The survey
from the newspaper "laws" of Wednesday, April 28, 2010 (p.9)
The Italians trust the surgeons (8 out of 10) and are satisfied (90%) if they have had personal experience or family . Is not missing some shadows: 57% are concerned that surgeons tend to postpone the operation to protect themselves against the risk of litigation, 49% operate even when there is no need, 46% think that more to protect themselves from the medical-legal risk that the patient's health. Finally, 40% would like a specialist "human" and attentive to the statement. In general, longer fears the 25-and 34-year old home, minus the 35-44 years old, residents in metropolitan areas and in central Italy. ISPO is some data from the survey of 800 Italians, shown in the presentation of the X Conference of Spring "The Italian surgery from the last century to the Future - Science, Law, Responsibility of the Italian Society of Surgery (Catania May 6 to 8).
http: / / =
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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Chocolate? better than sex for one third of women and
Sono ben 2,3 milioni le donne che hanno confessed to prefer chocolate to sex. But the wine and cosmetics. Chocolate, then, is considered "more reliable" than men.
This is what emerged from a survey commissioned by the manufacturer of a famous bar in cereal fiber on behalf Plus that has involved a large number of women. According to the newspaper, Specifically, third of the 2,000 British women surveyed prefer to indulge in sweet temptation with chocolate three times a day, and prefers to sex, against a mere 18% instead it says still interested in it.
The opposing party, or men, rather confirms the stereotype that the male wants more interested in sexual practices than to Pampering. In fact, six out of ten men has confessed to think of sex once or more during the day. A tiny representation of males has said instead of thinking even chocolate (11%).
By contrast, more than one in five women would be ready to say goodbye to sex at the prospect of abandoning the arms of a chocolate bar. A quarter of respondents, then, would say Chanel or the chardonnay, for chocolate.
"Women are turning to chocolate for comfort or to cheer themselves. For many, never disappoints, "said a spokeswoman for the company that finger of cereals.
So, dear boys, the message is clear: to hide all the chocolate in your house if you want to have any chance to still have sex with your partner.
Sono ben 2,3 milioni le donne che hanno confessed to prefer chocolate to sex. But the wine and cosmetics. Chocolate, then, is considered "more reliable" than men.
This is what emerged from a survey commissioned by the manufacturer of a famous bar in cereal fiber on behalf Plus that has involved a large number of women. According to the newspaper, Specifically, third of the 2,000 British women surveyed prefer to indulge in sweet temptation with chocolate three times a day, and prefers to sex, against a mere 18% instead it says still interested in it.
The opposing party, or men, rather confirms the stereotype that the male wants more interested in sexual practices than to Pampering. In fact, six out of ten men has confessed to think of sex once or more during the day. A tiny representation of males has said instead of thinking even chocolate (11%).
By contrast, more than one in five women would be ready to say goodbye to sex at the prospect of abandoning the arms of a chocolate bar. A quarter of respondents, then, would say Chanel or the chardonnay, for chocolate.
"Women are turning to chocolate for comfort or to cheer themselves. For many, never disappoints, "said a spokeswoman for the company that finger of cereals.
So, dear boys, the message is clear: to hide all the chocolate in your house if you want to have any chance to still have sex with your partner.
Article taken from "La Stampa"
Friday, April 23, 2010
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Facebook safety tips for teens
Social networks, you know, can be a great way to renew old relationships or cultivate new ones, but if used for short nobles have the ability to turn into real traps, both for users with little cautious in their actions for vulnerable people. In the latter category are the boys and girls in adolescence, often al centro di roventi polemiche relative al loro approccio con i servizi Web 2.0.
A loro Facebook ha dedicato una nuova sezione, chiamata appunto “Sicurezza per gli adolescenti” e contenente un elenco di consigli utili da seguire, sia in modo preventivo per evitare il crearsi di situazioni spiacevoli, che per porvi rimedio qualora se ne manifestasse la necessità.
“Ho ricevuto messaggi indesiderati. Cosa devo fare?” o ancora “Come devo comportarmi se qualcuno finge di essere me su Facebook?”. Queste alcune delle domande alle quali il team responsabile del social network prova a fornire soluzioni concise ed efficaci, che il più delle volte passano per la segnalazione di un comportamento scorretto managers of the site.
Facebook also caters to the needs of the largest, with the center "Safety for Parents" which, while bringing a large extent the same questions devoted to their children, analyze the issues from a different point of view. Finally, it appears rather emblematic
the advice given to the question "If my child has more than 13 years, how can I access your account or delete it?".
understand your concerns about the use of our website by your son, but unfortunately we can not give in to your account or take any action regarding your request.
encourage parents to ensure the best possible on their computers and control about what their children are doing on the Internet. If you are a parent, you may want to use your desktop software tools designed for this purpose.
Also, talk to your children and explain to them the importance of safety in the use of the Internet. Ask them to use our many privacy settings.
In other words, a prior action of information and protection of children seems to be still, despite the evolution of security tools, the most effective means to prevent the emergence of potentially dangerous situations.
Source OneWeb 2.0
Social networks, you know, can be a great way to renew old relationships or cultivate new ones, but if used for short nobles have the ability to turn into real traps, both for users with little cautious in their actions for vulnerable people. In the latter category are the boys and girls in adolescence, often al centro di roventi polemiche relative al loro approccio con i servizi Web 2.0.
A loro Facebook ha dedicato una nuova sezione, chiamata appunto “Sicurezza per gli adolescenti” e contenente un elenco di consigli utili da seguire, sia in modo preventivo per evitare il crearsi di situazioni spiacevoli, che per porvi rimedio qualora se ne manifestasse la necessità.
“Ho ricevuto messaggi indesiderati. Cosa devo fare?” o ancora “Come devo comportarmi se qualcuno finge di essere me su Facebook?”. Queste alcune delle domande alle quali il team responsabile del social network prova a fornire soluzioni concise ed efficaci, che il più delle volte passano per la segnalazione di un comportamento scorretto managers of the site.
Facebook also caters to the needs of the largest, with the center "Safety for Parents" which, while bringing a large extent the same questions devoted to their children, analyze the issues from a different point of view. Finally, it appears rather emblematic
the advice given to the question "If my child has more than 13 years, how can I access your account or delete it?".
understand your concerns about the use of our website by your son, but unfortunately we can not give in to your account or take any action regarding your request.
encourage parents to ensure the best possible on their computers and control about what their children are doing on the Internet. If you are a parent, you may want to use your desktop software tools designed for this purpose.
Also, talk to your children and explain to them the importance of safety in the use of the Internet. Ask them to use our many privacy settings.
In other words, a prior action of information and protection of children seems to be still, despite the evolution of security tools, the most effective means to prevent the emergence of potentially dangerous situations.
Source OneWeb 2.0
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trust the cosmetic surgery: Liposuction, on the "highest podium"
liposuction, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty and abdominoplasty: the grid most of the interventions applied. The case studies we comes to the rescue, awarding the liposuction, with a request that tends to grow progressively. Other interesting data: in past, surgeons have performed about belonging to SICPRE 300000 interventions, which must be added the 150,000 charged by surgeons outside the SICPRE
liposuction, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty and abdominoplasty: the grid most of the interventions applied. The case studies we comes to the rescue, awarding the liposuction, with a request that tends to grow progressively. Other interesting data: in past, surgeons have performed about belonging to SICPRE 300000 interventions, which must be added the 150,000 charged by surgeons outside the SICPRE
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Adopt a dog: it is now easier
The computerized registry of Piedmont increases canine services for citizens. On you can now do online reporting of loss, discovery, or death of your dog, it is not more need to go to offices. You can also publish the photo of your dog among those lost, making it easy to search, while respecting privacy laws.
A new section proposes a showcase of the dogs eligible for adoption, indicating each data such as race, age, notes on the character and, of course, photography. This is an informational section, which allows citizens to approach the world of adoptions, but that does not replace the procedures and interviews with personnel. There are currently 272 adoptable dogs from about 20 different breeds.
Arvet Piedmont also allows to search the kennels of first reception (54) and shelter (currently 58) and learn from each location, telephone numbers, e-mail and, if present, the web site.
The dog register is the regional register of dogs identified by microchip or tattoo in Piedmont. The update is done in real time and matches the records computerized nell'anagrafe. The dogs were registered at 17 March 2010 490 770. The service is highly innovative because it sees the collaboration of different actors - veterinarians, kennel operators, private citizens, municipal police - thus ensuring an efficient network that can prevent and protect the welfare of the dog population and public health.
The computerized registry of Piedmont increases canine services for citizens. On you can now do online reporting of loss, discovery, or death of your dog, it is not more need to go to offices. You can also publish the photo of your dog among those lost, making it easy to search, while respecting privacy laws.
A new section proposes a showcase of the dogs eligible for adoption, indicating each data such as race, age, notes on the character and, of course, photography. This is an informational section, which allows citizens to approach the world of adoptions, but that does not replace the procedures and interviews with personnel. There are currently 272 adoptable dogs from about 20 different breeds.
Arvet Piedmont also allows to search the kennels of first reception (54) and shelter (currently 58) and learn from each location, telephone numbers, e-mail and, if present, the web site.
The dog register is the regional register of dogs identified by microchip or tattoo in Piedmont. The update is done in real time and matches the records computerized nell'anagrafe. The dogs were registered at 17 March 2010 490 770. The service is highly innovative because it sees the collaboration of different actors - veterinarians, kennel operators, private citizens, municipal police - thus ensuring an efficient network that can prevent and protect the welfare of the dog population and public health.
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Photo Contest: "We Women"
The Italian National Committee for UNIFEM non-profit organization announces the 1st Edition of Photo Contest "Noi Donne" . The aim is:
"Being able to express a feminine side of women, through feelings, actions, moments that are captured with a shutter that will remain forever in the memory of what they are women, of what they do, how they do it ... "
The competition is open to all young people aged 30 years. Participants should send
maximum 3 images, black and white or color, in traditional (analog) or digital
choice between the three categories: "Women talented", "Women in Motion," Multicultural Women. "
The jury, made up of a photography techniques and the Technical Committee of UNIFEM Italy,
award the following prizes:
- First Prize in the category "Women talented"
€ 1,000 - First Prize in the category "Women in Motion € 1,000
- First Prize in the category "Multicultural Women" € 1,000
The Italian National Committee for UNIFEM non-profit organization announces the 1st Edition of Photo Contest "Noi Donne" . The aim is:
"Being able to express a feminine side of women, through feelings, actions, moments that are captured with a shutter that will remain forever in the memory of what they are women, of what they do, how they do it ... "
The competition is open to all young people aged 30 years. Participants should send
maximum 3 images, black and white or color, in traditional (analog) or digital
choice between the three categories: "Women talented", "Women in Motion," Multicultural Women. "
The jury, made up of a photography techniques and the Technical Committee of UNIFEM Italy,
award the following prizes:
- First Prize in the category "Women talented"
€ 1,000 - First Prize in the category "Women in Motion € 1,000
- First Prize in the category "Multicultural Women" € 1,000
Friday, April 16, 2010
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Cellulite: the beneficial effects of red wine
A study published in "Drug RD" and reported by 'AIIPA Observatory (Italian Association of Food Products - Food Supplements Area) confirms the beneficial effects of supplements of flavonoids, the known antioxidant effects, contained in the extract of red vine leaves.
Cellulite is a very common skin problems affecting approximately 80-90% of the population women. It is a problem that does worry many women who want to look your best bikini to the test.
This imperfection occurs as a result of degeneration due to alterations in the microcirculation hypodermis going to affect its most important metabolic functions: the fat cells increase in size and retain liquids, while the microcirculation, blood and lymphatic circulation, proceeded with difficulty, resulting in a stagnant water in the tissues and a local inflammatory process.
The onset of cellulite is affected by numerous factors, including heredity, but also by hormonal factors, in particular by changes in the levels of ovarian hormones, pituitary and thyroid may undergo during the various stages of a woman's life, like puberty, pregnancy, menopause.
To combat it effectively is of paramount importance to follow a healthy lifestyle and proper, correct wrong habits like smoking, practicing regular physical activity and following a proper diet, low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables from the known antioxidant properties. Help can also come from a supplementation of antioxidants that can help to restore the peripheral microcirculation and obstruct the formation of this unsightly blemish.
* The study analyzed the effects of these substances on the skin microcirculation, on the formation of edema and circumference of the ankles, calves and legs. In particular, 71 subjects (males and females) aged between 32 and 72 years with problems of venous insufficiency and dysfunction of the microcirculation were divided into two groups: one control and one treated with placebo which was administered for 6 weeks a dose of 360 mg / day of extract of red vine leaves.
analysis of the results showed, after 3 weeks, a significant reduction in the circumference of the ankles, calves and legs than the placebo group. After 6 weeks the results were better and had also seen an improvement in skin microcirculation with decreased training skin edema, stasis and water retention.
The researchers concluded that the red vine leaf extract is effective in reducing edema formation and venous porosity, and thus water retention, a major triggering factor of cellulite.
* Klaus U., Kosciently J., Grigorov A, Schaefer E, Peil H. and H. Kiesewetter, "Improvement of Cutaneous Microcirculation and Oxygen Supply in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency by Orally Administered Extract of Red Wine Leaves", Drugs RD, 2004, 5 (2) :63-71
Source and for more information Office Print AIIPA
A study published in "Drug RD" and reported by 'AIIPA Observatory (Italian Association of Food Products - Food Supplements Area) confirms the beneficial effects of supplements of flavonoids, the known antioxidant effects, contained in the extract of red vine leaves.
Cellulite is a very common skin problems affecting approximately 80-90% of the population women. It is a problem that does worry many women who want to look your best bikini to the test.
This imperfection occurs as a result of degeneration due to alterations in the microcirculation hypodermis going to affect its most important metabolic functions: the fat cells increase in size and retain liquids, while the microcirculation, blood and lymphatic circulation, proceeded with difficulty, resulting in a stagnant water in the tissues and a local inflammatory process.
The onset of cellulite is affected by numerous factors, including heredity, but also by hormonal factors, in particular by changes in the levels of ovarian hormones, pituitary and thyroid may undergo during the various stages of a woman's life, like puberty, pregnancy, menopause.
To combat it effectively is of paramount importance to follow a healthy lifestyle and proper, correct wrong habits like smoking, practicing regular physical activity and following a proper diet, low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables from the known antioxidant properties. Help can also come from a supplementation of antioxidants that can help to restore the peripheral microcirculation and obstruct the formation of this unsightly blemish.
* The study analyzed the effects of these substances on the skin microcirculation, on the formation of edema and circumference of the ankles, calves and legs. In particular, 71 subjects (males and females) aged between 32 and 72 years with problems of venous insufficiency and dysfunction of the microcirculation were divided into two groups: one control and one treated with placebo which was administered for 6 weeks a dose of 360 mg / day of extract of red vine leaves.
analysis of the results showed, after 3 weeks, a significant reduction in the circumference of the ankles, calves and legs than the placebo group. After 6 weeks the results were better and had also seen an improvement in skin microcirculation with decreased training skin edema, stasis and water retention.
The researchers concluded that the red vine leaf extract is effective in reducing edema formation and venous porosity, and thus water retention, a major triggering factor of cellulite.
* Klaus U., Kosciently J., Grigorov A, Schaefer E, Peil H. and H. Kiesewetter, "Improvement of Cutaneous Microcirculation and Oxygen Supply in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency by Orally Administered Extract of Red Wine Leaves", Drugs RD, 2004, 5 (2) :63-71
Source and for more information Office Print AIIPA
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LinkedIn: now localized in Italian photographer
The term social network has now become almost entirely synonymous with reality as Facebook or Twitter, but the view of Web 2.0 is full of other services, perhaps less well known and popular, but equally interesting and able to offer new perspectives for the use of the Net
One of these is undoubtedly LinkedIn platform dedicated to professionals launched in 2003 and still little known in our country, but thanks to the launch of the fully localized version in Italian, seems to have all it takes to expand its range of action on our territory.
From today, all members may give up the English interface, and then directly from the homepage, our language, as already happens for other languages \u200b\u200b(Portuguese, French, German and English).
According to Kevin Eyres, Managing Director of United States in Europe, it is a fundamental step for the growing European social network:
We recently surpassed 15 million users in Europe. Our continued commitment to the location of the community confirms the desire to be closer to users, to help them draw from the great platform for sharing of skills and professional expertise.
evolution that also passes by the integration of service with other platforms and tools, with partnerships such as that that allows you to connect your personal profile page or Twitter with dedicated applications available for download on the BlackBerry and Palm phones.
Here, the data emerging from the usage statistics reported by Xing and about our country:
· Members: nearly 1,000,000;
more connected · City: Milan, Rome, Bologna, Turin, Venice;
· Companies with the largest number of subscribers: Accenture, Telecom Italy,
Studio Tike, Unicredit, IBM;
Institute · more connected school: University of Rome.
Source: OneWeb2.0
The term social network has now become almost entirely synonymous with reality as Facebook or Twitter, but the view of Web 2.0 is full of other services, perhaps less well known and popular, but equally interesting and able to offer new perspectives for the use of the Net
One of these is undoubtedly LinkedIn platform dedicated to professionals launched in 2003 and still little known in our country, but thanks to the launch of the fully localized version in Italian, seems to have all it takes to expand its range of action on our territory.
From today, all members may give up the English interface, and then directly from the homepage, our language, as already happens for other languages \u200b\u200b(Portuguese, French, German and English).
According to Kevin Eyres, Managing Director of United States in Europe, it is a fundamental step for the growing European social network:
We recently surpassed 15 million users in Europe. Our continued commitment to the location of the community confirms the desire to be closer to users, to help them draw from the great platform for sharing of skills and professional expertise.
evolution that also passes by the integration of service with other platforms and tools, with partnerships such as that that allows you to connect your personal profile page or Twitter with dedicated applications available for download on the BlackBerry and Palm phones.
Here, the data emerging from the usage statistics reported by Xing and about our country:
· Members: nearly 1,000,000;
more connected · City: Milan, Rome, Bologna, Turin, Venice;
· Companies with the largest number of subscribers: Accenture, Telecom Italy,
Studio Tike, Unicredit, IBM;
Institute · more connected school: University of Rome.
Source: OneWeb2.0
Thursday, April 15, 2010
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Audiweb Italy sailing
more and more people of Italian sailors? Looking at the trends in the numbers published by Audiweb gathered, it seems that more and more fellow countrymen who work every day and dealing in the sea of \u200b\u200bdigital bits coming from the Internet, but with some important distinctions.
statistics related to the month of February 2010 and talk of an increase of 13% for users who have surfed the Internet over the same month of 2009, with a more positive (16.9%) relative to users online on an average day and a decrease of 7.1% and 6.7%, however, respectively, to the number of pagine viste e del tempo speso su Internet.
Spulciando tra i numeri pubblicati si evince in seguito che il 45% dei navigatori italiani ha un’età compresa nella fascia che va dai 35 ai 54 anni, mentre il 22% è compreso nella fascia dei 25-34 anni. I profili che indicano il rapporto con il Web diviso per zone geografiche dicono invece che, nel giorno medio, è online il 25% della popolazione del Nord-Ovest, seguita dal 22% che si collega dal Nord-Est, dal 22% del Centro e dal 18% del Sud e delle Isole, mostrando come l’uso di Internet diminuisca con il diminuire della latitudine da Nord a Sud.
Alla fine, l’analisi di Audiweb passa a elencare i giorni in cui la gente si connette di più, showing how the period of greatest traffic records on working days from Monday to Friday, when 12.4 million online users, just over two million more than the 10.3 million who fly on Saturdays and Sundays.
After taking literally the numbers, it is time for reflection. So you can not fail to notice that the Italians seem to be navigating more complex than last year, even if staying online lowest suggests a behavior that shows a more widespread use of the Net, but kind of "hit and run "and less structured than in the past. Special
also the trend in the number of users divided geographical areas, with a trend of the South and the Islands, bringing up the rear as the area where the Internet is used less than average. That this is due to the fact that, given the mild climate and plenty of sun in these regions, the inhabitants have nothing to do but sit in front of the PC to surf?
Source: OneWeb2.0
more and more people of Italian sailors? Looking at the trends in the numbers published by Audiweb gathered, it seems that more and more fellow countrymen who work every day and dealing in the sea of \u200b\u200bdigital bits coming from the Internet, but with some important distinctions.
statistics related to the month of February 2010 and talk of an increase of 13% for users who have surfed the Internet over the same month of 2009, with a more positive (16.9%) relative to users online on an average day and a decrease of 7.1% and 6.7%, however, respectively, to the number of pagine viste e del tempo speso su Internet.
Spulciando tra i numeri pubblicati si evince in seguito che il 45% dei navigatori italiani ha un’età compresa nella fascia che va dai 35 ai 54 anni, mentre il 22% è compreso nella fascia dei 25-34 anni. I profili che indicano il rapporto con il Web diviso per zone geografiche dicono invece che, nel giorno medio, è online il 25% della popolazione del Nord-Ovest, seguita dal 22% che si collega dal Nord-Est, dal 22% del Centro e dal 18% del Sud e delle Isole, mostrando come l’uso di Internet diminuisca con il diminuire della latitudine da Nord a Sud.
Alla fine, l’analisi di Audiweb passa a elencare i giorni in cui la gente si connette di più, showing how the period of greatest traffic records on working days from Monday to Friday, when 12.4 million online users, just over two million more than the 10.3 million who fly on Saturdays and Sundays.
After taking literally the numbers, it is time for reflection. So you can not fail to notice that the Italians seem to be navigating more complex than last year, even if staying online lowest suggests a behavior that shows a more widespread use of the Net, but kind of "hit and run "and less structured than in the past. Special
also the trend in the number of users divided geographical areas, with a trend of the South and the Islands, bringing up the rear as the area where the Internet is used less than average. That this is due to the fact that, given the mild climate and plenty of sun in these regions, the inhabitants have nothing to do but sit in front of the PC to surf?
Source: OneWeb2.0
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
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How to choose a surgeon for your rhinoplasty
The decision to change the shape of the nose with a rhinoplasty can change the look of your face as a whole and not just your nose. Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping surgery) is a cosmetic surgery procedure is usually performed by a specialist in cosmetic, but can also be performed by an ENT surgeon who can combine rhinoplasty with surgery or other respiratory problems sinusitis.
There are many reasons to choose a rhinoplasty, which vary from patient to patient, some cosmetic and some medical. Whatever the reasons for having a nose reshaping surgery, you should always make sure you are fully informed of the title di studio del chirurgo. È necessario assicurarvi che il chirurgo abbia eseguito interventi chirurgici prima della vostra rinoplastica.
Quando si partecipa a una consulta con il chirurgo estetico scelto, si dovrebbe sempre chiedere di vedere foto di prima e dopo operazioni di rinoplastica precedenti.
Alcune cliniche non forniscono una consultazione con il chirurgo prima dell'intervento chirurgico che viene eseguito sul naso, quindi è sempre bene controllare, per assicurarvi che la consultazione iniziale è con il chirurgo che effettuerà il vostro intervento chirurgico al naso e non con personale non qualificato della clinica o un'infermiera.
Vi dovreste sempre assicurare che il chirurgo che sta per operare su di voi è pienamente qualificato e che ha eseguito procedure di chirurgia estetica in precedenza.
Se siete interessati a piccole modifiche al naso e non a qualcosa di grande come modificarne le dimensioni o raddrizzare un setto storto, allora dovreste prendere in considerazione un rimodellamento non chirurgico del naso. È una forma molto popolare di intervento per coloro che cercano una soluzione non invasiva e rapida agli urti e alle piccole protuberanze sulla superficie del naso. La procedura è molto più rapida, in genere per i ritocchi estetici dura intorno ai 15 minuti ed i risultati sono più che soddisfacenti. Se si desidera eseguire un intervento chirurgico per rimodellare il naso questa procedura non è assolutamente d'aiuto in nessun way, but if you are unhappy with your nose, except for a couple of small things, you might consider as an alternative.
The decision to change the shape of the nose with a rhinoplasty can change the look of your face as a whole and not just your nose. Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping surgery) is a cosmetic surgery procedure is usually performed by a specialist in cosmetic, but can also be performed by an ENT surgeon who can combine rhinoplasty with surgery or other respiratory problems sinusitis.
There are many reasons to choose a rhinoplasty, which vary from patient to patient, some cosmetic and some medical. Whatever the reasons for having a nose reshaping surgery, you should always make sure you are fully informed of the title di studio del chirurgo. È necessario assicurarvi che il chirurgo abbia eseguito interventi chirurgici prima della vostra rinoplastica.
Quando si partecipa a una consulta con il chirurgo estetico scelto, si dovrebbe sempre chiedere di vedere foto di prima e dopo operazioni di rinoplastica precedenti.
Alcune cliniche non forniscono una consultazione con il chirurgo prima dell'intervento chirurgico che viene eseguito sul naso, quindi è sempre bene controllare, per assicurarvi che la consultazione iniziale è con il chirurgo che effettuerà il vostro intervento chirurgico al naso e non con personale non qualificato della clinica o un'infermiera.
Vi dovreste sempre assicurare che il chirurgo che sta per operare su di voi è pienamente qualificato e che ha eseguito procedure di chirurgia estetica in precedenza.
Se siete interessati a piccole modifiche al naso e non a qualcosa di grande come modificarne le dimensioni o raddrizzare un setto storto, allora dovreste prendere in considerazione un rimodellamento non chirurgico del naso. È una forma molto popolare di intervento per coloro che cercano una soluzione non invasiva e rapida agli urti e alle piccole protuberanze sulla superficie del naso. La procedura è molto più rapida, in genere per i ritocchi estetici dura intorno ai 15 minuti ed i risultati sono più che soddisfacenti. Se si desidera eseguire un intervento chirurgico per rimodellare il naso questa procedura non è assolutamente d'aiuto in nessun way, but if you are unhappy with your nose, except for a couple of small things, you might consider as an alternative.
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What you need to know about rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty can change many things in your nose, including the size (in relation to the face), the width of the septum, the size and position of the nostrils or the profile, visible through downsizing of humps, bumps or holes in the septum.
The nasal septum is the wall between the two nostrils. Composed of cartilage and bone, it divides the nasal cavity into two halves. The ideal nasal septum is straight, separating the left and right sides of the nose in steps of equal size. In contrast, a deviated septum occurs when the septum is strongly moved by the midline. In severe cases, a deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing through the nose. From a functional standpoint, a rhinoplasty can correct this defect.
A rhinoplasty can also reshape the nose and correct nasal asymmetry, is an option for certain birth defects or noses that were damaged in car accidents or sports injuries.
An evaluation with a surgeon is the first step in your decision to undergo rhinoplasty. During this meeting, the surgeon chose probably will snap some photos with variable angle of your nose. He or she will tell you about your expectations to ensure that they are realistic.
might be a good idea to bring pictures of noses that you like to help in the dialogue about expectations and to give the surgeon a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you want from rhinoplasty. In addition, the surgeon can show you photos of other patients with similar forms of your nose, which should help you to understand better the likely outcome. Now you can use your computer to show how it will look with your nose reshaped.
If you submit a rhinoplasty, you can also consider other procedures to achieve facial balance and proportion. For example, the increase of the chin is often performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty can change many things in your nose, including the size (in relation to the face), the width of the septum, the size and position of the nostrils or the profile, visible through downsizing of humps, bumps or holes in the septum.
The nasal septum is the wall between the two nostrils. Composed of cartilage and bone, it divides the nasal cavity into two halves. The ideal nasal septum is straight, separating the left and right sides of the nose in steps of equal size. In contrast, a deviated septum occurs when the septum is strongly moved by the midline. In severe cases, a deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing through the nose. From a functional standpoint, a rhinoplasty can correct this defect.
A rhinoplasty can also reshape the nose and correct nasal asymmetry, is an option for certain birth defects or noses that were damaged in car accidents or sports injuries.
An evaluation with a surgeon is the first step in your decision to undergo rhinoplasty. During this meeting, the surgeon chose probably will snap some photos with variable angle of your nose. He or she will tell you about your expectations to ensure that they are realistic.
might be a good idea to bring pictures of noses that you like to help in the dialogue about expectations and to give the surgeon a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you want from rhinoplasty. In addition, the surgeon can show you photos of other patients with similar forms of your nose, which should help you to understand better the likely outcome. Now you can use your computer to show how it will look with your nose reshaped.
If you submit a rhinoplasty, you can also consider other procedures to achieve facial balance and proportion. For example, the increase of the chin is often performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty.
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Anorexia and Bulimia: practice too severe to recognize
too strict may exclude some patients at risk for anorexia and bulimia: according to a new study by Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (U.S.) for practices diagnosis of anorexia and bulimia may be too severe. This may not be included in the category of diseases chronic even those who are currently suffering from or has minor problems but erroneously believed that, if not caught early, it could carry the disease and not treated properly. Dr. Rebecka Peebles
who led the study believes that many patients who do not currently meet the criteria of practice to diagnose these problems can however still be sick. "There is growing evidence to suggest that we should reconsider the categorization of Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) for young people," explained Dr. Peebles.
Many other doctors agree with the research and pointed out that the diagnostic process is often too selective and not distinguish between patients and their patients. Many of these may be confused and believe not to have a real nuisance, until perhaps it is too late.
Anorexia and bulimia affect a large percentage of adolescent girls, but it is estimated that other age groups will be increasingly involved, and not just the women.
Under the current criteria for a diagnosis of anorexia, among others, for example, should that body weight is below 85% of the weight that you should have that (for women) there is an absence at least three months of the menstrual cycle and the fear of gaining weight even though it is arguably already underweight. To understand
come potessero essere esclusi dalle diagnosi pazienti che in realtà erano affetti da disordini alimentari, i ricercatori hanno analizzato i dati di 1.310 pazienti di sesso femminile in cura presso l’ospedale Packard Children's per disturbi alimentari tra il gennaio 1997 e l’aprile 2008.
In base ai dati, hanno poi creato delle sottocategorie che includevano quelle pazienti che, secondo loro, appartenevano alla classe di “anoressia nervosa parziale” e “bulimia nervosa parziale”.
I criteri su cui si sono basati i ricercatori erano intesi a stabilire se le attuali procedure erano in grado di riconoscere realmente i pazienti a grave rischio di salute e di vita, anche se apparentemente non rientravano nei parametri deemed valid for the diagnosis.
The data showed that almost two thirds of the patients studied had EDNOS. As the researchers suspected, the EDNOS category was considered a sort of closet, patients with partial anorexia were more similar to those with full-blown anorexia EDNOS that other patients with partial bulimia. In addition, 60% of patients showed EDNOS medical criteria for admission and this group was, on average, sicker patients with a diagnosis of full-blown bulimia.
In general, the most serious EDNOS patients were the ones who had lost more than 25% of body weight prior to diagnosis. These same patients were before they lost weight and overweight, dangerously, too fast to appear in the eyes with a weight of "normal" when in fact they were suffering from the disease.
This "normal," he made sure that family and friends congratulated them, without realizing that they had taken a downhill road. We often notice these signs of the disease when it had become clear showing severe malnutrition and care has become increasingly difficult.
One of the problems related to non-recognition of EDNOS as a serious disease that is the relief of parents who are told by the doctor that their daughter or son does not fall within the parameters for the chronic anorexia or bulimia, often makes them blind and lower la guardia quando invece dovrebbero comunque tenerla alta, conclude Peebles.
Articolo tratto dal sito della Stampa
too strict may exclude some patients at risk for anorexia and bulimia: according to a new study by Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (U.S.) for practices diagnosis of anorexia and bulimia may be too severe. This may not be included in the category of diseases chronic even those who are currently suffering from or has minor problems but erroneously believed that, if not caught early, it could carry the disease and not treated properly. Dr. Rebecka Peebles
who led the study believes that many patients who do not currently meet the criteria of practice to diagnose these problems can however still be sick. "There is growing evidence to suggest that we should reconsider the categorization of Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS) for young people," explained Dr. Peebles.
Many other doctors agree with the research and pointed out that the diagnostic process is often too selective and not distinguish between patients and their patients. Many of these may be confused and believe not to have a real nuisance, until perhaps it is too late.
Anorexia and bulimia affect a large percentage of adolescent girls, but it is estimated that other age groups will be increasingly involved, and not just the women.
Under the current criteria for a diagnosis of anorexia, among others, for example, should that body weight is below 85% of the weight that you should have that (for women) there is an absence at least three months of the menstrual cycle and the fear of gaining weight even though it is arguably already underweight. To understand
come potessero essere esclusi dalle diagnosi pazienti che in realtà erano affetti da disordini alimentari, i ricercatori hanno analizzato i dati di 1.310 pazienti di sesso femminile in cura presso l’ospedale Packard Children's per disturbi alimentari tra il gennaio 1997 e l’aprile 2008.
In base ai dati, hanno poi creato delle sottocategorie che includevano quelle pazienti che, secondo loro, appartenevano alla classe di “anoressia nervosa parziale” e “bulimia nervosa parziale”.
I criteri su cui si sono basati i ricercatori erano intesi a stabilire se le attuali procedure erano in grado di riconoscere realmente i pazienti a grave rischio di salute e di vita, anche se apparentemente non rientravano nei parametri deemed valid for the diagnosis.
The data showed that almost two thirds of the patients studied had EDNOS. As the researchers suspected, the EDNOS category was considered a sort of closet, patients with partial anorexia were more similar to those with full-blown anorexia EDNOS that other patients with partial bulimia. In addition, 60% of patients showed EDNOS medical criteria for admission and this group was, on average, sicker patients with a diagnosis of full-blown bulimia.
In general, the most serious EDNOS patients were the ones who had lost more than 25% of body weight prior to diagnosis. These same patients were before they lost weight and overweight, dangerously, too fast to appear in the eyes with a weight of "normal" when in fact they were suffering from the disease.
This "normal," he made sure that family and friends congratulated them, without realizing that they had taken a downhill road. We often notice these signs of the disease when it had become clear showing severe malnutrition and care has become increasingly difficult.
One of the problems related to non-recognition of EDNOS as a serious disease that is the relief of parents who are told by the doctor that their daughter or son does not fall within the parameters for the chronic anorexia or bulimia, often makes them blind and lower la guardia quando invece dovrebbero comunque tenerla alta, conclude Peebles.
Articolo tratto dal sito della Stampa
Monday, April 12, 2010
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City of Turin: two checks to help the families
Il Comune di Torino ha disposto un bando di aiuto per conferire un contributo economico alle famiglie numerose per l'anno 2010.
Due le tipologie di assegno:
- Assegno di maternità
- Assegno per le famiglie con almeno tre figli minori
Di seguito il link alla pagina del Comune di Torino ove reperire maggiori informazioni:
Il Comune di Torino ha disposto un bando di aiuto per conferire un contributo economico alle famiglie numerose per l'anno 2010.
Due le tipologie di assegno:
- Assegno di maternità
- Assegno per le famiglie con almeno tre figli minori
Di seguito il link alla pagina del Comune di Torino ove reperire maggiori informazioni:
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Arriva Unvarnished, the social network of "professional reputation". But controversy is
Un nuovo social network points to make room in the crowded sea of \u200b\u200bWeb 2.0. This is Unvarnished, a project born from the idea of \u200b\u200bthirty Kazanjy Peter and he is doing much to discuss at the earliest stages of his departure.
To understand why in the U.S. is already discussing with some hype around this project, you should first explain what it is and how it works Unvarnished. Unvarnished is a social network that aims to collect and make available to the community of the actual reviews made by the same members, except that, unlike what happens on hundreds of sites like this, to be reviewed are the professional profiles any person.
Practically everyone accedendo a Unvarnished, può pubblicare un più o meno dettagliato resoconto di quanto fatto o non fatto, professionalmente parlando, da una qualsiasi persona di propria conoscenza, con il rischio che quest’ultima possa essere del tutto all’oscuro delle informazioni e dei giudizi che vengono pubblicati su di sé.
Immediate sono quindi scoppiate le polemiche, con tanti osservatori, blogger ed esperti di Internet che si sono interrogati circa il potenziale e pericoloso impatto che un social network di questo tipo potrebbe avere sulla privacy, tanto che c’è già chi ha bollato il sito come il posto ideale per diffamare qualcuno.
Una posizione che non vede d’accordo, logicamente, neither Peter nor his associates kazanajy Jason Heidema, former manager of eBay, and Dayanov Danis, a former official of the United States. For them, in fact, Unvarnished is simply a site that encourages the exchange of information on job profiles of employees, managers and business partners.
However, although we must recognize that such a database would help not just those who have the difficult task of finding and managing human resources most appropriate for your company, we can not but wonder what would happen if, post a review about a specific person , is a jealous colleague or a person who might find it worthwhile to use, for different reasons, such a tool to defame or bring into bad luce qualcuno.
Il rischio è infatti duplice: da un lato si rischia il proliferare della pubblicazione non autorizzata e coperta dall’anonimato di dettagli sulla vita professionale di chiunque, mentre dall’altro c’è il rischio che le stesse informazioni pubblicate, ancorché dannose per la riservatezza personale, siano del tutto errate e volutamente falsificate per danneggiare qualcuno.
Le polemiche negli USA infuriano e sicuramente si faranno incandescenti quando il sito prenderà ufficialmente il via. Infatti, per adesso Unvarnished è in una fase di beta test privata anche se può contare su migliaia di utenti e diverse centinaia di recensioni, mentre i responsabili hanno già caricato 400.000 professional profiles.
If the project succeeds, and the controversy that arose at this time the media spotlight is almost safe, could become a powerful service and virtually alone can destroy or create brilliant careers, although its sustainability is to be verified given the almost certain litigation which, presumably, there will be by leaps and bounds in the case managers are unable to ensure proper review of what is published by the subscribers.
So the idea is that the new Unvarnished will feel no doubt discuss in the future. For the time being remain the controversy surrounding this project, although it is clear that the impression is that social networks, in this way can take a dangerous path of all the privacy to get to be, if not properly used, means the consequences and repercussions can go beyond what is acceptable for a modern civil society.
Source: OneWeb2.0
Un nuovo social network points to make room in the crowded sea of \u200b\u200bWeb 2.0. This is Unvarnished, a project born from the idea of \u200b\u200bthirty Kazanjy Peter and he is doing much to discuss at the earliest stages of his departure.
To understand why in the U.S. is already discussing with some hype around this project, you should first explain what it is and how it works Unvarnished. Unvarnished is a social network that aims to collect and make available to the community of the actual reviews made by the same members, except that, unlike what happens on hundreds of sites like this, to be reviewed are the professional profiles any person.
Practically everyone accedendo a Unvarnished, può pubblicare un più o meno dettagliato resoconto di quanto fatto o non fatto, professionalmente parlando, da una qualsiasi persona di propria conoscenza, con il rischio che quest’ultima possa essere del tutto all’oscuro delle informazioni e dei giudizi che vengono pubblicati su di sé.
Immediate sono quindi scoppiate le polemiche, con tanti osservatori, blogger ed esperti di Internet che si sono interrogati circa il potenziale e pericoloso impatto che un social network di questo tipo potrebbe avere sulla privacy, tanto che c’è già chi ha bollato il sito come il posto ideale per diffamare qualcuno.
Una posizione che non vede d’accordo, logicamente, neither Peter nor his associates kazanajy Jason Heidema, former manager of eBay, and Dayanov Danis, a former official of the United States. For them, in fact, Unvarnished is simply a site that encourages the exchange of information on job profiles of employees, managers and business partners.
However, although we must recognize that such a database would help not just those who have the difficult task of finding and managing human resources most appropriate for your company, we can not but wonder what would happen if, post a review about a specific person , is a jealous colleague or a person who might find it worthwhile to use, for different reasons, such a tool to defame or bring into bad luce qualcuno.
Il rischio è infatti duplice: da un lato si rischia il proliferare della pubblicazione non autorizzata e coperta dall’anonimato di dettagli sulla vita professionale di chiunque, mentre dall’altro c’è il rischio che le stesse informazioni pubblicate, ancorché dannose per la riservatezza personale, siano del tutto errate e volutamente falsificate per danneggiare qualcuno.
Le polemiche negli USA infuriano e sicuramente si faranno incandescenti quando il sito prenderà ufficialmente il via. Infatti, per adesso Unvarnished è in una fase di beta test privata anche se può contare su migliaia di utenti e diverse centinaia di recensioni, mentre i responsabili hanno già caricato 400.000 professional profiles.
If the project succeeds, and the controversy that arose at this time the media spotlight is almost safe, could become a powerful service and virtually alone can destroy or create brilliant careers, although its sustainability is to be verified given the almost certain litigation which, presumably, there will be by leaps and bounds in the case managers are unable to ensure proper review of what is published by the subscribers.
So the idea is that the new Unvarnished will feel no doubt discuss in the future. For the time being remain the controversy surrounding this project, although it is clear that the impression is that social networks, in this way can take a dangerous path of all the privacy to get to be, if not properly used, means the consequences and repercussions can go beyond what is acceptable for a modern civil society.
Source: OneWeb2.0
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Correct imperfections by improving the aesthetics of the nose. Curiosity, and dictates surgical techniques: the rhinoplasty is surgery which may, as appropriate, a more or less deep sedation. With significant improvements to the respiratory function.
The goal of rhinoplasty is to correct any faults and imperfections of the nose. The intervention must be highly personalized, so as to harmonize profile of the nose with the characteristics and features of the face. The surgeon, operating on different components (bones and cartilage), achieves a clear, making the sweetest harmony of the face or on the contrary, the more pronounced. not forget that the nose is of particular importance also for the purpose of respiration. Indeed, in the event of partial or complete obstruction to airflow in the nasal, the intervention may be associated with surgery of the nasal septum ( rinosettoplastica ).
In this way, it will remove the structural causes and consequently the functional capacity of the nose it is useful in any significant way. Even the inferior turbinates can be an obstacle to normal breathing and therefore treated during a speech rinosettoplastica. In patients who have had surgery earlier, incorrect or poorly carried out, will perform the reconstructive rhino or rinosettoplastica review. Generally, an approach is adopted "open" through a small incision at the base of the nose, known technically columella.
Often, it is necessary to use cartilage grafts of septal origin or headset, to reconstruct nasal structures previously removed or seriously distorted. The surgery is performed under sedation, more or less deep, depending on the type of procedure to be performed. The average total duration of 90 minutes. However, there are cases where the efforts are greater. However, it is always recommended, except for cases of local small corrections, one night hospital stay. The surgical technique varies from case to case, depending on the patient. Basically you can differentiate the two techniques: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. The first is generally used in patients previously operated on and never lets you get the final result, without any external scar. The second one runs on the outcome of trauma or previous surgery, with greater precision in the structural reconstruction. During the interventions, all the structures are discussed: the nasal hump is removed and at the same time, reduced the height of the triangular cartilage of septum and, in order to achieve a more harmonious and close back.
The nasal tip is thin, giving it a more delicate. Obviously, if particular attention is paid to human scale and meaning of the nasal pyramid virile, dominant aspect of masculinity. Thus, large noses, humped, long and descended to the mouth, rerouted, too short, with wide nostrils, with defects of the tip can be reshaped to achieve the optimum result, previously agreed with the surgeon in During the first visit, during which the new nasal profile is drawn on the back of a photo pre-operative, so that the patient is aware of the proposed result and available.
Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery
Correct imperfections by improving the aesthetics of the nose. Curiosity, and dictates surgical techniques: the rhinoplasty is surgery which may, as appropriate, a more or less deep sedation. With significant improvements to the respiratory function.
The goal of rhinoplasty is to correct any faults and imperfections of the nose. The intervention must be highly personalized, so as to harmonize profile of the nose with the characteristics and features of the face. The surgeon, operating on different components (bones and cartilage), achieves a clear, making the sweetest harmony of the face or on the contrary, the more pronounced. not forget that the nose is of particular importance also for the purpose of respiration. Indeed, in the event of partial or complete obstruction to airflow in the nasal, the intervention may be associated with surgery of the nasal septum ( rinosettoplastica ).
In this way, it will remove the structural causes and consequently the functional capacity of the nose it is useful in any significant way. Even the inferior turbinates can be an obstacle to normal breathing and therefore treated during a speech rinosettoplastica. In patients who have had surgery earlier, incorrect or poorly carried out, will perform the reconstructive rhino or rinosettoplastica review. Generally, an approach is adopted "open" through a small incision at the base of the nose, known technically columella.
Often, it is necessary to use cartilage grafts of septal origin or headset, to reconstruct nasal structures previously removed or seriously distorted. The surgery is performed under sedation, more or less deep, depending on the type of procedure to be performed. The average total duration of 90 minutes. However, there are cases where the efforts are greater. However, it is always recommended, except for cases of local small corrections, one night hospital stay. The surgical technique varies from case to case, depending on the patient. Basically you can differentiate the two techniques: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. The first is generally used in patients previously operated on and never lets you get the final result, without any external scar. The second one runs on the outcome of trauma or previous surgery, with greater precision in the structural reconstruction. During the interventions, all the structures are discussed: the nasal hump is removed and at the same time, reduced the height of the triangular cartilage of septum and, in order to achieve a more harmonious and close back.
The nasal tip is thin, giving it a more delicate. Obviously, if particular attention is paid to human scale and meaning of the nasal pyramid virile, dominant aspect of masculinity. Thus, large noses, humped, long and descended to the mouth, rerouted, too short, with wide nostrils, with defects of the tip can be reshaped to achieve the optimum result, previously agreed with the surgeon in During the first visit, during which the new nasal profile is drawn on the back of a photo pre-operative, so that the patient is aware of the proposed result and available.
Go to the site of Rome Cosmetic Surgery
Friday, April 9, 2010
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The course, organized by the recreational and cultural "Justice" at the Justice Palace in Turin, includes 10 games from April 20, every Tuesday from 17 to 18:30.
Here is the link where you can find all the useful information:
The course, organized by the recreational and cultural "Justice" at the Justice Palace in Turin, includes 10 games from April 20, every Tuesday from 17 to 18:30.
Here is the link where you can find all the useful information:
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Service Help Seniors - City of Turin
The free service is already active in the city since 1998 to respond to reports of violence and fraud against the elderly as Service Help Elderly Victims of Violence, has expanded its sphere of action until to be a point of collection, sorting or reply to requests for help from people living alone. The
Service Help Seniors offers:
• Advice on how to avoid or deal with violence, fraud or scams that can hit the elderly ;
• support to victims of violence by listening and support psychological training, support by volunteers to file a complaint re documents and handling practices regarding the offenses. • Presence
solidarity (at home or not) of volunteers, properly trained, to listen to the needs and find appropriate solutions;
• Information about rights and opportunities of senior citizens offered by public and private services of the City., redirecting attention should be paid to the charge with the possible accompaniment by volunteers
• Enabling actions urgent need for making use of voluntary associations of members;
• Reporting to the appropriate local social services or health if it is necessary care professional or direct reporting to the network of volunteers involved in the project of territorial home care light.
In particular, the call center in the summer (in the plan "heat emergency") for senior citizens in difficulties and / or loneliness is a landmark in emergency situations caused by abnormal increase in temperatures. In this capacity
Service Help Elderly, networking with the opportunities presented by social, health and voluntary offers:
• Information for citizens over sixty to be held about the conduct, actions and locali climatizzati attivati dall'amministrazione
•Attivazione di interventi individuali in emergenza in base alle richieste effettuate dagli anziani
◦bisogni assistenziali (spesa alimentare, accompagnamento per attività di tempo libero, disbrigo pratiche burocratiche...)
◦bisogni sanitari (acquisto farmaci, accompagnamento per necessità sanitarie, prenotazione e ritiro esami/visite...)
◦segnalazione ai Servizi Sociali territoriali per necessità di loro competenza (assistenza domiciliare, telesoccorso, pasti a domicilio...)
◦segnalazione ai Distretti Sanitari delle ASL cittadine o ai servizi di emergenza sanitaria.
In person:
from Monday to Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00 in Via Mazzini n ° 44, interior courtyard, on the right.
By Letter:
24h tel. 0118123131 - fax 0118123190
electronically to the following e-mail:
The free service is already active in the city since 1998 to respond to reports of violence and fraud against the elderly as Service Help Elderly Victims of Violence, has expanded its sphere of action until to be a point of collection, sorting or reply to requests for help from people living alone. The
Service Help Seniors offers:
• Advice on how to avoid or deal with violence, fraud or scams that can hit the elderly ;
• support to victims of violence by listening and support psychological training, support by volunteers to file a complaint re documents and handling practices regarding the offenses. • Presence
solidarity (at home or not) of volunteers, properly trained, to listen to the needs and find appropriate solutions;
• Information about rights and opportunities of senior citizens offered by public and private services of the City., redirecting attention should be paid to the charge with the possible accompaniment by volunteers
• Enabling actions urgent need for making use of voluntary associations of members;
• Reporting to the appropriate local social services or health if it is necessary care professional or direct reporting to the network of volunteers involved in the project of territorial home care light.
In particular, the call center in the summer (in the plan "heat emergency") for senior citizens in difficulties and / or loneliness is a landmark in emergency situations caused by abnormal increase in temperatures. In this capacity
Service Help Elderly, networking with the opportunities presented by social, health and voluntary offers:
• Information for citizens over sixty to be held about the conduct, actions and locali climatizzati attivati dall'amministrazione
•Attivazione di interventi individuali in emergenza in base alle richieste effettuate dagli anziani
◦bisogni assistenziali (spesa alimentare, accompagnamento per attività di tempo libero, disbrigo pratiche burocratiche...)
◦bisogni sanitari (acquisto farmaci, accompagnamento per necessità sanitarie, prenotazione e ritiro esami/visite...)
◦segnalazione ai Servizi Sociali territoriali per necessità di loro competenza (assistenza domiciliare, telesoccorso, pasti a domicilio...)
◦segnalazione ai Distretti Sanitari delle ASL cittadine o ai servizi di emergenza sanitaria.
In person:
from Monday to Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00 in Via Mazzini n ° 44, interior courtyard, on the right.
By Letter:
24h tel. 0118123131 - fax 0118123190
electronically to the following e-mail:
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Model 730/2010: Forms and filing instructions
Some of you would please remember that there is time to compile Model 730: then we announce the site of the Inland Revenue where you can find all necessary forms and information necessary.
Revenue Agency - Model 730/2010
Revenue Agency - Model 730/2010
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Facebook users in buying influence
According to research conducted by Morpace Inc., Facebook would affect their members during the purchases, both online and in real life. More precisely, what is written by users of social networks and on the bulletin board in the pages of official business, would be taken into account by potential buyers.
The study examined a sample of 1,000 people, 63% of those enrolled in the social network. Among these, 68% confessed to be inclined to visit a shop or buy an item recommended by one of those in your contact list.
36% of respondents believe that Facebook is a useful tool for product research, both through the official website of the aforementioned companies by reading the comments shared by users.
Asked about the argument for becoming a fan of companies, 41% replied that it is to show your friends what are the favorite brand or brands and asked them to turn to support them, 37% are interested in receiving instead discount coupons or information about any promotions, while 35% said they were simply seeking information. Finally, 31% want to know more details about the activity of the company and hopes to meet 28% other people with similar interests. Why is it worth
join Facebook? According to 23% of those called into question it is useful to keep track of groups, organizations and businesses, while 10% believed to be the platform on which to seek advice on future purchases.
Source: oneweb2.0
According to research conducted by Morpace Inc., Facebook would affect their members during the purchases, both online and in real life. More precisely, what is written by users of social networks and on the bulletin board in the pages of official business, would be taken into account by potential buyers.
The study examined a sample of 1,000 people, 63% of those enrolled in the social network. Among these, 68% confessed to be inclined to visit a shop or buy an item recommended by one of those in your contact list.
36% of respondents believe that Facebook is a useful tool for product research, both through the official website of the aforementioned companies by reading the comments shared by users.
Asked about the argument for becoming a fan of companies, 41% replied that it is to show your friends what are the favorite brand or brands and asked them to turn to support them, 37% are interested in receiving instead discount coupons or information about any promotions, while 35% said they were simply seeking information. Finally, 31% want to know more details about the activity of the company and hopes to meet 28% other people with similar interests. Why is it worth
join Facebook? According to 23% of those called into question it is useful to keep track of groups, organizations and businesses, while 10% believed to be the platform on which to seek advice on future purchases.
Source: oneweb2.0
Thursday, April 8, 2010
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Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, has many aesthetic and functional benefits, and can improve the appearance of the nose to bring balance to the face of a patient. Changes can be made to the septum, the tip, or nostrils, and the size of the nose can be increased or decreased. The changes to the nose caused by trauma (such as rose or asymmetrical nose) can usually be corrected by a surgeon rhinoplasty. Some patients choose to combine the surgery on the nose with other cosmetic procedures such as increased lifting of the chin or in order to obtain a more complete and obvious improvement.
The most obvious benefits of rhinoplasty is an opportunity to improve the aesthetics, bringing the face in a more balanced armonioso. Ci sono diversi fattori che influenzano l'aspetto del naso rispetto al resto del viso, e un chirurgo qualificato in grado di correggere quasi tutti, se necessario.
Simmetria :
E 'stato dimostrato che gli esseri umani reagiscono positivamente alla simmetria, la simmetria del viso in particolare. Anche il più piccolo decentramento di un naso può fare una differenza marcata nell'aspetto di una persona. Uno dei vantaggi più importanti della rinoplastica è che, se fatta da un chirurgo qualificato, può porre rimedio a un naso decentrato e ripristinare o creare simmetria sul viso di un paziente.
Quando è eseguita da un chirurgo qualificato la rinoplastica can dramatically change the appearance of the face, slightly modifying the different characteristics of the nose. You can change the shape of the tip or septum, narrow or widen the nostrils or change the angle between the nose and upper lip. In some cases, the shape can be altered in the face with injectable fillers in a non-surgical rhinoplasty, so that patients can benefit from a non-surgical procedure, minimally invasive, and very short downtime.
Rhinoplasty can increase or decrease the size of the nose with the addition or removal of tissue. Only a very small change is usually necessary to produce results very evidenti, in quanto di solito non si richiede un grande cambiamento per portare i tratti del viso in equilibrio estetico.
Difficoltà respiratorie:
Per i pazienti con difficoltà di respirazione o narici particolarmente strette, la rinoplastica può risultare beneficiosa, aprendo i passaggi per consentire una respirazione più facile.
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Women and career: the more difficult to emerge if the partner works too
The career paths of women suffer from the "extraordinary" the partner, the load of the work of one inevitably ends up damaging the freedom and dynamism of the professional ' other. These are the results of a survey of more than 25 000 workers in families with two wage earners in the American Sociological Review published
more difficult for women, if your partner works more than 50 hours per week. When he is not forced, as often happens, to leave my job. Overtime are the "husbands" to creating even more inequality between men and women and push it again towards tasks "housewives". So what could be a permanent social transformation, the two partners both professionally involved, could be jeopardized by an excess of "overwork." These survey results will be published in the next issue of the bimonthly American Sociological Review, the magazine published the Association of American sociologists.
Extraordinary and social involution. The data confirm that the abuse of one extraordinary week, inevitably ends up damaging the freedom and dynamism of the other professional. The survey, carried out by researchers at Cornell University, has involved more than 25 000 workers, all players, allowing the crisis of the kind of experimental form, and growing, a family where both adults are in employment and a pay. Well, if the husband works, each week, averaging between fifty and sixty hours, the number of women who leave their jobs, compared to the average, an increase of 16 percent. The probability then rises by 42 percent when il marito, volente o nolente, non si nega mai alle richieste aziendali e supera le sessanta ora a settimana.
La coperta corta e l'organizzazione perversa. Le traiettorie dei percorsi professionali di una coppia sono così influenzate dal fatto che il totale del tempo che due partner possono dedicare al lavoro non può essere "forzato" oltre un limite, soprattutto in considerazione delle incombenze familiari. Che finiscono per spettare, per convincimenti radicati, inesorabilmente alla donna. Se uno dei due (sempre il marito) "consuma" così troppe ore nel chiuso di un ufficio, l'altra (sempre la moglie), gioco forza viene costretta a ridurre le proprie. Fino, in molti casi, ad azzerarle. Questo accade anche perché le organizzazioni aziendali appaiono ancora incapaci di misurarsi con la realtà e ancora troppo predisposte, per lo più, a premiare chi impegna se stesso più in termini "quantitativi" che in termini "qualitativi".
Più in alto, più penalizzate. Quel che desta più preoccupazione è che l'impatto, del tempo dedicato dal marito alle incombenze professionali, sulle traiettorie professionali della donna è più accentuato proprio in quei casi in cui quest'ultima ricopre incarichi di alto profilo. Anche perché proprio quando le donne sono impegnate in ruoli manageriali e professionali, viene richiesto loro un coinvolgimento che si traduce spesso in un dilagante impegno temporale. La percentuale di chi si trova costretta a lasciare use in these cases, thus risen by 51 percent. In short, the authors say, as more women rise up, the more they are exposed to extraordinary pressure from their partners.
The complexity of the children and the indifference of being a father. But if the composition of the couple's family is enriched by the presence of one or more children, the evidence are even more stringent. In the case of a working woman with children, the probability of leaving employment grew by 34 percent with a husband who works between 50 and 60 hours per week. Share which increased by 90 percent when the husband exceed 60 hours per week. In contrast, the career path of man, even if where is the father, is in no way affected by the number of hours that she dedicated to her profession. Even if the woman finds herself engaged to more than sixty hours a week. The husband or partner, in any case does not cease to work.
Rethinking the rules. For this reason, says the survey would require a rethinking of what are the rules that hold together the workplace. The expectations of employers and organizations, to really reduce gender disparities, should be more congruent with the needs of those families, more and more, where both partners try to seek work, as well as a salary, even a embodiment.
Article by Federico Pace from the site "CareerBuilder" of the Republic
more difficult for women, if your partner works more than 50 hours per week. When he is not forced, as often happens, to leave my job. Overtime are the "husbands" to creating even more inequality between men and women and push it again towards tasks "housewives". So what could be a permanent social transformation, the two partners both professionally involved, could be jeopardized by an excess of "overwork." These survey results will be published in the next issue of the bimonthly American Sociological Review, the magazine published the Association of American sociologists.
Extraordinary and social involution. The data confirm that the abuse of one extraordinary week, inevitably ends up damaging the freedom and dynamism of the other professional. The survey, carried out by researchers at Cornell University, has involved more than 25 000 workers, all players, allowing the crisis of the kind of experimental form, and growing, a family where both adults are in employment and a pay. Well, if the husband works, each week, averaging between fifty and sixty hours, the number of women who leave their jobs, compared to the average, an increase of 16 percent. The probability then rises by 42 percent when il marito, volente o nolente, non si nega mai alle richieste aziendali e supera le sessanta ora a settimana.
La coperta corta e l'organizzazione perversa. Le traiettorie dei percorsi professionali di una coppia sono così influenzate dal fatto che il totale del tempo che due partner possono dedicare al lavoro non può essere "forzato" oltre un limite, soprattutto in considerazione delle incombenze familiari. Che finiscono per spettare, per convincimenti radicati, inesorabilmente alla donna. Se uno dei due (sempre il marito) "consuma" così troppe ore nel chiuso di un ufficio, l'altra (sempre la moglie), gioco forza viene costretta a ridurre le proprie. Fino, in molti casi, ad azzerarle. Questo accade anche perché le organizzazioni aziendali appaiono ancora incapaci di misurarsi con la realtà e ancora troppo predisposte, per lo più, a premiare chi impegna se stesso più in termini "quantitativi" che in termini "qualitativi".
Più in alto, più penalizzate. Quel che desta più preoccupazione è che l'impatto, del tempo dedicato dal marito alle incombenze professionali, sulle traiettorie professionali della donna è più accentuato proprio in quei casi in cui quest'ultima ricopre incarichi di alto profilo. Anche perché proprio quando le donne sono impegnate in ruoli manageriali e professionali, viene richiesto loro un coinvolgimento che si traduce spesso in un dilagante impegno temporale. La percentuale di chi si trova costretta a lasciare use in these cases, thus risen by 51 percent. In short, the authors say, as more women rise up, the more they are exposed to extraordinary pressure from their partners.
The complexity of the children and the indifference of being a father. But if the composition of the couple's family is enriched by the presence of one or more children, the evidence are even more stringent. In the case of a working woman with children, the probability of leaving employment grew by 34 percent with a husband who works between 50 and 60 hours per week. Share which increased by 90 percent when the husband exceed 60 hours per week. In contrast, the career path of man, even if where is the father, is in no way affected by the number of hours that she dedicated to her profession. Even if the woman finds herself engaged to more than sixty hours a week. The husband or partner, in any case does not cease to work.
Rethinking the rules. For this reason, says the survey would require a rethinking of what are the rules that hold together the workplace. The expectations of employers and organizations, to really reduce gender disparities, should be more congruent with the needs of those families, more and more, where both partners try to seek work, as well as a salary, even a embodiment.
Article by Federico Pace from the site "CareerBuilder" of the Republic
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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Applications and benefits of rhinoplasty risks rhinoplasty
La decisione di sottomettersi a una chirurgia del naso è estremamente personale; si dovrà decidere se i benefici sapranno soddisfare gli obiettivi e se i rischi e le potenziali complicazioni saranno accettabili.
Il vostro chirurgo plastico vi spiegherà nel dettaglio i rischi associati con la chirurgia. Vi verrà chiesto to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand how that you submit, with its risks and potential complications.
Risks include:
La decisione di sottomettersi a una chirurgia del naso è estremamente personale; si dovrà decidere se i benefici sapranno soddisfare gli obiettivi e se i rischi e le potenziali complicazioni saranno accettabili.
Il vostro chirurgo plastico vi spiegherà nel dettaglio i rischi associati con la chirurgia. Vi verrà chiesto to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand how that you submit, with its risks and potential complications.
Risks include:
- rupture of the capillaries of the nose
- Infections
- Risks related to anesthesia
- Presence of bruises
- asymmetry of the nose
- heart and lung complications, can occur in surgery chje longer and may be associated with the formation or the increase of blood clots in the venous system
- Numbness of skin disorders of the nasal airways, which can occur after a rinosettoplastica and could interferire con normale passaggio di aria attraverso il naso
- Il setto nasale potrebbe perforarsi, ma è raro; un trattamento chirurgico aggiuntivo può essere necessario per ripararlo ma in alcuni casi, ci può essere l'impossibilità di correggere questa complicazione
- Dolore, anche persistente
- Cicatrici
- Irregolarità della pelle
- Depigmentazione della pelle e gonfiore
- Le suture effettuate nella rinoplastica chiusa possono spontaneamente affiorare alla superficie attraverso la pelle, diventando visibili e possono produrre irritazioni che richiedono la loro rimozione.
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The different techniques of rhinoplasty
La rinoplastica è uno degli interventi di chirurgia plastica più richiesti e praticati in tutto il mondo.
La rinoplastica permette correggere la forma del naso, a partire dalle sue dimensioni totali, fino al profilo, la punta, l'angolo frontale o labiale o le dimensioni delle narici. Oltre a interventi di tipo estetico, la rinoplastica può correggere problemi respiratori agendo sul setto nasale deviato o ridurre i turbinati (strutture ossee preposte all'umidificazione, riscaldamento e depurazione dell'aria respirata). Si può agire su difetti congeniti o post-traumatici.
L'intervento viene effettuato, a seconda della sua complessità, in anestesia generale o locale e il decorso postoperatorio è di 24 ore o meno.
There are various techniques of rhinoplasty:
La rinoplastica è uno degli interventi di chirurgia plastica più richiesti e praticati in tutto il mondo.
La rinoplastica permette correggere la forma del naso, a partire dalle sue dimensioni totali, fino al profilo, la punta, l'angolo frontale o labiale o le dimensioni delle narici. Oltre a interventi di tipo estetico, la rinoplastica può correggere problemi respiratori agendo sul setto nasale deviato o ridurre i turbinati (strutture ossee preposte all'umidificazione, riscaldamento e depurazione dell'aria respirata). Si può agire su difetti congeniti o post-traumatici.
L'intervento viene effettuato, a seconda della sua complessità, in anestesia generale o locale e il decorso postoperatorio è di 24 ore o meno.
There are various techniques of rhinoplasty:
- open rhinoplasty:
more effective because the surgeon cutting the tip of the nose and the back see the fixes that make them. In contrast to the fact that the intervention was longer and leaves a visible external scar - closed rhinoplasty:
With this technique, the incisions are made inside the nose and are given some fractures in the cartilage to reshape - Rhinoplasty Non-destructive:
is similar to but does not provide closed rhinoplasty cartilage fracture, but the remodeling by sutures. It is often used when one wants reshape the tip of the nose. One of the benefits of rhinoplasty is that the non-destructive action is gradual and reversible and its duration is normally more than 10 years. - Rinosettoplastica:
This action corrects the main problem of deviated nasal septum, removing the breathing problems. It is sometimes also associated with an aesthetic correction. To be done after age 18, when the development is expected to be complete.
Comment Usb Yamaha Emx
abortion pill: now in Italian hospitals
From April 1 the abortion pill RU486 can be obtained from hospital pharmacies and distributed in Italy. The first doses of the drug could come as early as Easter. If there is hospitalization or day hospital will be decided by the regions. The fact remains that those who want it can still sign and return home
How does the drug
From April 1 the RU486 can be obtained from hospital pharmacies and distributed in Italy. The announcement comes from French producer Exelgyn, which Nordic Pharma Ltd delegated to the marketing of hospital medicine in the peninsula. And so, Italian women who decide to terminate the pregnancy will have the opportunity to choose between surgical abortion and the drug, as happens with almost all of Europe for the past twenty years. They served the boards of the Italian Agency for the drug, statements by the Ministry, the opinions of the Board of Health. But finally the day has come.
"In fact - says Professor Carlo Flamigni, a gynecologist at the University of Bologna, a member of the National Bioethics Committee - we are faced with a day that is not a first day. In some facilities had already possible to opt for abortion drug, RU486 was ordered abroad because the 'ad personam', that is, at the request of the patient. While in other regions, hospital pharmacies may initiate the procedure to request it in Italy and abroad. " The first doses of the drug could come as early as Easter. And the regions - as a statement of the President Guido Rasi AIFA - can not do as they wish, at most "may delay the release of the pill, but will be held accountable." Because sooner or later you must find a way to deliver a drug already approved.
Until now it has been possible medical abortion at Sant'Anna di Torino, Salesi Hospital of Ancona, the Santa Chiara of Trento, the Policlinico of Bari, hospital Lots of Pontedera in Tuscany and the Santa Maria alle Scotte di Siena, Ospedale Maggiore and Bologna. "The drug - said Flamigni - was ordered abroad 'ad personam' and was only available at the hospital pharmacy. The recruitment took place only in inpatient care, and not in day hospital. However, if the patient signed after hiring, could not be restrained. " A procedure, that allows you to sort the RU486 abroad, who now can not be adopted.
hospitalization or day hospital? RU486 comes after the controversy. On March 19 the Board of Health decided that the only mode of drug delivery is that of hospitalization, up 'the seals expulsion of the fetus'. Only then, he says the technical-scientific advisory body of the Ministry, we can ensure the "mental and physical protection of women and respect for the law 194". In fact, the opinion is not binding on the Regions, which have autonomy in the choice of treatment. The resolution of the CSS is limited to indicating that RU486 is a drug and such hospital to be prescribed only in the hospital. Leaves unresolved the question of hospitalization or day hospital, leaving tale scelta al prescrittore e alle sue valutazioni del caso. Resta fermo il fatto che se una persona lo desidera può comunque firmare e lasciare l’Ospedale. Tuttavia per adesso Lombardia, Toscana e Veneto hanno scelto il ricovero ordinario per tutta la durata dell'Ivg. Emilia Romagna, Piemonte e Provincia autonoma di Trento hanno optato al Day Hospital. Le altre ancora devono decidere.
Un falso problema anche quello dell'aumento degli aborti. "La Ru486 - commenta Giorgio Vittori, presidente della Società italiana di ginecologia e ostetricia (Sigo) - è solo uno strumento per l'interruzione di gravidanza. Se assunta nel rispetto del protocollo della legge 194 non favorisce il ricorso e non aumenta i casi di aborto".
Taken from the site of the Republic
Discussion Adele Sarno
From April 1 the abortion pill RU486 can be obtained from hospital pharmacies and distributed in Italy. The first doses of the drug could come as early as Easter. If there is hospitalization or day hospital will be decided by the regions. The fact remains that those who want it can still sign and return home
How does the drug
From April 1 the RU486 can be obtained from hospital pharmacies and distributed in Italy. The announcement comes from French producer Exelgyn, which Nordic Pharma Ltd delegated to the marketing of hospital medicine in the peninsula. And so, Italian women who decide to terminate the pregnancy will have the opportunity to choose between surgical abortion and the drug, as happens with almost all of Europe for the past twenty years. They served the boards of the Italian Agency for the drug, statements by the Ministry, the opinions of the Board of Health. But finally the day has come.
"In fact - says Professor Carlo Flamigni, a gynecologist at the University of Bologna, a member of the National Bioethics Committee - we are faced with a day that is not a first day. In some facilities had already possible to opt for abortion drug, RU486 was ordered abroad because the 'ad personam', that is, at the request of the patient. While in other regions, hospital pharmacies may initiate the procedure to request it in Italy and abroad. " The first doses of the drug could come as early as Easter. And the regions - as a statement of the President Guido Rasi AIFA - can not do as they wish, at most "may delay the release of the pill, but will be held accountable." Because sooner or later you must find a way to deliver a drug already approved.
Until now it has been possible medical abortion at Sant'Anna di Torino, Salesi Hospital of Ancona, the Santa Chiara of Trento, the Policlinico of Bari, hospital Lots of Pontedera in Tuscany and the Santa Maria alle Scotte di Siena, Ospedale Maggiore and Bologna. "The drug - said Flamigni - was ordered abroad 'ad personam' and was only available at the hospital pharmacy. The recruitment took place only in inpatient care, and not in day hospital. However, if the patient signed after hiring, could not be restrained. " A procedure, that allows you to sort the RU486 abroad, who now can not be adopted.
hospitalization or day hospital? RU486 comes after the controversy. On March 19 the Board of Health decided that the only mode of drug delivery is that of hospitalization, up 'the seals expulsion of the fetus'. Only then, he says the technical-scientific advisory body of the Ministry, we can ensure the "mental and physical protection of women and respect for the law 194". In fact, the opinion is not binding on the Regions, which have autonomy in the choice of treatment. The resolution of the CSS is limited to indicating that RU486 is a drug and such hospital to be prescribed only in the hospital. Leaves unresolved the question of hospitalization or day hospital, leaving tale scelta al prescrittore e alle sue valutazioni del caso. Resta fermo il fatto che se una persona lo desidera può comunque firmare e lasciare l’Ospedale. Tuttavia per adesso Lombardia, Toscana e Veneto hanno scelto il ricovero ordinario per tutta la durata dell'Ivg. Emilia Romagna, Piemonte e Provincia autonoma di Trento hanno optato al Day Hospital. Le altre ancora devono decidere.
Un falso problema anche quello dell'aumento degli aborti. "La Ru486 - commenta Giorgio Vittori, presidente della Società italiana di ginecologia e ostetricia (Sigo) - è solo uno strumento per l'interruzione di gravidanza. Se assunta nel rispetto del protocollo della legge 194 non favorisce il ricorso e non aumenta i casi di aborto".
Taken from the site of the Republic
Discussion Adele Sarno
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