Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Does The Acute Hiv Rash Look Like

Osho speaks dell'illumizaione

Osho parla dell'illuminazione

L’illuminazione è la semplice realizzazione che tutto è come dovrebbe essere.

This is the definition of lighting, everything is as it should be, everything is perfect as is. You have this feeling ... and suddenly you're home. Do not you miss anything, you are a part, an organic part of all so beautiful and extraordinary. You relax into it, you surrender to it. Do not exist separately - all divisions have disappeared.

born of great joy, because when the ego disappears, there are no more worries, the ego disappears when there is distress, when the ego disappears, there's the possibility of death. This is enlightenment, understanding that everything is good, everything is beautiful - and it's great just as it is. Everything is in a unique harmony, agreement.

Osho, Excerpted from: The Fish in the Sea Is Not Thirsty, Chapter 14


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