Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fake Holly Willoughby Fake

Women and career: the more difficult to emerge if the partner works too

The career paths of women suffer from the "extraordinary" the partner, the load of the work of one inevitably ends up damaging the freedom and dynamism of the professional ' other. These are the results of a survey of more than 25 000 workers in families with two wage earners in the American Sociological Review published
more difficult for women, if your partner works more than 50 hours per week. When he is not forced, as often happens, to leave my job. Overtime are the "husbands" to creating even more inequality between men and women and push it again towards tasks "housewives". So what could be a permanent social transformation, the two partners both professionally involved, could be jeopardized by an excess of "overwork." These survey results will be published in the next issue of the bimonthly American Sociological Review, the magazine published the Association of American sociologists.

Extraordinary and social involution. The data confirm that the abuse of one extraordinary week, inevitably ends up damaging the freedom and dynamism of the other professional. The survey, carried out by researchers at Cornell University, has involved more than 25 000 workers, all players, allowing the crisis of the kind of experimental form, and growing, a family where both adults are in employment and a pay. Well, if the husband works, each week, averaging between fifty and sixty hours, the number of women who leave their jobs, compared to the average, an increase of 16 percent. The probability then rises by 42 percent when il marito, volente o nolente, non si nega mai alle richieste aziendali e supera le sessanta ora a settimana.

La coperta corta e l'organizzazione perversa. Le traiettorie dei percorsi professionali di una coppia sono così influenzate dal fatto che il totale del tempo che due partner possono dedicare al lavoro non può essere "forzato" oltre un limite, soprattutto in considerazione delle incombenze familiari. Che finiscono per spettare, per convincimenti radicati, inesorabilmente alla donna. Se uno dei due (sempre il marito) "consuma" così troppe ore nel chiuso di un ufficio, l'altra (sempre la moglie), gioco forza viene costretta a ridurre le proprie. Fino, in molti casi, ad azzerarle. Questo accade anche perché le organizzazioni aziendali appaiono ancora incapaci di misurarsi con la realtà e ancora troppo predisposte, per lo più, a premiare chi impegna se stesso più in termini "quantitativi" che in termini "qualitativi".

Più in alto, più penalizzate. Quel che desta più preoccupazione è che l'impatto, del tempo dedicato dal marito alle incombenze professionali, sulle traiettorie professionali della donna è più accentuato proprio in quei casi in cui quest'ultima ricopre incarichi di alto profilo. Anche perché proprio quando le donne sono impegnate in ruoli manageriali e professionali, viene richiesto loro un coinvolgimento che si traduce spesso in un dilagante impegno temporale. La percentuale di chi si trova costretta a lasciare use in these cases, thus risen by 51 percent. In short, the authors say, as more women rise up, the more they are exposed to extraordinary pressure from their partners.

The complexity of the children and the indifference of being a father. But if the composition of the couple's family is enriched by the presence of one or more children, the evidence are even more stringent. In the case of a working woman with children, the probability of leaving employment grew by 34 percent with a husband who works between 50 and 60 hours per week. Share which increased by 90 percent when the husband exceed 60 hours per week. In contrast, the career path of man, even if where is the father, is in no way affected by the number of hours that she dedicated to her profession. Even if the woman finds herself engaged to more than sixty hours a week. The husband or partner, in any case does not cease to work.

Rethinking the rules. For this reason, says the survey would require a rethinking of what are the rules that hold together the workplace. The expectations of employers and organizations, to really reduce gender disparities, should be more congruent with the needs of those families, more and more, where both partners try to seek work, as well as a salary, even a embodiment.

Article by Federico Pace from the site "CareerBuilder" of the Republic


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