Saturday, February 12, 2011

What Is The Story Behind The Cape Cod

meditation can be an effective tool for the treatment and care of our physical and psychological ailments?

Numerous scientific studies confirm this hypothesis: here are the findings from specific research on this matter.

benefits for the body

The regular practice of meditation leads to significant reduction of symptoms of various diseases. Meditation is in fact able to significantly reduce stress levels, blood pressure and disturbances caused by cardiovascular disease. Some studies show that the skin lesions typical of people with psoriasis heal much faster if the patient regularly practice meditation.
The assumption behind this is that our mind is able to positively influence, speeding, the healing process of our body.
Other beneficial effects of meditation on the body include the reduction of cholesterol levels, better sleep quality (by slowing heart rate), a more efficient supply of air into the lungs and a significant slowing of the aging process.
But meditation can not only help us to heal our body, it can also be a valuable ally in our minds.

Benefits for the mind

Research has shown that even a short session of just ten minutes of meditation is able to positively affect our mental health. Under these conditions, in fact, there is a rapid increase in alpha waves (typically issued by our brain in terms of relaxation) and a drastic reduction in the levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms.
course a positive long-term is associated with a certain consistency in the practice of meditation can provide continuity to its beneficial effects.
What is certain is that meditation is one of the most effective tools at our disposal: we can feel happier, younger e vitali; migliora la nostra stabilitĂ  emotiva e riduce la nostra irritabilitĂ , alimentando una decisa sensazione di pace e benessere e predisponendoci nel migliore dei modi per affrontare le sfide quotidiane.

Prova allora a dedicare alla meditazione una piccola parte del tuo tempo ogni giorno, rimarrai sorpreso dai benefici psicologici e fisici che ne ricaverai!

"La cura di una parte non può essere scissa dalla cura del tutto. Non si dovrebbe cercare di guarire il corpo senza la cura dell’anima" - Platone


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