sopra la varietà di alghe è enorme e la loro classificazione avviene tramite il loro colore predominante, che può essere rosso, giallo, verde, bruno e, in certi casi, anche azzurro.

Diciamo che la quantità delle diverse sostanze che compongono le alghe varia in base alla specie a cui appartengono, ma in generale le alghe sono caratterizzate da un'abbondante presenza di iodio, calcio, magnesio e potassio. Allo stesso tempo le alghe hanno un alto contenuto di fibre dietetiche con proprietà sazianti e leggermente lassative. Nota importante è determinata dalla presenza in buone quantità di vitamina A, come il beta-carotene, che è presente in quantità 20 volte superiore rispetto alla carota. Anche la vitamina B, insieme alla C, la D e la E sono ben rappresentate. Un altro elemento che troviamo nelle alghe, soprattutto nell'alga Fucus, è l'acido alginico che ha la particolare proprietà di favorire l'eliminazione dei metalli pesanti dal nostro organismo.

L'alga marina è un alimento molto importante per la nostra salute; è molto difficile trovare other foods such as seaweed liberate us from impurities and toxins that our body accumulates over time.
E 'ascertained that the algae have detoxifying, helps the liver and kidneys, digestive el' elimination of toxic waste attravaerso sweat, faeces and urine. The presence of fatty acid causes the algae also play an anti-inflammatory and due to iodine which stimulates the activity of the thyroid, thereby speeding up the metabolism, algae can also be regarded as a slimming food. Antioxidants instead can eliminate the "dangerous" free radicals. Algae are at the same time a great capacity to combat micro-organisms pathogens and therefore help the body to activate the immune system, strengthen bones, hair and nails.
Finally, last but not least, we are studying the behavior of the algae against some types of cancer, thanks to the presence of algae in antioxidants.

Wakame Seaweed
protein, calcium, iodine, magnesium
Detox, anticoagulant, antibiotic.
Dulse Seaweed
protein, vitamins A and C, iron
Useful in cases of anemia
fibers, minerals, alginic acid
Detox, softening, purifying
Vitamins A, B12, protein , fatty acids
Property antianemic, tone, slow the aging
Agar Agar Seaweed
dietary fiber satiating
Attenuates sense of hunger, has tonic properties
Alga Hijiki
calcium, potassium, iron
remineralizing, healing, strengthens tooth enamel
Alga Klamath
Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants
Boost immune system, cancer, relieve stress
Seaweed Arame
Very rich in iodine
recommended for cases of hypothyroidism

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properties and benefits. Properties and benefits

Aloe vera is known since ancient times for its healing properties and benefits. It 'amazing how the use made of the plant today is the use that the ancients did, in fact, the studies confirm that more than a thousand years ago it was a proper use.
grows naturally on dry and chalky, but can also be grown by seeds or offshoots. Aloe is a succulent plant from whose leaves are extracted through manual labor, a thick juice, also called gel.

The leaves of aloe vera (photo opposite) contain in their inner part, a kind of substance gelatinous (gel) that are attributed powerful healing abilities, it is a completely natural substance in possession of beneficial properties.

The active ingredients of aloe consisting of anthraquinone cathartics, known as the real mass murderers of disease, antibiotics have the same effect but with fewer toxic effects. The substances that make up the aloe are many, here is the most important: cinnamic acid, useful as a germicide, barbalonia, resistanolo oil, air, aloin and calcium. The full composition of aloe gel and its properties have not yet been clarified but are sure its beneficial effects on humans.
According to recent studies has shown that aloe vera can significantly prolong the lives of cancer patients and even stimulate their immune system.
In an experiment carried out on human cancer cells, it was found, by direct injection of these cells in a mixture of aloe, lecithin, what is connected to the activation of the immune system with the aloe.
In fact, cells that had been injected with lecithin, have activated a part of the immune system in turn, produces substances that attack the cancer. Moreover, it appears that aloe promotes the growth of normal cells.
Aloe - emodin, would, according to some studies, an effective anti-viral and anti-cancer activity and its ethanol extract was also active against herpes virus.
Studies on the aloctina A contained in aloe have highlighted its anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and anti-tumor. To underline the capacity of aloe to heal wounds and burns and is able to penetrate the injured tissue, relieve pain and increase blood circulation to those tissues.

aloin and aloe are widely used as active ingredients in preparations of laxatives, often in conjunction with other substances such as cascara and senna.
According to a report of the American Journal of dermatologic surgery and oncology convalescence after surgery is significantly reduced when treated with aloe.
A sample of people with acne have undergone surgery to fix the problem.
For completed action on their faces bandages were applied: on one half of the face was applied normal medication, while the other half used a compound of aloe gel.
Good. Half is treated with aloe healed well in advance of the next 72 hours.
The aloe vera gel is used in soft drinks that are commonly called aloe vera juice and gel are produced by diluting with water and mixing it all with citric acid and preservatives.
gel products are available in both liquid and dried forms.
In America, the fresh gel of aloe vera is known as the most popular folk remedy in the country with regard to burns and scalds and the plant is also called "first aid plant", as it also has moisturizing and emollient properties.

There are many people seeking information on how to find the plant and how to prepare drinks do it yourself with the leaves of aloe vera. Warning, the aloe leaves are very rich in aloin, which is a powerful drug anthraquinone, its effects are not yet fully known, and if taken regularly can cause serious damage, to be an abortion for women. It is therefore recommended to buy the aloe juice already prepared (always check the quality) of private and aloin.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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Garlic, properties and benefits

Garlic (Allium sativum ) belongs to the family of Liliaceae . A few vegetables such as garlic can boast a number of nutritional properties and health benefits so high that it becomes a precious plant. Appreciated since ancient times for its unique aroma, with the passage of time his fame was enriched with so many therapeutic attributes to the verge of being frequently used to heal, and especially to prevent other types of diseases and even epidemics.

Il prezioso bulbo dell'aglio contiene circa 400  differenti componenti curative dell'organismo umano.  Oltre a oligoelementi e sali minerali, l'aglio contiene vitamina A, B1, B2, PP e C. Le sue proprietà più importanti dipendono però da un'essenza solfurea presente nel bulbo, della quale il principio attivo è l' allicina che detiene un forte potere antisettico. I bulbi freschi di aglio contengono dallo 0,1 allo 0,4 di olio essenziale dove, oltre alle sostanze fin qui citate, sono presenti altri composti dello zolfo, nonchè sostanze ormonali.

Proprietà Healing Benefits of Garlic and

Garlic acts primarily as an effective antiseptic and antibacterial properties, destroys germs and bacteria and prevents proliferation. And 'one of the most effective antioxidants that there is in nature, thus protecting the body's cells from an early age as well as deterioration and consequent diseases.

very important benefits that garlic causes heart and circulatory system; due to its toning and balancing, strengthens muscle tone and heart by thinning the blood, as well as to perform a purifying, contributes significantly to the cleaning of streets and the removal of diseases associated with them. Contrary to what many believe, garlic also has digestive properties and is able to bring enormous benefits in the fight against intestinal parasites.

A recent study conducted in China and the U.S., suggests that garlic , used regularly in the diet may have protective effects against cancer and, in addition this, it has unique properties that can inhibit, retard or even reverse the process of human cancer. The results of these experiments were presented at the International Symposium on "New frontiers in hematology and oncology."

Garlic in table
E ' important to make clear one thing: there are many compounds or pads that progress there has in order to avoid the smell by the consumption of garlic. Garlic , so that the curative properties remain unchanged, and carry out their benefits on the human body, be eaten raw, if you really are bothered by the smell that goes with it we can resort to the remedy still valid, the "grandmother" which consists of two chewing slowly roasted coffee beans.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Mky Gf To Masterbate In Th Shower

Focus on the new revision rhinoplasty operations, including difficulties, instrumental examinations and fair measures. Trends and case studies according to Dr. Paolo Serafini: "The most serious and frequent errors affecting the tip of the nose"


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Dr. Serafini, what are the specific characteristics and distinctive features Secondary rhinoplasty?
"The aesthetic and functional surgery of the nose ( rinosettoplastica ed) is perhaps the most challenging surgical procedure, which does not always lead to optimal results. For this reason, there are noses not aesthetically pleasing, often disproportionate to the features of the face, which should be surgically re-operate: the aim is also to resolve any type of respiratory complications. "

What dangers lurk behind a revision surgery?
"The difficulty of a review of treatment depends on the severity of the blemishes produced by the first surgery. We need a specific expertise, can operate in safety and peace, through the use of advanced techniques, such as multiple grafts of cartilage, bone, and more rarely of alloplastic materials.

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Dott. Paolo Serafini, Medico Chirurgo specializzato in Chirurgia Plastica, Ricostruttiva ed Estetica

Indubbiamente, una bella responsabilità per lo specialista.
“Il chirurgo, dovendo intervenire sull’operato altrui, si assume una grande responsabilità. Innanzitutto, deve valutare con esattezza l’entità del danno, individuando le malformazioni estetiche sulle quali incentrarsi. Va poi condotta una diagnosi accurata, abbinata allo studio della piramide nasale, sia dal punto di vista endoscopico che da quello estetico”.

Quali gli esami da eseguire per una corretta diagnosi?
“La passes for revision rhinoplasty rhinoscopy, examination of the skin of the alar cartilages and the bridge of the nose. Statistically speaking, the most serious and frequent errors affecting the tip of the nose. "

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What advice would you dispense with the readers?
"The one to turn to specialists experienced in order to avoid the discomfort of a revision surgery. Even in the case of a first operation, we must rely on a qualified professional. In this way, you avoid the risk of having to undergo a new intervention, with the hassle and stress that it contains. "

Go to site Rome Cosmetic Surgery

Friday, November 12, 2010

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turmeric, peculiarità e benefici

Turmeric, little known in Europe as it does not fit our traditional eating habits, it is much used in Indian cooking and oriental spice. Ayurvedic medicine treasure it, reserving many uses that go far beyond the table.

In India it is known and used by at least 5,000 years, as medicine, spice and even coloring. Botanically speaking from the family of Zingiberacee turmeric, herbaceous perennials, with rhizomes and grown mainly in tropical regions. Its name derives from the Persian-Indian, and specifically the word Koum Kouri, which means saffron, turmeric it is also known as the Saffron of the Indies. Its rhizomes, which are part of the plant containing the active ingredients or drugs, are boiled for several hours and dried in large ovens, then crushed to yield a yellow orange powder that is commonly used as a spice in cuisine of South Asia. The turmeric powder is the ingredient that gives the characteristic color to curry, the taste is very volatile while on the contrary, the color remains unchanged. For this reason it is a substance that is widely used in the food industry as a coloring agent, its code is 100; foods such as cheese, yogurt, mustard, canned soups and several others are often colored with turmeric derivatives.

The spice that is derived from turmeric contains hundreds of components, but the attention of scholars has focused on one in particular: curcumin. Other components present in turmeric are potassium, vitamin C, starch. Very important is the presence of essential oils that can stimulate appetite, and those who are bitter that stimulates the function of digestive enzymes.


According to recent studies showed that curcumin could be useful to counter the emergence of at least eight tumors: colon, mouth, lungs, liver, kidney, breast and leukemia. Turmeric is used in traditional Indian medicine and Chinese as a detoxifying the body, in especially as the liver and anti-inflammatory. The health benefits that are attributed to the popular tradition turmeric are the same that are now confirmed by official medicine in the light of numerous studies and discoveries that science has now officially confirmed.
The thing that caught the attention of scholars is the fact that in Asian countries, particularly India, where turmeric consumption is high, the incidence of cancer is very low. Very interesting antioxidant properties of curcumin that are able to transform free radicals into harmless substances for our body and of course to slow the aging of our cellular landscape. Also very good healing action of this spice. Finally, according to a study published in the journal Cancer Research turmeric would have a key role in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. It was also found that the effect of curcumin is even more evident when it is associated with an isothiocyanate present in vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli or cabbage turnip.


to use healthy enough to be able to integrate it into our daily diet. A couple of teaspoons a day is the ideal dose, may be added after cooking of many foods but you can also add different types of yogurt or make a sauce. It 'important to remember that turmeric should be taken together with black pepper or green tea to facilitate the absorption, not only, also along with some fat, like olive oil or butter, facilitates its absorption.

- A teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with a glass of milk has no effect against colds and bronchitis, as well as improve the overall health of the body.

- The fresh juice of the root is a major pest.

- The root extract is an antidiabetic agent: 5 mg of turmeric powder with a glass of water maintain balanced blood sugar. Turmeric is able to facilitate the production of insulin.

- Assunta in any form, is great for removing gas from the digestive system.

- It 's effective in treating diarrhea, because it has extraordinary properties of rejuvenation of the digestive system by improving blood flow.

- The fresh juice of the root is effective against skin diseases, particularly acne.

- Promotes the production of antibodies by increasing the resilience of the whole organism.

And it's great as a spice in cooking. Its use in sauces and dressings not only gives flavor and color but exempting from its use as medicine.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hottest Ecchi Of 2010


The word denotes a "parafunction", ie una funzione muscolare senza scopo; infatti non è finalizzata, ma addirittura nociva.
Consiste in uno sfregamento dei denti di un'arcata contro i denti dell'altra: si presenta per lo più di notte, ma può essere presente anche durante il giorno: il digrignamento si riscontra anche nei bambini.

Si attribuisce la causa a stress, che può essere riconosciuto in un problema psicologico: lo stressor determinante è rappresentato da situazioni che il paziente non riesce a gestire o ad accettare.
Si rappresenta il bruxista prigioniero in una gabbia da cui cerca di uscire, allargando le sbarre, senza riuscirci. Molteplici sono le situazioni causa dell'insorgenza del fenomeno: il burn-out, il mobbing, il disagio pratica una malattia dell'anima.
Sono soggetti che possono trovare sfogo in situazioni che determinano ancora di più fenomeni di sussidiarietà come il tabagismo, l'alcolismo, la droga.
Nei bambini può essere dovuta alla presenza di ossiuri; comunque anche nel bambino bisogna ricercare la causa: un nuovo nato, la scuola, genitori troppo rigidi o troppo apprensivi, timidezza o eccesso di competitività...
Il danno è a carico di tutti gli elementi dentarii che si advanced stages of wear and look like the teeth of ruminants:
  • molars and premolars lose cuspidatura and may present with a concave bowl,
  • canines lose their characteristic shape of a spear to take one to hoe.
  • upper teeth show wear facets in the lower face and palate are short and chipped,
  • appear sensitive to temperatures, acidic foods, sugar ...
  • the normal height of the bite is reduced to become a "deep bite" morsus tectus,
  • the temporo-mandibular joint is worn Chiefs (condyle and glenoid cavity che lo accoglie) e distrazione del menisco.
Naturalmente tutto questo si ripercuote sulla colonna vertebrale (cervicale, toracica, lombare) e sui fasci muscolari con mialgie, rigidità, specie al risveglio, nevralgie facciali per interessamento del trigemino, acufeni, vertigini, ecc.
Ne soffrono anche le articolazioni dell'anca e dulcis in fundo, i piedi.

La terapia deve essere mista allopatica:
  • bite, eventuale ortodonzia, e quindi protesi per ristabilire l'altezza adeguata del morso.
  • altre terapie cosidette complementari o non convenzionali sono di great help: Bach flower remedies, craniosacral, Posture, kinesiology.
is a complex syndrome, but with a few tricks and patient cooperation, treatable with good results. From my experience a little more simple device, useful for all of us, the pillow is custom:
  • if we have the habit of sleeping on his side should have the thickness of the cushion of the shoulder, measured from the base of the neck by adding a little more padding because the weight of the head tends to crush and the head should be well supported, aligned to the spine,
  • if the position is supine the cushion is low,
  • the prone position is the most pernicious because it moves the jaw, under the cervical spine.
Keep in mind that sleep eight hours a day and a bad posture means that sleep is not refreshing.

by Dr. Emma Castagnari

Monday, November 8, 2010

Homemade Fishing Rod Holders For Pontoon Boats

Diabete, un aiuto dal Caffè

INRAN According to a study (the Italian public body to research on food and nutrition), coffee can be a valuable ally against diabetes .
Let's see how.
Coffee, in particular, would be able to inhibit an enzyme in the intestinal Members digestion of carbohydrates, which could cause a slowdown in the absorption of glucose and lower peak blood glucose that occurs after consumption a meal, helping to reduce the risk of type II diabetes.
Scientists have suggested that coffee interferes with the digestion of carbohydrates, a situation confirmed by experimental data that will have further confirmation.
If this beneficial effect of coffee fosse riconfermato gli esperti consiglierebbero di bere caffè subito dopo i pasti ma senza superare un consumo di 4-5 al giorno.

Diabetes, aid from the Coffee

According to a study of the Inran, coffee can be a valid ally against the diabetes. The coffee, in the specific one, it would be able to inhibit one of the enzymes intestinal deputies to the digestion of the carbohydrates: this could cause a deceleration in the absorption of the glucose and to lower the glicemic peak that introduces it after the consumption of a meal, contributing to the reduction of the risk of diabetes type II. The scientists have hypothesized that coffee interferes with the process of digestion of the carbohydrates, hypothesis confirmed by experimental data that must have a further confirmation. If this beneficent effect of the coffee was reinstated the experts they would advise immediately to drink coffee after the meals but without overcoming a consumption of 4-5 a day.