Thursday, February 24, 2011

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What is Herbal Medicine

Phytotherapy The word [from the greek phyton (plant) and therapeia (treatment)] is the very first form of medicine used by man.

The therapeutic use of medicinal plants is known and already mentioned in the hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt, in the texts of oriental culture dating back over 5000 years ago, then passed to the Greeks and Romans with an increasing importance in the last century up to today.

Phytotherapy The term therefore includes the treatment and prevention of disease through the administration of drugs to natural resource base.
herbal medicines contain active ingredients derived only from plants or plant association .
Modern herbal medicine is based on the concept of "global therapeutic activity of the plant " that no constituent of the plant can be considered "active" or "inert." The medicinal plant is considered a single body in which each constituent has its own reason for being into the physiology of the plant itself, and exerts a specific function.
Therefore, all constituents of the plant, both with pharmacological activity than those with no pharmacological activity but may alter the absorption of the first to contribute towards the overall therapeutic activity of medicinal plant.

Today, the phytotherapy is considered in all respects as part of conventional medicine.
The man has used since his exit from the caves, that which nature provides. Began using fruits and plants for food, to understand what he needed to eat, what to feel better, which gave him a sense of exhilaration, which caused him discomfort or even death.
treaties of various civilizations in different times are the expression of this complementary medicine. There were kings and emperors that time not interested in medicinal plants. Chinese, Egyptians, Hebrews, Phoenicians, Assyrians.
Among the Latin writers came up to our days Cato speaks of 120 medicinal plants with the De Re Rustica, with Pliny the Elder Historia Natutalis formed by 37 books devoted to the active substances of medicinal plants; Hippocrates ne elencò 200 molto dettagliamente tanto da rimanere testo sino al Medio Evo. I cinesi attribuiscono l’origine della fitoterapia all’imperatore Shen Nung (3.400 a.C.) autore del Pen Tsao Ching in cui sono elencate 237 prescrizioni. Nel 1590 venne pubblicato un grande catalogo di erbe medicinali in 52 volumi in cui sono descritte 1094 piante officinali e ricette per 11.000 preparazioni. Nel 1874, in Egitto, nella valle dei Re, fu trovato il papiro di Ebers risalente al 1.500 a.C. sul quale erano descritte bene 876 ricette erboristiche. La fama degli erboristi egizi rimase intatta per molti secoli. Infatti il fondatore dell’erboristeria occidentale, Pedanio Dioscoride, vissuto nel I secolo ed il grande medico greco Galeno si recarono in Egitto per apprendere the art of healing.
The interest in medicinal herbs, in recent decades, remains unchallenged despite the allopathic medicine, why?
The medical profession and patients are grateful for the enormous mass of current synthetic drugs. The toxic effects of these powerful medicines placed on the market do not meet doctors and patients. Another answer may be that in any way, we found the most important nature. Think of the many variety: Quinine, yet only remedy to treat malaria, curare, one of the most effective aids nell'anestesia contemporary morphine painkiller; la Penicillina.
L’OMS nel 1981 ha definito il termine “pianta officinale”, assegnandola ad ogni vegetale che contenga, in una o più delle sue parti, sostanze che possono essere utilizzate a scopi terapeutici, sotto forma di preparati semplici, oppure, modificate chimicamente, entrare nella composizione di farmaci di sintesi. Con questa definizione si è voluto rivalutare tutta una serie di piante, di norma conosciute, che costituivano, fino a pochi decenni or sono, la base della scienza medica. Senza voler sminuire l’indiscusso valore dei farmaci moderni, l’intervento dell’OMS ha avuto l’intenzione di riassegnare alle piante medicinali le loro indiscusse functions in certain fields of medicine, especially where they require no treatment and mild side effects that certain synthetic chemicals may have.
According to the WHO still two out of three people, all over the world, resorts to Herbal Medicine. A WHO report in 1974 recommended the extension of the use of herbal remedies to people around the world, in order to provide adequate health care.
Following research on the effects and adverse reactions of synthetic chemicals, it was concluded that herbs, as compared to drugs, are more tolerated by the body. The administration of pharmaceutical drugs encompass two effects: one positive and one negative. Must therefore be assessed each time whether the former exceeds the latter. Using herbs you never use a chemical compound.
In recognition of the importance of herbal medicine at several Italian universities have been set up research and specialization courses in herbal medicine, science and technology of medicinal plants.


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