Friday, April 23, 2010

Dragon Blood And Beholder

Facebook safety tips for teens

Social networks, you know, can be a great way to renew old relationships or cultivate new ones, but if used for short nobles have the ability to turn into real traps, both for users with little cautious in their actions for vulnerable people. In the latter category are the boys and girls in adolescence, often al centro di roventi polemiche relative al loro approccio con i servizi Web 2.0.

A loro Facebook ha dedicato una nuova sezione, chiamata appunto “Sicurezza per gli adolescenti” e contenente un elenco di consigli utili da seguire, sia in modo preventivo per evitare il crearsi di situazioni spiacevoli, che per porvi rimedio qualora se ne manifestasse la necessità.

“Ho ricevuto messaggi indesiderati. Cosa devo fare?” o ancora “Come devo comportarmi se qualcuno finge di essere me su Facebook?”. Queste alcune delle domande alle quali il team responsabile del social network prova a fornire soluzioni concise ed efficaci, che il più delle volte passano per la segnalazione di un comportamento scorretto managers of the site.

Facebook also caters to the needs of the largest, with the center "Safety for Parents" which, while bringing a large extent the same questions devoted to their children, analyze the issues from a different point of view. Finally, it appears rather emblematic

the advice given to the question "If my child has more than 13 years, how can I access your account or delete it?".

understand your concerns about the use of our website by your son, but unfortunately we can not give in to your account or take any action regarding your request.

encourage parents to ensure the best possible on their computers and control about what their children are doing on the Internet. If you are a parent, you may want to use your desktop software tools designed for this purpose.

Also, talk to your children and explain to them the importance of safety in the use of the Internet. Ask them to use our many privacy settings.

In other words, a prior action of information and protection of children seems to be still, despite the evolution of security tools, the most effective means to prevent the emergence of potentially dangerous situations.

Source OneWeb 2.0


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