Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Comment Usb Yamaha Emx

abortion pill: now in Italian hospitals

From April 1 the abortion pill RU486 can be obtained from hospital pharmacies and distributed in Italy. The first doses of the drug could come as early as Easter. If there is hospitalization or day hospital will be decided by the regions. The fact remains that those who want it can still sign and return home

How does the drug

From April 1 the RU486 can be obtained from hospital pharmacies and distributed in Italy. The announcement comes from French producer Exelgyn, which Nordic Pharma Ltd delegated to the marketing of hospital medicine in the peninsula. And so, Italian women who decide to terminate the pregnancy will have the opportunity to choose between surgical abortion and the drug, as happens with almost all of Europe for the past twenty years. They served the boards of the Italian Agency for the drug, statements by the Ministry, the opinions of the Board of Health. But finally the day has come.

"In fact - says Professor Carlo Flamigni, a gynecologist at the University of Bologna, a member of the National Bioethics Committee - we are faced with a day that is not a first day. In some facilities had already possible to opt for abortion drug, RU486 was ordered abroad because the 'ad personam', that is, at the request of the patient. While in other regions, hospital pharmacies may initiate the procedure to request it in Italy and abroad. " The first doses of the drug could come as early as Easter. And the regions - as a statement of the President Guido Rasi AIFA - can not do as they wish, at most "may delay the release of the pill, but will be held accountable." Because sooner or later you must find a way to deliver a drug already approved.

Until now it has been possible medical abortion at Sant'Anna di Torino, Salesi Hospital of Ancona, the Santa Chiara of Trento, the Policlinico of Bari, hospital Lots of Pontedera in Tuscany and the Santa Maria alle Scotte di Siena, Ospedale Maggiore and Bologna. "The drug - said Flamigni - was ordered abroad 'ad personam' and was only available at the hospital pharmacy. The recruitment took place only in inpatient care, and not in day hospital. However, if the patient signed after hiring, could not be restrained. " A procedure, that allows you to sort the RU486 abroad, who now can not be adopted.

hospitalization or day hospital? RU486 comes after the controversy. On March 19 the Board of Health decided that the only mode of drug delivery is that of hospitalization, up 'the seals expulsion of the fetus'. Only then, he says the technical-scientific advisory body of the Ministry, we can ensure the "mental and physical protection of women and respect for the law 194". In fact, the opinion is not binding on the Regions, which have autonomy in the choice of treatment. The resolution of the CSS is limited to indicating that RU486 is a drug and such hospital to be prescribed only in the hospital. Leaves unresolved the question of hospitalization or day hospital, leaving tale scelta al prescrittore e alle sue valutazioni del caso. Resta fermo il fatto che se una persona lo desidera può comunque firmare e lasciare l’Ospedale. Tuttavia per adesso Lombardia, Toscana e Veneto hanno scelto il ricovero ordinario per tutta la durata dell'Ivg. Emilia Romagna, Piemonte e Provincia autonoma di Trento hanno optato al Day Hospital. Le altre ancora devono decidere.

Un falso problema anche quello dell'aumento degli aborti. "La Ru486 - commenta Giorgio Vittori, presidente della Società italiana di ginecologia e ostetricia (Sigo) - è solo uno strumento per l'interruzione di gravidanza. Se assunta nel rispetto del protocollo della legge 194 non favorisce il ricorso e non aumenta i casi di aborto".

Taken from the site of the Republic
Discussion Adele Sarno


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