Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cities And Knights Unlock


The survey

from the newspaper "laws" of Wednesday, April 28, 2010 (p.9)

The Italians trust the surgeons (8 out of 10) and are satisfied (90%) if they have had personal experience or family . Is not missing some shadows: 57% are concerned that surgeons tend to postpone the operation to protect themselves against the risk of litigation, 49% operate even when there is no need, 46% think that more to protect themselves from the medical-legal risk that the patient's health. Finally, 40% would like a specialist "human" and attentive to the statement. In general, longer fears the 25-and 34-year old home, minus the 35-44 years old, residents in metropolitan areas and in central Italy. ISPO is some data from the survey of 800 Italians, shown in the presentation of the X Conference of Spring "The Italian surgery from the last century to the Future - Science, Law, Responsibility of the Italian Society of Surgery (Catania May 6 to 8).

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