Friday, April 16, 2010

Flavored Pancake Syrups

Cellulite: the beneficial effects of red wine

A study published in "Drug RD" and reported by 'AIIPA Observatory (Italian Association of Food Products - Food Supplements Area) confirms the beneficial effects of supplements of flavonoids, the known antioxidant effects, contained in the extract of red vine leaves.

Cellulite is a very common skin problems affecting approximately 80-90% of the population women. It is a problem that does worry many women who want to look your best bikini to the test.
This imperfection occurs as a result of degeneration due to alterations in the microcirculation hypodermis going to affect its most important metabolic functions: the fat cells increase in size and retain liquids, while the microcirculation, blood and lymphatic circulation, proceeded with difficulty, resulting in a stagnant water in the tissues and a local inflammatory process.

The onset of cellulite is affected by numerous factors, including heredity, but also by hormonal factors, in particular by changes in the levels of ovarian hormones, pituitary and thyroid may undergo during the various stages of a woman's life, like puberty, pregnancy, menopause.
To combat it effectively is of paramount importance to follow a healthy lifestyle and proper, correct wrong habits like smoking, practicing regular physical activity and following a proper diet, low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables from the known antioxidant properties. Help can also come from a supplementation of antioxidants that can help to restore the peripheral microcirculation and obstruct the formation of this unsightly blemish.

* The study analyzed the effects of these substances on the skin microcirculation, on the formation of edema and circumference of the ankles, calves and legs. In particular, 71 subjects (males and females) aged between 32 and 72 years with problems of venous insufficiency and dysfunction of the microcirculation were divided into two groups: one control and one treated with placebo which was administered for 6 weeks a dose of 360 mg / day of extract of red vine leaves.
analysis of the results showed, after 3 weeks, a significant reduction in the circumference of the ankles, calves and legs than the placebo group. After 6 weeks the results were better and had also seen an improvement in skin microcirculation with decreased training skin edema, stasis and water retention.

The researchers concluded that the red vine leaf extract is effective in reducing edema formation and venous porosity, and thus water retention, a major triggering factor of cellulite.

* Klaus U., Kosciently J., Grigorov A, Schaefer E, Peil H. and H. Kiesewetter, "Improvement of Cutaneous Microcirculation and Oxygen Supply in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency by Orally Administered Extract of Red Wine Leaves", Drugs RD, 2004, 5 (2) :63-71

Source and for more information Office Print AIIPA


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