Monday, April 12, 2010

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Arriva Unvarnished, the social network of "professional reputation". But controversy is

Un nuovo social network points to make room in the crowded sea of \u200b\u200bWeb 2.0. This is Unvarnished, a project born from the idea of \u200b\u200bthirty Kazanjy Peter and he is doing much to discuss at the earliest stages of his departure.

To understand why in the U.S. is already discussing with some hype around this project, you should first explain what it is and how it works Unvarnished. Unvarnished is a social network that aims to collect and make available to the community of the actual reviews made by the same members, except that, unlike what happens on hundreds of sites like this, to be reviewed are the professional profiles any person.

Practically everyone accedendo a Unvarnished, può pubblicare un più o meno dettagliato resoconto di quanto fatto o non fatto, professionalmente parlando, da una qualsiasi persona di propria conoscenza, con il rischio che quest’ultima possa essere del tutto all’oscuro delle informazioni e dei giudizi che vengono pubblicati su di sé.

Immediate sono quindi scoppiate le polemiche, con tanti osservatori, blogger ed esperti di Internet che si sono interrogati circa il potenziale e pericoloso impatto che un social network di questo tipo potrebbe avere sulla privacy, tanto che c’è già chi ha bollato il sito come il posto ideale per diffamare qualcuno.

Una posizione che non vede d’accordo, logicamente, neither Peter nor his associates kazanajy Jason Heidema, former manager of eBay, and Dayanov Danis, a former official of the United States. For them, in fact, Unvarnished is simply a site that encourages the exchange of information on job profiles of employees, managers and business partners.

However, although we must recognize that such a database would help not just those who have the difficult task of finding and managing human resources most appropriate for your company, we can not but wonder what would happen if, post a review about a specific person , is a jealous colleague or a person who might find it worthwhile to use, for different reasons, such a tool to defame or bring into bad luce qualcuno.

Il rischio è infatti duplice: da un lato si rischia il proliferare della pubblicazione non autorizzata e coperta dall’anonimato di dettagli sulla vita professionale di chiunque, mentre dall’altro c’è il rischio che le stesse informazioni pubblicate, ancorché dannose per la riservatezza personale, siano del tutto errate e volutamente falsificate per danneggiare qualcuno.

Le polemiche negli USA infuriano e sicuramente si faranno incandescenti quando il sito prenderà ufficialmente il via. Infatti, per adesso Unvarnished è in una fase di beta test privata anche se può contare su migliaia di utenti e diverse centinaia di recensioni, mentre i responsabili hanno già caricato 400.000 professional profiles.

If the project succeeds, and the controversy that arose at this time the media spotlight is almost safe, could become a powerful service and virtually alone can destroy or create brilliant careers, although its sustainability is to be verified given the almost certain litigation which, presumably, there will be by leaps and bounds in the case managers are unable to ensure proper review of what is published by the subscribers.

So the idea is that the new Unvarnished will feel no doubt discuss in the future. For the time being remain the controversy surrounding this project, although it is clear that the impression is that social networks, in this way can take a dangerous path of all the privacy to get to be, if not properly used, means the consequences and repercussions can go beyond what is acceptable for a modern civil society.

Source: OneWeb2.0


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