Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Medal Of Honor Mac No Cd

Osho speaks dell'AUM

Aum: a panacea
Apathy is one of the biggest obstacles, but disappears chanting Aum. It creates de ntro you the Shivalinga, the ring-shaped egg energy. And, when your perception is refined, you can even see it. If you can chant Aum for some months, with eyes closed, meditating, you can see inside you that your body has disappeared: there will only a bio-energy, an electrical phenomenon, whose form is that of the Shivalinga.
When this happens, the apathy disappears. At that point, you'll find at a high energy level, you can move mountains, you will feel that talking is not enough: we must do something. And the energy level is so high that at that precise moment can do something. A man
hesitant, indecisive, uncertain, is in a state of sanshaya: doubts. It is a state as opposed to the trust, since trust is always directed toward someone. This is a matter of confidence in yourself, you do not trust yourself, this is the difference. So whatever you face, you're undecided: do not know if you want it or not, if it is good or not. If you have an indecisive mind, you can not get on the path, not on the path of Patanjali. You have to be decided, determined! You decide! It is difficult, as a part of you always say no, but in this case, how can you make a decision? Think about it as much as you can, take as long as you want, think about all the possibilities ... and then decide! And when you've decided, let it go any further questions.
Before that time, use your question: do everything you can do, think of all possibilities, then decide. Of course, you will not a decision value: the beginning is not possible that it is. It will be a decision of the majority: the majority of your mind says yes. But when you've decided, no doubt more. Doubt in your mind will be born, but you just say "I have decided! Enough! This is not a full decision, not all questions were resolved, but I did everything I could ... I have valued and considered thoroughly, as I could, and now I have chosen! "
Once you make a choice, not allow more doubt to throw it all away do not give them your support more, as it exists thanks to your support: you can continue to give you energy, and return to rethink always to your choice. In this case, it creates a subtle hesitation: this indecision is a very unpleasant state of things - you're in a bad state. If you can not decide anything, what will you do? How do you act? But how will
Aum - the sound, and meditation on it - to help you with? It helps because when you become silent, you are at peace, serene, it becomes easy to decide. In this case, you're not a crowd, you're not a mess now you speak in many voices, all together, and you no longer know what is yours. The Aum, singing, and meditate on, silenced all those voices. Now you can see the myriad of voices that are not yours: I am your father, your mother, your brothers, teachers, who speak with voices that do not belong to you ... you can easily remove the, as they are not worthy of any attention. When you become silent, thanks to dell'Aum hand, you feel at home: you are calm, serene, peaceful, harvest. In this meditation, you can see what your real voice - one that stands by you - your authentic voice.
careful. How can the Aum help you be aware of? It will drop your hypnosis. In fact, if you limit yourself to chant Aum without being in meditation, hypnosis will in turn: this is the difference between the common chant of a mantra and the method of Patanjali. Chant the mantra, but remains conscious.
If you can sing the Aum and stay conscious, these two things will become a force deipnotizzante: destroy all hypnosis that exists around you, which was created in you by society, by manipulators more different from the politicians. There will be a deipnotizzazione.
Once in America, someone asked Vivekananda: "What is the difference between hypnosis and your common chant Aum?"
He said: "The song is a dell'Aum deipnosi: it is a move the wheel to 'back. "
The process seems to be the same, but the wheel rotates backwards. And how is it possible? If, at the same time, meditate, then, over time, become so silent and so aware, so careful that no one can hypnotize you. At that point, you will be taking over the possibility of priests and politicians: your guards! Then, for the first time, you will be an individual, and become very careful ... you will move carefully, do every step with extreme caution, because you'll be surrounded by millions of traps.
how it can help the Aum chanting and meditating on it?
Help! It is a help because when you start to sing the Aum for the first time, observing and meditating, you feel that that is the first effort in your life that gratifies you: you feel so happy, in that sing, you feel so Blessed, who seems to be the first effort with success. At that point, occurs during a new enthusiasm: the dust is raised achievement ... a new courage, a new familiarity with yourself. Now, you think you can do something yourself, you too can achieve something. Not everything is a failure.
How come you feel so sensual and sexual? Why build energy, energy not used, and you do not know what to do. It is natural that accumulate in the first center, the sexual one. You do not know the other chakras, or even know how to raise it up.
energy needs to rise up. You must become a transformer through you, nature has become 'supernatural'; only in this case there is a meaning, a meaning. Through you, the matter should become the mind, the mind must be 'above'. Through you, nature has to reach the supernatural: what is to become less than the essence. Only in this case, there is a meaning is a sense. In this case, your life has a profound sense, very deep. Then you are no longer 'worthy': you are no longer 'mud', you're a god! When you're high, through you, to the supernatural nature, becomes a god. Patanjali is a god ... become a Master of Masters. How you can help
Aum? How you can help sull'Aum meditation? When you begin to meditate sull'Aum, other centers are beginning to come into operation.
When the energy flows within you to become a circuit. At this point, the center of the sex is not the only center in operation. Your whole body becomes a circle from the center of sexual energy up to second, third, fourth, fifth, seventh to the center, then back down to the sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second, first: it becomes an inner circle, and spread to other centers.
The energy rises up, simply because it has accumulated. The energy level rises, as happens in a dam: the river continues bring water, and the dam does not allow its release. The water level rises, and the other centers, the other chakras in the body, begin to open, because, when the energy flows, become dynamic forces, generator ... engage.
Patanjali says that each illusion will vanish if the Aum songs in full consciousness. How does it happen? The illusion is a dream state, where you get lost. You are no longer present: it remains only a dream. Sull'Aum If you meditate, you create the sound dell'Aum, and at the same time you are a witness are present! Your presence can not let that happen any dream whenever you are present, dreams do not exist. When there is the dream, you're not there: you can not coexist. If you are present, the dream disappears. Conversely, you disappear you! Together, together, can not exist: the dream and consciousness can never meet. For this reason, it being simply a witness to the sound dell'Aum, the illusion disappears! Even
impotence is present, you feel all the time. You have the feeling that they can not do anything to be useless, worthless ... maybe pretend to be somebody, but that your own fiction shows that, deep down, that they are not anyone. Maybe you can pretend to be extremely powerful, but the fiction is just a way to hide. When aumkar
psalmody, Aum, for the first time, you feel no longer an island. Be a part of the universal sound. For the first time, you feel powerful, but now this power does not need any more violence, no longer needs to be aggressive. In fact, a powerful man is never aggressive only powerless people become aggressive, to prove something to themselves ... we are powerful!
start to do something, then you stop - start and stop - back to start and then you stop. With this instability, you can not do anything. You have to persevere, you have to keep digging the same spot without stopping. In fact, if you stop your effort, your mind is such that within a few days, you will start again, the ABC. Roll up and unwind for a few days ... do something, then leave ... and come to your first day ... catapulted back shares of the ABC. In this way, you can do so much without achieving anything. The Aum will give you a taste.
Patanjali says that by Aum, for the first time, enjoy what fall into the universal: the taste will become your happiness, and any instability will disappear. That's why the song says dell'Aum, being united witness, leading to the fall of all the obstacles.
Anguish, despair, instability and irregular breathing are symptoms of a confused mind.
These are the symptoms. Anxiety: anxiety prey always, always dissociated, a mind always anxious, always sad, desperate, and the thin body trembled ... because when the body's energy does not flow in a circuit, there are subtle tremor, a tremor, fear and irregular breathing. In this case, the breath can not have a rhythm can not be a song, can not be harmonious.
These are symptoms of a confused mind, in contrast, you have symptoms of a mind-centered: the song you will center dell'Aum. Your breathing becomes rhythmic. The tremors of the body disappear, you will not be nervous ... the sadness will be replaced a feeling of happiness, joy, a bliss that will pervade the thin face, for no reason. Are you happy: simply being here makes you happy, and the simple breathing makes you happy. Do not ask for much, and instead there will be anguish bliss.
Symptoms of a confused mind can be eliminated, meditating on a single principle. That one principle is Pranava-Aum: the universal sound.
Adapted from Yoga: The Science and the soul. ECIG


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