Friday, April 9, 2010

How To Make Fan Serviettes

Facebook users in buying influence

According to research conducted by Morpace Inc., Facebook would affect their members during the purchases, both online and in real life. More precisely, what is written by users of social networks and on the bulletin board in the pages of official business, would be taken into account by potential buyers.
The study examined a sample of 1,000 people, 63% of those enrolled in the social network. Among these, 68% confessed to be inclined to visit a shop or buy an item recommended by one of those in your contact list.
36% of respondents believe that Facebook is a useful tool for product research, both through the official website of the aforementioned companies by reading the comments shared by users.

Asked about the argument for becoming a fan of companies, 41% replied that it is to show your friends what are the favorite brand or brands and asked them to turn to support them, 37% are interested in receiving instead discount coupons or information about any promotions, while 35% said they were simply seeking information. Finally, 31% want to know more details about the activity of the company and hopes to meet 28% other people with similar interests. Why is it worth
join Facebook? According to 23% of those called into question it is useful to keep track of groups, organizations and businesses, while 10% believed to be the platform on which to seek advice on future purchases.

Source: oneweb2.0


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