Friday, February 11, 2011

Cranberry Juicered Stools

Explanation of the ideogram

Spiegazione dell’Ideogramma ReiKi
Qu i a lato potete notare due rappresentazioni
dell’ideogramma ReiKi, una più antica risalente al
periodo storico di Mikao Usui, l’altra più recente.
In ognuno dei due casi non cambia il significato.
Nella grafica Giapponese l’ideogramma è la rappresentazione di un’idea e narra una storia.
Leggendo l’ideogramma si avrà la spiegazione chiara del significato ReiKi.
Passiamo ora all’analisi dettagliata dell’ideogramma Antico, nel suo complesso e in ogni sua singola linea.

In questa prima parte dell’ideogramma viene rappresentata l’energia universale REI: il suo significato simboleggia tutta la creazione e ciò che ci circonda e vive dai piani più materiali e visibili a quelli Energetici, Spirituali e Divini. È la rappresentazione manifesta dell’Energia.

In this second part of the ideogram is represented KI: its meaning is personal energy, self interore, the individual self, that part of us that makes us unique in character, expressing, in our understanding and in all manifestations of life.

brushed The first sign is the energy becomes matter, birth, creation, training of the sky from nowhere, the principle.

The two sections are to mean the energy that accumulates, the clouds that move, change, the chemistry of matter.

This more complex sign with the middle section is the lightning and the four dashes in the rain, the energy which flows to sustain the earth and its creatures.

These three signs are three openings that receive the food and thank the Divine Word who creates everything.

This sign represents the Temple created by men to contemplate its interior space for worship and thank the creator of the gifts bestowed on it.

These signs will be seeking again the idea of \u200b\u200bheaven cloud motion processing, but this time seen from the ground floor which dates back to the sky or the Divine as a reciprocal exchange, awareness of the man who could not exist without the divine and vice versa.

This sign represents a grain of rice that is at the center of our being, and symbolize the divine essence of man her real food, the seed was born thanks to the clouds , rain, the sun's energy, light, and thus nourishes our true essence.


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