1-Who is Osho? biography Who is Osho?
Osho (1931-1990)
Osho, also known as Acharya Rajneesh from the sixties onwards, as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in the seventies and eighties ( adopted the name Osho - which means "ocean")
Osho was born in Kuchwada, In Central India, 11 December 1931. From an early age, we are faced with life as a free spirit. Impatient with the rules and regulations imposed, rejects the faith of the family of Jain religion, and always challenge the powers that be and who it represents.
His search for truth reaches its peak at the age of twenty-one, March 21, 1953. That day, living in Osho's being the highest peak of consciousness experienced by humans: the lighting. Described in the East as "the moment when the drop merges into the ocean and the ocean pours into the drop", it is very difficult for us Westerners to understand this phenomenon approach. Osho speaks of himself as an experience "Orgasmic" absolutely inaccessible, by its very nature, the rational mind. The drop that spills into the ocean, and merges with it, becoming the ocean.
Osho, driven to want to invite our fellow human beings that experience of transformation, begins to travel throughout India. At the end of the Fifties arrives to give lectures to audiences even a hundred thousand people.
also ends his studies in 1956, majoring in philosophy, and pursue academic career as professor at the "Sanskrit College, Rajpura first, and then as rector of the chair of philosophy at the University of Jabalpur.
the beginning of the Sixties takes a different job: to help other human beings to live the same esperienza da lui vissuta. E tenta di fare ciò che non può essere fatto, di condividere ciò che non può essere condiviso, di insegnare ciò che non potrà mai, per sua stessa natura, essere insegnato.
Dalle folle che ascoltano le sue conferenze emergono i primi discepoli che, paradossalmente, si uniscono a lui proprio sulla base di questa certezza, cioè che l'illuminazione non può essere comunicata. Il bisogno e l'impegno di questi individui va al di là del semplice ascoltare parole di saggezza e ben oltre le futili controversie che queste possono scatenare; essi vogliono intraprendere una ricerca reale, che li porti a conoscere veramente, senza intermediari.
Per rispondere a questa esigenza, nel 1964 Osho Meditation begins to organize camps in which use of techniques that can help you capture that "silence" in which our true nature is manifested.
aware of the different mental and psycho-physical structure of modern man, Osho has devised over the years, meditation techniques in accordance with the type of "psychological sleep" in which we live today, also making good use of the insights of psychotherapy.
In 1966 he abandoned his university career and at the end of the sixties he moved to Bombay, resulting in an ashram, or spiritual community, which is transferred in Pune (India) 21 March 1974, during the twenty-first anniversary of his enlightenment.
Recognized by those living around him as "Master of Reality", after an intense American experience, which ended tragically with his arrest and poisoning, medical tests discovered only in 1987, returns in that year Osho Ashram in Pune. You create a "laboratory for growth," the impact of which still attracts researchers from all over the world the truth, aware of being immersed in meditation in this habitat that stimulus is essential to shake the inner balance and move the center of dell'autoidentificazione 'be: the sense of separateness that generally distinguishes us, a deep sense of belonging to life.
Osho said that its name comes from "osheanic" coined by British philosopher William James, and he used to describe the experience of "dissolve in the ocean of existence."
"But osheanic only describes the experience," he explained. "What type of person who does the experience of life? To define it we use the term Osho."
"O" means deep respect, love and gratitude, as well as indicating synchronicity and harmony. "Sho" means multi-dimensional expansion of consciousness, and the pouring of life from every direction.
A sound, then, with strong echo in our consciousness, rather than a historical figure ... so Osho wanted to be remembered by those who draw inspiration and nourishment from his vision, expressed in tens of thousands of speeches over the anni e pubblicati in centinaia di volumi.
L'epigrafe che lui stesso ha dettato per il suo samadhi così recita:
"Osho. Mai nato, mai morto, ha solo visitato questo pianeta Terra dall'11 dicembre 1931 al 19 gennaio 1990".
A Puna, in India, la comunità sorta ispirandosi alla sua visione di un Uomo Nuovo è ancora fiorente; in essa ha sede una "Multi università" che offre corsi e programmi di crescita interiore. Ma soprattutto, qui è possibile immergersi in un contesto di salute globale che rende chiaro il senso di un nuovo stile di vita fondato sull'armonia, la pace e la quiete interiore. A migliaia tutti gli anni persone provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, trascorrono in questa dimensione periodi più o meno long, recognizing the importance of an intimate connection with his being to grasp and accept that nothing and emptiness that are the true meaning of life.
From: "Osho. What is meditation" - Oscar Mondadori
FROM 11 TO .12.1931 19.01.1990
they say about him ...
"One of the thousand men who have made our twentieth century."
The Sunday Times - Panorama
"The only prophet who claimed to have life in all its nuances, paying the price because of his honesty, his passion for this. " The Sunday Reading
"Rajneesh Osho continues to inspire the lives of millions of human beings today, who are close to his books feel a deep sense of loss for the fact that no longer exists in physical form, but his spirit is firm and strong, and lives in his words. " The Tribune
"Osho is one of the greatest mystics that India has given birth .... I see it as one of the greatest thinkers and one of the leaders of this era obscure a true Master of Reality ".
Kabir Bedi, actor
"He discusses the thesis, not opposed theories, not debating. He leads, points to a road, letting think, pushes to understand, urges. And 'that is a spiritual leader ...."
Francesco Alberoni, a sociologist
"It' a very intelligent character, certainly with great charm. I find it increasingly difficult to understand how we let you suggest, but before a man like that, I understand that you can.
Enzo Biagi, journalist
"A Master of extraordinary wisdom
Marco Pannella, political
" I was fascinated by reading his books, as everyone who got to know his vision of the world. " Federico
Fellini, director
"If we find a way out of the global crisis we are experiencing, we need to understand what is happening around this Indian guru. We must observe the new roads that arise from his teaching. " Guido
Tassinari, president of the instance. of Humanistic Psychology of Milan
"Osho Rajneesh and only intends to do just that, in my view: rip our disguises, upsetting our delusions, our addictions treatment and demonstrate that it is self-limiting and often tragically insane our take too seriously . His path to ecstasy salt sway through the landscape upside down ego revealing the joke ... How, for example, have realized that the ridiculously high number of Rolls Royce with whom he surrounded himself, was a gigantic pilloried consumerism, why was that? "
Tom Robbins, writer
" Osho Rajneesh has a strong sense, the high life .... a love of life in all its moments, the synthesis of his religious vision is that the existence of God, that life must be lived to its fullest and that this fullness is the sign of the divine. "
Aldo Natale Terrin, theologian, professor at the Catholic University