Friday, April 16, 2010

Cervix High Soft Week Before Period

LinkedIn: now localized in Italian photographer

The term social network has now become almost entirely synonymous with reality as Facebook or Twitter, but the view of Web 2.0 is full of other services, perhaps less well known and popular, but equally interesting and able to offer new perspectives for the use of the Net

One of these is undoubtedly LinkedIn platform dedicated to professionals launched in 2003 and still little known in our country, but thanks to the launch of the fully localized version in Italian, seems to have all it takes to expand its range of action on our territory.

From today, all members may give up the English interface, and then directly from the homepage, our language, as already happens for other languages \u200b\u200b(Portuguese, French, German and English).

According to Kevin Eyres, Managing Director of United States in Europe, it is a fundamental step for the growing European social network:

We recently surpassed 15 million users in Europe. Our continued commitment to the location of the community confirms the desire to be closer to users, to help them draw from the great platform for sharing of skills and professional expertise.

evolution that also passes by the integration of service with other platforms and tools, with partnerships such as that that allows you to connect your personal profile page or Twitter with dedicated applications available for download on the BlackBerry and Palm phones.

Here, the data emerging from the usage statistics reported by Xing and about our country:

· Members: nearly 1,000,000;

more connected · City: Milan, Rome, Bologna, Turin, Venice;

· Companies with the largest number of subscribers: Accenture, Telecom Italy,
Studio Tike, Unicredit, IBM;

Institute · more connected school: University of Rome.

Source: OneWeb2.0


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