Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Are The Most Common 3 Lottery Numbers

Audiweb Italy sailing

more and more people of Italian sailors? Looking at the trends in the numbers published by Audiweb gathered, it seems that more and more fellow countrymen who work every day and dealing in the sea of \u200b\u200bdigital bits coming from the Internet, but with some important distinctions.

statistics related to the month of February 2010 and talk of an increase of 13% for users who have surfed the Internet over the same month of 2009, with a more positive (16.9%) relative to users online on an average day and a decrease of 7.1% and 6.7%, however, respectively, to the number of pagine viste e del tempo speso su Internet.

Spulciando tra i numeri pubblicati si evince in seguito che il 45% dei navigatori italiani ha un’età compresa nella fascia che va dai 35 ai 54 anni, mentre il 22% è compreso nella fascia dei 25-34 anni. I profili che indicano il rapporto con il Web diviso per zone geografiche dicono invece che, nel giorno medio, è online il 25% della popolazione del Nord-Ovest, seguita dal 22% che si collega dal Nord-Est, dal 22% del Centro e dal 18% del Sud e delle Isole, mostrando come l’uso di Internet diminuisca con il diminuire della latitudine da Nord a Sud.

Alla fine, l’analisi di Audiweb passa a elencare i giorni in cui la gente si connette di più, showing how the period of greatest traffic records on working days from Monday to Friday, when 12.4 million online users, just over two million more than the 10.3 million who fly on Saturdays and Sundays.

After taking literally the numbers, it is time for reflection. So you can not fail to notice that the Italians seem to be navigating more complex than last year, even if staying online lowest suggests a behavior that shows a more widespread use of the Net, but kind of "hit and run "and less structured than in the past. Special

also the trend in the number of users divided geographical areas, with a trend of the South and the Islands, bringing up the rear as the area where the Internet is used less than average. That this is due to the fact that, given the mild climate and plenty of sun in these regions, the inhabitants have nothing to do but sit in front of the PC to surf?

Source: OneWeb2.0



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