Monday, February 7, 2011

Doubling Up On Jasmin


The term oligotherapy , from the greek oligos=poco , indica un metodo terapeutico basato sulla somministrazione di oligoelementi a dosi deboli, dell'ordine del milionesimo di grammo.
In senso più ampio, l'oligoterapia utilizza anche elementi minerali che non sono propriamente oligoelementi, ma che appartengono al gruppo degli elementi plastici (Zolfo, Fosforo) o degli elementi maggiori (Magnesio, Potassio).
Esistono 2 indirizzi in oligoterapia: catalitico e nutrizionale .

Fin dai tempi più remoti e presso tutte le civiltà, vengono intuite le beneficial or toxic properties of mineral elements. Among the Chaldeans , about 6,000 years before Christ, and introduced the use of lead copper bracelets on your wrist, to prevent infections and fight rheumatism.
In the Old Testament the Lord gives the command to Moses: "To those purifications do a bath of copper with copper stand and filled it with water. Aaron and his sons will use this water to wash their hands and feet. So do not die. They should wash their hands and feet to stay alive. This requirement has absolute ritual for him and all his descendants. " (Exodus 30, 18-21)
ancient are understood the anti-infective properties of magnesium, Gold antidepressant.

intuition After the end of '800, the work of Gabriel Bertrand, the essential role played by trace elements as catalysts of chemical reactions in plant and animal biology, French physician Jacques Menetrier, in the '30s introduces the systematic use of trace elements in therapy, defining the ' oligotherapy catalytic. elective indication for treatment with trace elements are functional disorders, non-lesional. For this reason we introduce the term to indicate Functional Medicine the clinical and therapeutic method for the study and treatment of these disorders.
In the following decades, the science has contributed to the birth of a second address oligotherapy, called "nutritional " based on the identification of the role of trace elements, the determination of their needs, highlighting the shortcomings of or excesses and their possible nutritional supplements.

The Catalytic oligotherapy is the first address oligotherapy introduced in the '30s. According to this address modern conditions of life, pollution, food, air and medicated, diseases, blocking phenomena involving the trace elements present in the body with partial or total inactivation of the enzyme, which they presided. This phenomenon is known as chelation . The pathological manifestations of disease arising from these blocks.

The oligotherapy Nutrition is the second form of systematic use of mineral elements. It is developed in the '60s thanks to the remarkable progress of Food Science for determining the role of various trace elements and their needs.
The identification of a deficiency in essential trace elements, involves correction, attuata mediante opportuna integrazione.
Più recentemente si è sviluppata la Medicina Ortomolecolare e la Nutriterapia . Oggetto di studio di tali discipline è lo studio del ruolo dei micronutrienti essenziali (oligoelementi, vitamine, aminoacidi ed acidi grassi essenziali) e la loro somministrazione in condizioni di carenza. 

Qual'è la differenza tra l'oligoterapia catalitica e nutrizionale?   
L'oligoterapia catalitica si basa sull'impiego di oligoelementi come bio-catalizzatori nel trattamento of functional disorders and the pattern of interpretation of the 4 models reactive general or diathesis. From a quantitative point of view the optimal activity of trace elements is performed for a contribution of the order of a millionth of a gram .
The oligotherapy nutritional highlights the role of the chemical elements of which defines the requirements. It is based on ' supplementation of these trace elements in situations of shortage or increased demand. The recommended intake is extremely variable for individual items and for the same item in different conditions. In general, it is expressed in fractions of mg or mg.

Gli elementi chimici presenti nel corpo umano vengono classificati in 3 gruppi: elementi plastici, elementi minerali e oligoelementi .

1. Elementi plastici o strutturali.
Sono gli elementi che compongono la massa del materiale organico. Il gruppo comprende Carbonio, Ossigeno, Azoto e Idrogeno. Il Fosforo è presente negli acidi nucleici e lo Zolfo è componente costante delle proteine.

2. Mineral elements.
In the human body are in the form of electrolytes, oxides and minerals. The group includes sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium. The plastic elements and minerals, are alone 99% of all chemical elements of the human body.

3. Trace elements or trace-elements.
They form the largest group of elements necessary for life. They are present in the human body at a concentration of less than 0.01%. The trace elements make up about 1% of the atoms in the body. The most abundant are: iron, fluoride, silicon, zinc and copper. Most of them have a concentration of less than 10mg, such as manganese, selenium, chromium, lithium, iodine, molybdenum, cobalt, vanadium ... Because of their low concentration of these elements are called "ultra-trace elements."

Essentials: what they are.
each element is considered essential mineral whose deficiency results in the alteration of one or more functions, which can be corrected by an adequate intake of the element itself. The mineral elements play essential, therefore, a role physiologically important in the chemistry of living, to the point that an organism can not grow or complete its life cycle without them.
The essential elements are present in all normal tissues, play a role that can not be replaced by anyone else and have a relatively constant concentration, which requires a continuous homeostatic control type.
Among the 15 trace elements are considered essential . Of these four metals are : Fluorine, Iodine, Selenium and Silicon. The other 11 belong to the group of transition metals : Chromium, Cobalt, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Copper, Tin, Vanadium, Zinc.
There are some trace elements which, although not considered essential, can play a therapeutic activity: Aluminium, Silver, Gold, Bismuth, Germanium.

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