Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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The law of prayer

The law behind the prayer
of Paramhansa Yogananda, Inner Culture
, 1941
For res posta alle vostre preghiere, dovete pregare con intelligenza, con un’anima ardente, raramente ad alta voce, soprattutto mentalmente, senza spiegare a nessuno cosa stia succedendo dentro di voi. Dovete pregare con estrema devozione, sentendo che Dio ascolta ogni cosa che state affermando mentalmente. Pregate nel cuore della notte, nella solitudine della vostra anima. Pregate finché Dio vi risponda con la chiara voce di un’ardente gioia che vi faccia fremere in ogni cellula del vostro corpo ed in ogni pensiero, o attraverso chiare visioni che vi mostrino cosa dovete fare in certi casi.
La gioia crescente dopo la meditazione è l’unica prova che Dio abbia risposto attraverso la radio sintonizzata sulla devozione del vostro cuore. The longer and more deeply meditate and established, and you will feel more deeply conscious of the joy that constantly increases your heart. Then you will know without any doubt that there is a God and that He has always existed, is all-knowing, everywhere, and is a joy forever new. Then ask, "Father, now, today, all day and for days to come, at every moment, asleep, awake, in my entire life, in death, beyond all, stay with me as Joy of my heart that responds consciously. " The usual method of praying is largely ineffective because we are serious with God He is the secret knowledge of our thoughts; He knows what we have selfish desires in our mind's secret, then does not occur. While the demons of the feelings and thoughts they dance in the temple of the body and mind, it is difficult to acknowledge God, which is hidden behind the veil of silence. The prayers consist of ordinary in directing our desires, half believing, half not, to a God unknown. If prayers are answered, it may follow a superstitious faith in God if they remain without effect, it can follow the distrust.
Prayer must be scientific and effective execution and must clearly show an intelligent understanding of all its factors. All those who want to demonstrate the scientific prayer must first be sure that there is a God to pray for. How can we check? By accepting the testimony of great souls like Jesus, Krishna, Swami Shankara, Babaji and others who said they have found God, he had spoken with him and to have solved the riddle of life after hearing the truth from the sacred lips divine. These saints have said that God obeys the law. They have experienced this obedience and they said that all those that comply with the law can test their skills and experience it for themselves. Physical laws must be interpreted by the physical senses and judged by reason. The divine laws must be understood by the concentration, meditation and intuition. You should not be discouraged because of bad health, poverty or moral weakness. Remember, sin is only a temporary plug in reality you are in eternal Son of God While the world condemns you and chase you away, God is always trying to find you and take you home. Do not you care if you can not see Him or hear Him knocking at the gate of your heart. Remember, you have hidden for a long time to him and you have escaped into the swamp of the senses. Are the noise of your own unruly passions and escape your heavy footsteps in the material world that we have rendered unable to feel his internal appeal. Stop, be quiet, pray with faith and constant out of the silence you will see the Divine Presence. Maybe you have prayed for a healing, and you are well. Do you know if your healing is due to natural causes or medicine or the prayers of your own or someone else looking for help from God? Sometimes there may be a non-random relationship between your prayers and your care. Even if you happen to pray before the inevitable recovery, this does not mean that your prayer has healed you. You could heal even if you had not prayed. This is why we should find if the law of cause and effect can be applied scientifically to prayer.
This raises the question: "Could a God conscious, all-powerful in nature, to submit to be commanded by the law of cause and effect that he himself created?" Why not? The creator of all the laws certainly do not want to break the laws of his own creation. Of course, we must remember that although God may be contacted through the law of cause and effect, has the right answer to a prayer or less mechanical. God is something more than what can be demonstrated in a laboratory. Solitude is the price of the contract divine. Requires knowledge of the laws of radio tuning of the body, mind and soul long to contact God God is above the law, is necessary devotion to bring to your attention. The call of the devotee, if sincere, profound and continuous and is complemented by genuine efforts to deep meditation, will bring the divine response. The application of the devotee is greater than the law, why it touches the heart of God and causes him to respond to their children equally bad as in good ones. The law is based on a mathematical precision, but the devotion is based on the claim God as our one and only love, there has perhaps made in his image? The law is exactly this question, while love causes God to surrender to the devotee. God can never hide the person holding the devotion, love, meditation and the law of attraction with the soul.

not be like the child who stops crying when his mother gives him un giocattolo, ma piangete incessantemente, lacerando il cuore della Madre Divina come un divino discolo, gettando via tutte le lusinghe ed i giocattoli della reputazione, della fama, del potere e del possesso; allora troverete la risposta alle vostre preghiere. Pregate sino a che non siate assolutamente certi del contatto divino, quindi reclamate dall’Altissimo le vostre necessità materiali, mentali e spirituali come vi spetta per diritto di nascita.


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