Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Justerini And Brooks Whisky Labeling Archive

The different techniques of rhinoplasty

La rinoplastica è uno degli interventi di chirurgia plastica più richiesti e praticati in tutto il mondo.

La rinoplastica permette correggere la forma del naso, a partire dalle sue dimensioni totali, fino al profilo, la punta, l'angolo frontale o labiale o le dimensioni delle narici. Oltre a interventi di tipo estetico, la rinoplastica può correggere problemi respiratori agendo sul setto nasale deviato o ridurre i turbinati (strutture ossee preposte all'umidificazione, riscaldamento e depurazione dell'aria respirata). Si può agire su difetti congeniti o post-traumatici.

L'intervento viene effettuato, a seconda della sua complessità, in anestesia generale o locale e il decorso postoperatorio è di 24 ore o meno.

There are various techniques of rhinoplasty:

  • open rhinoplasty:
    more effective because the surgeon cutting the tip of the nose and the back see the fixes that make them. In contrast to the fact that the intervention was longer and leaves a visible external scar
  • closed rhinoplasty:
    With this technique, the incisions are made inside the nose and are given some fractures in the cartilage to reshape
  • Rhinoplasty Non-destructive:
    is similar to but does not provide closed rhinoplasty cartilage fracture, but the remodeling by sutures. It is often used when one wants reshape the tip of the nose. One of the benefits of rhinoplasty is that the non-destructive action is gradual and reversible and its duration is normally more than 10 years.
  • Rinosettoplastica:
    This action corrects the main problem of deviated nasal septum, removing the breathing problems. It is sometimes also associated with an aesthetic correction. To be done after age 18, when the development is expected to be complete.


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