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Osho speaks of the benefits of meditation vipassana

OSHO talks Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana means "seeing things as they really are." It is a Buddhist meditation technique originated in India more than 2500 years ago. It was created by Buddha to heal human suffering.
and route of transformation based on the observation of their breathing. Without affecting the respiratory rate, leaving it natural as it is, become conscious of breathing. Ensure that consciousness follow each inhalation and exhalation, each pause. This is to make their breathing an object of awareness. Conscious breathing, mental activity slows down. Buddha said: "Follow your breathing and consciously create in you a center of awareness."

Here is how Vipassana is presented beautifully illuminated by the spiritual master Osho.

Vipassana Sit in silence and begin to observe your breath. The observation point at the entrance of the nose is easier. When the breath comes in, avvertine contact at the beginning of the nasal passages: Look at it from that point. The contact will be easier to observe the breath is too subtle to observe the beginning limited contact. The breath comes in and you feel it go: Watch it. Accompany And then, follow it. You'll discover that at some point it stops. He stops somewhere near the navel, for a moment, for a pal, it stops. So, back to the outside: follow him again perceive the contact of the breath coming out of the nose. Follow him, take her out: again come to a point where for a brief moment, breathing stops. And the cycle continues again. Inhale, pause, exhale, pause, inhale, pause. Inside you that pause is the most mysterious phenomenon. When the breath came into you and has stopped, there is no movement: that is the moment where you can meet God Or when you breathe out and then stops, and there is no movement. Remember, you have to stop you: it stops by itself. If you stop voluntarily, you will miss that moment, because he who acts interfere and witnesses disappear. You must not interfere. You must not alter the rate of breathing, you should not either inhale or exhale. It is not like Pranayama yoga, where you take action to control your breathing. It is not the same thing. Does not alter the breath at all, will give way to its natural flow, its naturalness. Followed him when he goes out and followed him when he enters. And soon you will realize the existence of two breaks. In these two breaks is the door. And in those two breaks perverrai understanding, you will see that the breath itself is not life, maybe it's food for life, like other foods, but is not life. Because when you stop breathing you are present, absolutely this: you are very aware, very conscious. And even if breathing has stopped, if the breath is gone, you're still there. Find a comfortable place where to sit for 45-60 minutes. It 'good to sit at the same time and same place every day, but not necessarily in a silent place. Experiment until you find the situation where you feel at ease. You can do one or two sessions a day, but never do a session if it is at least an hour since you ate, and wait at least an hour after the session, before going to sleep. It is important to sit with his head and back straight. The eyes should remain closed and the body must be as still as possible. You can use a car seat for meditation or a chair or pillow placed as you see fit. There is a special breathing technique: is fine the natural breath. Vipassana is based on awareness of breath, so you simply have to observe the inhalation and exhalation anywhere in the body where it can feel more sensation: the height of the nose or the stomach or solar plexus. Vipassana is not a question of concentration and observe your breath for an hour. Emerge when thoughts, emotions or feelings, or when there is awareness in you of a sound, a smell, or the breeze outside, just let your attention follow them. Whatever emerges can be viewed as a cloud in the sky running: you have to attack us, neither you have to refuse. Whenever you can choose what to observe, go back to the awareness of breath. Remember, you should not expect anything special. There is no success nor failure, nor shall there be progress. There is nothing to understand or analyze, but may arise intuitions of any kind. The questions and problems can be seen as mysteries have fun with.


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